Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Baby #3: 27 weeks - Let's talk about this baby....

Today I'm 27w2d pregnant. Last week we FINALLY made some decisions about the nursery for baby boy. I think I've said it before....but this is W-E-I-R-D for us. Ususally, going into the third trimester, furniture and bedding is bought and room is baby-ready, sitting like a shrine to the new family member for months. Obviously, this is not the case.

Initially when we found out we were having another, I had the BRILLIANT idea of putting the girls both in Mia's room and then putting baby3 in Bella's room (these two rooms share a bathroom and would leave us a guest room (already furnished with most comfortable bed ever created) for....you know....guests. Also for mommy's when daddy's snore too loud. And for daddy's when babies cry too many nights in a row, or they are sick and don't want to take mommy down with the ship. Regardless, it's a room THAT WE USE very regularly, despite our lack of frequent "guests". When I was 5 weeks pregnant, this plan was flawless. Nevermind that Bella wasn't sleeping through the night and Mia was sleeping in our bed. I knew for sure that they would both be sleeping in their rooms and would easily transition to sleeping together. I mean, how fun would nightly sister sleep-overs be?!? (*said the woman who never had a "sister sleepover"* - not projecting at all ;)) Well here we are, 22 weeks later. 6 months post *brilliant* idea.

Let me give you a little glimpse into my daughters' nightly routines.....

Bella, now sleeping through the night, goes into her room with me around 6:45. We sit in her rocker and we read a series of books (generally the same ones). Once we are through the books, we rock for another minute and then I stand up, lay her down in her crib, cover her up, turn on her sleep sheep, say "Love you, Boo." and walk out. End of story. I don't generally hear from her again until 6:30 the next morning.

We go into Mia's room at 8PM. Mia picks out a book from her collection (there are usually 3 she picks from despite having over 20 to choose from). She collects (loudly) her 18 animals from her couch, and arranges them in her bed. She then forms the 4 blankets she sleeps with into her "house".....not to be touched by the likes of me - God forbid. We eventually sit next to each other on the bed and by her lamp light, we read a book (really it's just a story from a big book). Once I'm done reading, she "reads" me the same story. Or she turns the same pages and tells me that it's "Fiddle-I-Fee" (which I can only assume they read her at school since she has it memorized and I've never heard of it). Once she's done, I put the book away and lay with her for a few minutes, during which time she proceeds to ask me 1 million questions about 1 million different topics - none of which bear any sort of resemblance to anything that was done that day. After the Q&A portion of the evening, I tell her I am going downstairs and she, without missing a beat, asks "can I play in my bed for a little bit?" to which I answer "Yes, but what can you not do?", and she replies "not get out of my bed". I go downstairs and she plays (LOUDLY) for close to an hour some nights. There are nights when she changes pj's up to 3 times before she goes to sleep and often times, the animals she carefully selected, are back on the couch in the morning, with only a select few left in her bed.

Yea, I don't see anything wrong with throwing Balky and Larry into a room together, do you? (please tell me you got my "Perfect Strangers" reference....anyone?)

So one night as my skin started to get itchy thinking about the fact that we had literally done NOTHING to prepare for this baby. At this point, we had been waiting for things to settle with the girls before we jammed them in a room together. Well things settled, we were both sleeping - a lot - and I just ba-roke down. I told Dan that I just couldn't do it. I liked sleep TOO much *tears in my eyes* to risk it by throwing those two in a room together. He agreed wholeheartedly. We REALLY like sleep in our house. And we haven't gotten much in the last 18 months. It was really a no brainer.

So, at least that decision was made. Onto the next. We decided that instead of buying baby boy new furniture, we would give him Bella's antique gray furniture and buy her something white - which will honestly look way better in her room than her current furniture. We found a beautiful set and got it all ordered. Next up....bedding. Now, I had bought some bedding when we thought baby boy would be in Bella's room. I made sure it tied in with her wall color so we wouldst have to paint. This was also when our son had a name circa 18 wks. Now both of those things were out the window. I needed new bedding for the new wall color in the new room. Here's the thing.....boy bedding is hard. Kind of like boy names. We are not sports people, so I didn't want basketballs and baseballs all over his room, and our other options seemed to be boats and cars or animals.....or some pattern theme (ie plaid or that zigzag pattern that's everywhere that I can't think of the name of). Ugh. I didn't love any of my options. What I FINALLY decided on was a simple white quilt with 3 jungle animals embroidered on it.
Savanna Crib Bedding
I love it. It's simple and clean. It will tie in our dark mocha colored room with his gray furniture and it's boy - without being over the top.

I spent more than I wanted to on it, but so goes life. In the grand scheme of things I realize it doesn't matter what color the sheets on his bed are, but for me, right now.....it just does.

So it's official. Our baby has bedding.....again. He may or may not have a name too.....we're working on that part ;) Like I have posted before, I'm not sure if we'll share the name before his big arrival or not, but I feel fairly certain that we've at least settled on something. And I love it also :)

That's really as far as we've gotten. We are currently waiting on Bella's furniture to be delivered so that we can make the big transition and get started pulling the room together. I will definitely post pics as it progresses.

As far as how I'm feeling.....I can really sum it up in two words: tired and hungry. At any point in the day, I am generally feeling one of the two. Mostly the latter. I have reached a point in my pregnancy where running two miles and lunch and then doing strength training at night is no longer ok. I knew that despite my inner super hero, I would not be able to keep up at that pace indefinitely. I am having a lot of lower back pain. I am sure some of it is due to working out, but mostly it's the HUGE pumpkin I have hanging out on the inside of my stomach lining. Seriously, I feel enormous - in my stomach at least. I managed to slide on a pair of pre pregnancy jeans this morning and despite my better judgement, am keeping them up with the help of a (less than useful) belly band. It was one of those mornings where I just needed a win. This was it. I'm good for the day now ;) To date I've put on about 16 lbs. I have my 28 week appointment on Monday where they will be doing the glucose testing. I don't see any reason it would come back positive for gestational diabetes, but just in case, I'm gonna lay off the ice cream this week (even easier in light of the Blue Bell heart break).

And in case you didn't read that right....I said 28 WEEK APPOINTMENT. Ya'll.....I'm about to be in the home stretch. I'm about to have 3 kids. I'm not sure if you've done the math, but that is exactly one more kid than arms or hands on my body. 3. Tres. Three kids.

Sorry....sometimes I still don't believe it. I mean, wasn't I JUST in college sitting around cracking cheap beers at noon and making poor life decisions that involved only thinking of myself? Now I am solely responsible for two, soon to be THREE, tiny humans. It's weird. And awesome. And there's really not a thing I would change about my life at the moment......except maybe the back pain and intermittent hemorrhoids...but that's neither here nor there ;)

I haven't taken a pic this week, but I'll make the next post a picture catch up post.....I dont know if it's me being all hormonally sentimental or my kids just laying on the adorable SUPER thick, but I have lots of cute new photos to share.....I think it's only fair they have their own post.

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