Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Baby #3: Week 21 - for the love of cereal....pick a name already!

21 weeks and a few days today. Nothing new to report. I am tired this week....must be all the empowerment I've been feeling lately catching up with me. I am happy to say I wrapped up week 1 of Focus T25 and started week 2 on Monday. I should note that this is further than I got the first time I started this program at 6 mo pp. I guess that means things in my house have finally calmed down.

Aside from being a little more tired I really feel no different. No more pregnant than last week....although when I look in the mirror, my reflection tells a different story.
This is a terrible picture, and I almost waited to take another one tonight but then I figured - what the hay....this is REAL ya'll. I needed 4 seconds to focus the camera and snap a pic, and in that 4 seconds, Mia NEEDS to see my pictures on my phone. RIGHT NOW. So, here's me - 21w2d and Mia very much 3 yrs old :) Bella (not shown) is busy pulling everything out from under my sink. Just good clean fun on any given evening at the Jones house.

What is new this week/month is my obsession.....let's talk for a minute about cereal. Raisin Bran, any kind of granola......who invented this crazy wonderful stuff??! Is it breakfast? Is it a snack? Is it the perfect dessert? YES! It's all of those.....and so much more. Remember a month ago when I could not stop thinking about donuts? Well I'm not sure what shifted in the universe.....but donuts have nothing on a big bowl of raisin bran with soy milk. I blame El Nino. Also mustard. I don't blame mustard, but I can't get enough of it....who knew it was the condiment that goes with EVERYTHING?? Another one of my favs at the moment....but it pales in comparison to cereal.

I digress....

In case you were wondering, we still don't have a name picked out. We don't even really have a list. We have intermittent discussions which often include the same names, but in one discussion a name can be agreed on and and in the very next, it will be marked off the list. This is weird for us, ya'll. It's weird. It's not the Jones way of doing things. We had a names picked at 14 wks with both of our previous kids....yes, that's weird for everyone else, but for us, it's normal. Boy names are HARD. And let's just talk for a minute about how when you have multiple children, there are more things to consider when choosing a name....Baby #1 sets the tone. We named our first child Amelia. We call her Mia. That was decided BEFORE she got here. We named our second child Arabella. We call her Bella. That was decided BEFORE she got here. So, both of our kids have A names, that are long, with nicknames. Their first names are more traditional, grown up. Their nicknames are short and cute and very much age appropriate. So in following suit we had a perfect A name picked out for what we knew was going to be a baby girl.'s not a girl. And we don't have a cute boy name picked out. And does the boy's name have to start with A? Does it have to be long? Does it need a nickname (depends who you ask)? H-A-R-D. Not to mention that I will totally think I am sold on a name, then I wake up the next day....and I hate it. What is wrong with me?! So yea. No name. No prospective name. I just expect to hear a name and have the Ah-Ha! that unreasonable? I did with both of our girls. I love their names. And now here I am with 19 more weeks left....plenty of time to find the perfect name.....having dreams that we are sitting in the delivery room with name books totally frustrated with each other because we can't agree!

*deep breath in*

*deep breath out*

And can I be honest here?? Another reason names are hard is because I still have 19 weeks to hear everyone's opinion about what we choose. That was never hard for me with girls, but has been overwhelming with the hunt for boy names. Here I go, being a female....brace yourself....

I think Dan and I should choose the name. We discuss, we arrive at what we consider suitable possibilities, then I run it by people (the people close to me are not generally the culprits and it is my mistake for sharing too much with people not "close" to me), and they - to my surprise - express their true and honest opinions EVEN IF THEY DON'T LIKE THE NAME! WHA?!?!?? Again, it's my fault. If I like a name then it really shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks, right? Right. Well, I'm pregnant and have these things called "hormones" that make me think and feel crazy things. And my feelings get hurt. Even if I tell myself they wont.

But here's the other thing.....if someone's opinion could sway how I feel about a name I thought was a possibility, do I really like the name that much?!? Yea, I don't know. My answer so far has been 'no'. So, even with 19 weeks left as much as I want to stop calling this baby "Baby Boy", I am kinda OK not knowing the name myself. Because then when people ask "Do you have a name picked out?" I can answer honestly and say "no." And walk away with my feelings in tact.

The truth is, we have plenty of time. And I'm sure when we announce to the world what our son's name is upon his arrival, everyone will ooooh and aaaaah, and not because they like it or it because it would be their choice, but because it will be his name. And they will love him. And to be honest, we will love it, because it's his name and because we love him. And that's what matters, right?

But about that cereal.....

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