Thursday, April 9, 2015

Baby #3: 24 weeks - my "good mom" day

I'm here. 24 weeks preggo. Just a month from my third trimester. Things in my house have been going well lately......all that really means is that both of my kids are sleeping. The rest is just details ;) It took 16 1/2 months, but Bella is now sleeping soundly through the night. She goes down about 7 (sometimes earlier, NEVER later - unless she's at Grammy's house.....and I don't care what time she goes to sleep over there) and I am now having to wake her up in the mornings around 6:45. On the weekends, she sometimes sleeps past 7, although it's rare. Who cares though! 12 hrs of uninterrupted sleep?!?! I'll take it! Lord knows I've earned it. Mia is now sparing us her middle of the night "I'm scared of my room" antics as well. It really does make a world of difference. I'm really glad both of my kids decided to award me with sleep just a few months before I get to play in zombie land all over again. I can't decide if they are doing me some big favor or just messing with me...

Let's get to it though. I realize this should be an update on our boy, but I have to share with you about my "good mom" day. It's sort of like a "good hair" day. It only happens every once in a while and you couldn't possibly recreate it even if you wanted to.

Ironically, my GM day fell on Good Friday. Totally appropriate. I didn't realize it until last Monday, but my girls' school was closed on Friday - Good Friday. While I was thrilled that the school was closed for religious reasons, I had not prepared to take a day off (especially since I have 2 days off coming up this week and next for our family vacay). But, what can ya do? I depend on daycare to watch my littles, so when they are closed, I have no choice but to stay home. And don't get me wrong.....I'm not complaining about getting to spend an extra day with my two favorite girls without having the reason be due to illness! So I took the day off and began planning in my mind our "perfect" day. Here's the thing....I'm a working mom. I'm not the only one and I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone this, but since I don't get to see my kids all day every day, I try to make the most of the "extra" days I do get to spend with them. As a SAHM, there is no doubt I would try to make days special in one way or another, but you'll see when I describe our Friday that there is no way I'd be able to keep up this momentum for any length of time....

First of all, I didn't tell the girls any of our plans (not that Bella would have cared one way or another), but with our track record of getting sick on holidays, I didn't want to risk any let downs should one of them run a fever or get a cold Thursday night (which would be right on par with any other day I've taken time off). So Friday morning when I woke up (without my alarm - because who needs that biz on your day off??), I poured myself a cup of Joe and sat in my bed for a minute.....because I didn't have to be anywhere. ANYWHERE. Once the kids woke up, we made smoothies....a Jones Family favorite.

Then they helped me strip the beds and straighten up around the house. I use the word "help" loosely. They mostly played in the closet with toys that I had set aside for Baby Boy once he's "toy ready".

We had already talked about meeting Daddy for lunch, but since it was only 8, I figured we had some time to kill. I made a last minute decision to take my kids to see the (super creepy and overpriced) Easter Bunny! I knew it was risky going the Friday before Easter, but I figured, we had no where to be so why not give it a whirl. I got the kids and myself dressed, did their hair (this is a special occasion deal and "doing their hair" really just means putting a headband on Mia and fastening a little bow to a teensy ponytail on the tiptop of Bella's head). We loaded up and headed out. All smiles :)

On our way to the mall, I stopped at Starbucks for a skinny vanilla latte and some pumpkin bread which thankfully neither of my kids were into. This was like the 3rd "win" of the day for me, and it was only shortly after 9. We pulled into the mall parking lot and I assumed we'd have to wait at least 30 minutes before they started shooting pics (they didn't "open" until 10). To my surprise, they were already in action and there were only 3 people ahead of us! Win #4. The kids played around in the Easter area while we waited and then when it was our turn....neither kid lost their sh*t like I 100% expected them to do. Win. Number. 5. I paid my 1 million dollars for the mediocre quality (but honestly super cute) picture and we headed out to meet Daddy.
Mia always wants to ride the elevator up and down before we leave....of course I obliged ;)

Lunch is sometimes tricky with two nappers. Bella is usually rapidly approaching "don't bring this baby in public" time around it was risky for sure. But I knew she'd fall asleep on the way to his work (which she did) so I thought maybe the 15 minute cat nap would take the edge off (which it did). We got to Dan's work and I took the girls up to meet some of his co-workers, then we headed to lunch as a family. I don't have to tell any mom how touch and go eating out is. Much less around nap time. But hey, I was on a winning streak, and I'm not a gambler who walks away from the table with money still in my pockets ;) To our surprise, the kids did AWESOME at lunch. We got pizza (trick #1 is don't get fancy - feed them something you KNOW they'll eat - even if that means ice cream and butter - in that order). They ate, and we squeaked out of the restaurant just before Bella fell completely apart. At this point, I've lost count of the wins. Surely we are in the double digits now....

We made it home, both kids fast asleep - of course. So now I have to make a I sit in the car for an appropriate "nap" amount of time? Or do I risk both kids waking while I attempt to transplant them into their beds? I took a chance. Got both kids to their beds and after just a short period of screaming from Bella, they were out.

I finished some laundry and worked out and once the kids woke up, I was ready for part 2 of our Day 'O Fun :) We went to a magical place called "Play Street Museum". It's in Frisco and it's like a little town that is the perfect size for kids. It is in an enclosed space so you feel comfortable not having to be on top of your kids, and there is PLENTY to keep them busy - just see the pics below! They had a blast!!
she was obsessed with this baby doll and trying to feed it :)

What made this place even better?? It's RIGHT NEXT TO a frozen yogurt shop! I mean, I seriously knocked it out of the park. Today just won at everything. I even got home and cleaned the upstairs of my house and the was an unusually awesome Friday.

The rest of the weekend was spent running errands and doing yard work. These both used to be things Dan and I would take turns doing without the kids, now we make sure they're involved. We are really trying to make the most of the time we have together and with both of us working full time, that means we have to squeeze everything in to 2 days.....we would hate to waste those days away from the kids....even if (and most of the time it is) it is easier to go solo. 

Sunday was Easter and we went to church as a family (something that we don't do regularly - unfortunately). We had brunch and an Easter egg hunt at my mom's afterwards and the kids had a great time. We all napped when we got home and then did our usual prep for Monday. 

this was the only "family" pic I managed to get on Easter....sad. But so goes life....

As far as how I am feeling, well I still can't complain. I'm almost 25 weeks pregnant and I just now started feeling my body telling me I need to slow down some. I have been running and working out as I would before. Well technically, I haven't worked out this much since before I got married. So I supposed the extra weight/girth is finally starting to take it's toll. My back is hurting pretty bad if I do too much - and I definitely know what "too much" is when I'm doing it. I am struggling a little bit with the new limitations my body has put on me, but trying to remember that it's for  the better that I go a little easy....afterall, I'm not the only one occupying my skin at the moment ;) Baby boy seems to be doing just fine. He is moving and kicking constantly and I am definitely feeling all of his activity! My 24 week appt was Monday and I am measuring right on. So I guess we are still in this for another 3 1/2 mo. At this point....I'm good with that. LOTS to do before he gets here and we literally haven't even started ANYTHING. I may have started getting a little antsy about that this week.....but I've decided we're going to get our family trip behind us before I start working on his nursery. 


This weekend we are off to San Antonio! We have a big weekend planned with trips to the zoo and Sea World on the agenda! And of's supposed to rain.....ALL. Weekend. It's a good thing none of us will melt ;) I picked up some rain slickers and we are headin' out bright and early tomorrow! Wish us luck and i'm sure I'll have plenty to share next week when we get back!

Until then.....

as Bella always says.....

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like an AWESOME day!!! That Play Street is THE best place ever. B played for over 2 hours. Waiting for Maddox to get a little older so I don't have to cage him in somewhere. I feel like I have to get out of the house every day for my sanity. :)
