Friday, March 27, 2015

Baby #3: 22 weeks - Hi. My name is Margaret.....

I am super busy at work and home!
My husband let the trash can overflow again, even though he was the last one to shove something into it....or set something on top of it. Doesn't he know it only takes 30 seconds to set outside?! 
I am pregnant....again. 
I'm gaining weight. 
My 3 year old is acting 3 again.
My 1 yr old is unpredictable at night....and during the day. 
I don't have enough money to buy everything that I want, RIGHT NOW. 
I'm tired.
I have to do everything by myself at night.
I never have any alone time.
My hair is way curlier than I want it to be.

Hi. My name is Margaret. And I'm a complainer.

*Everyone in unison*  

"Hi Margaret."

Omg. I want to punch myself in the face.

Let me address the above:
I am a pregnant mom of 2 children ages 3 and under, with a social life and a full time job. If I were not busy, it'd be because I was forgetting something.
I married a man.
I'm pregnant - FOR THE 3rd TIME. This is AMAZING. Not terrible.
I'm pregnant - FOR THE 3rd TIME. 
She's 3.
She's 1.
I'm a brat.
I'm pregnant - FOR THE 3rd TIME!
I have a hardworking husband.
I'm pregnant - FOR THE 3rd TIME!!
Seriously, shut up.

I complain a lot ya'll. And to be honest, I don't have a lot to complain about.

I mean, let's face it, we can ALL find SOMETHING to complain about. But I am realizing, I don't want to be that person. And for the record, I don't feel like venting to your girlfriends on the reg groups you into the "complainer" category, although I feel like I prob "vent" more often than I should too.....

Let's look at the facts. I am a healthy 30-something, with a blossoming career where I get to work close to my house, with a boss who genuinely understands that I WILL be out with sick children, and that it will not always be when it's "convenient" for anyone, also where I enjoy pretty stellar benefits and have been allowed to be able to choose between working or staying home, as opposed to my salary making the decision for me. I have a husband, whom I fell in love with the moment we first talked, who has never ONCE given me any indication that he was/would be anything but faithful to me and our marriage, who works hard and supports our family but who also finds time to spend with me and creates special moments to bond with our children - whom he helped me make. I have TWO absolutely BEAUTIFUL little girls who are healthy, and always have been, and smart.....and HILARIOUS. Any hard times I have had as a parent have been generally due to developmental markers that people have written books about (terrible twos, bedtime shenanigans, potty training, sleep training, paci, etc....) and outside of that, I don't have a fear of taking them in public due to outbursts (not that it never happens, but thankfully it's not something I can count on) or blatant disregard for my instruction. I have my ENTIRE family living in the metroplex and actively engaging with both Dan and I and our children on a regular basis....just because they want to. I have two sets of Grandparents within 10 miles of my house willing to watch our children at almost any given time, and one set who keeps them over night almost weekly. I have the support of amazing girlfriends who I can say I have had relationships with for at least a decade in most cases. All of whom would drop anything they were doing at a moments notice if anyone in my family needed help. 

I'm 22w5d pregnant, and for the record, I feel great. I'm happy and am realizing that despite my tendencies, I really have no reason to complain. I've put on around 10 lbs which according to everything I've read is normal (despite my own body image issues). I finally gave in this morning and have officially made my conversion to maternity jeans. I will likely still have moments of delirium where I try to convince myself I can squeeze into my pre-pregnancy pants, but I'm trying to be real here.....that biz is just not OK anymore. I am still working out 6-7 times a week, cooking at home a lot (or should I say, eating what Dan cooks a lot), enjoying time with the girls and trying to get in more time with the hubs. Life is good.

I have been feeling baby boy move around a lot more lately. Mia even felt him the other morning. She was amazed. It's so cool that she is so aware of what's going on this time around. I have a feeling she's going to be a huge asset come July. 

My next appointment is at 24 weeks, and the weekend following that, we will be making our first trip as a family of San Antonio!! We are so excited. I'm sure it will be chaotic getting packed up and out of town, but I'm really looking forward to our weekend together. 

Here is another fab pic of me at 22w4d just post workout, which I wish could explain my hair and face, but honestly I looked not much better before ;) - and Mia brushing her teeth. We take dental health very seriously in our house ;)

And just for grins....this is me at 22w with Bella. I mean, I'm not being self deprecating, but I am very much larger this time than I was last. At least in my stomach....

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