Monday, April 13, 2015

Baby #3: 25 weeks - Jones Family Vacay 2015

Today I am 25w1d pregnant. I am currently sitting at home on my couch catching up on "The Good Wife" episodes I have missed. It's a rare day where all of the housework is done, there is not a stitch of unclean laundry in the house, groceries are bought and put away, dinner is thawing on the counter, and I have already worked out. It's like the unicorn of all days.

This past weekend was our first trip as a family of 4. We ventured to San Antonio to visit Sea World and of course, stay on the River Walk. We spent 2 days prepping - packing clothes and snacks, getting videos together for Mia, and toys for Bella. We loaded up and were on the road at 5AM. Our plan was to wake the kids and leave while it was still dark outside, hoping they would sleep for a few hours before we had to dig into our bag 'o tricks (because we both knew we did not have 5 hrs worth of entertainment packed in our vehicle....). Mission: Accomplished. the kids slept until a little after 7. We stopped in Waco and had breakfast at Cracker Barrel. It was the perfect time actually because there was no one in the restaurant, so our little Bella (aka. "Sister-Screams-A-Lot") didn't ruin anyone's meal. Also, we discovered that those little peg games were enough to keep them both entertained long enough for Dan and I to scarf down our breakfast - well between handing our children whatever was on our plates, to keep them appeased, despite the same ingredients being on EVERY plate on the table. We made it back out to the car with minimal drama and strapped the kids in for the long haul.

The plan was to head straight to the zoo when we arrived. We weren't going to be able to check in to our hotel until later that afternoon, so we needed something to kill some time and let the kids stretch their legs. Not to mention, with Mia asking every 30 seconds of our 5 hour car trip where we were going and if we were AT Sea World yet, we had to have something in our back pockets to divert from the fact that while we were, in fact, in San Antonio - the home of Sea World - it would still be one more day before we could see the fish....I should mention that for the week leading up to this trip, Dan and I had been on the forecast watch. The forecast never changed - Rain - both days. I had packed rain jackets for the kids, and our strollers have very good canopies, so we knew they would be ok, and we packed umbrellas for ourselves - just in case.

When we arrived to the zoo, it was around 10:00. It had just finished a torrential downpour and we were relieved to know our first plan wasn't completely ruined. We, of course, got amazing parking, as people don't tend to venture to the zoo when it's raining. We got the kids out - and realized it was super chilly. I changed them into pants and threw their rain slickers on, and it was that moment I realized that I hadn't brought anything warm for myself to wear. I was in cropped jeans and a tank top. I was already freezing and we had just gotten out of the car. Dan and I looked at each other, and made the decision just to power through. Surely I could find something in the gift shop that would suffice.

We got into the zoo in record time seeing as how there was NO line and we already had purchased tickets (non-refundable, so we were GOING to the zoo! Rain or Shine!). We made a quick pit stop at the gift shop for the preggo and toddler to use the head and after looking around, I determined that rather than pay $30 for a hoodie with "San Antonio Zoo" plastered on the front along with the pictures of animated lions and tigers, I would just suck it up. Luckily, I have a weird thing with scarves. I wear them regularly as accessories because I'm terrible at buying jewelry. I had brought a large scarf that I fashioned as sort of a shawl to keep my arms warmer at least - and we headed out. The first couple exhibits - bears, lions, tigers - were a complete bust because the animals were in the shelter of their cages (not visible to us) to keep out of the recent rain. But then we came across a butterfly exhibit. Dan waited outside with our strollers and I took the kids in. It was AMAZING! never seen so many butterflies in my life. Some were the size of Mia's head! She was in awe. I'm shocked I was able to get her out at all! I could tell Bella was enjoying them flying around her too...she kept pointing and smiling. It was great. And of course I got ZERO pictures. Mom fail.

When we left the butterflies, we worked our way around the rest of the zoo. There was nothing overly impressive aside from the huge rhino and a crazy scary anaconda snake that about scared the cr@p out of me! But the weather held off so it was cool, cloud covered and we basically had the zoo to ourselves. After a couple hours, we stopped for lunch. Again, we were lucky the zoo was empty. Eating with the two of these kids in public is proving more and more challenging. We can never seem to order anything they like, and Mia likes to talk and not eat while Bella prefers screaming at nothing and throwing things from the table. Good. Times. All the while, Dan and I shovel mediocre, WAY OVER PRICED food down our throats pretending that "it's all just part of the experience". And I guess it is.

After lunch we hit the Carousel - huge hit - then made our way through the rest of the zoo. Let me remind kids nap. Like, they are BIG nappers. Naps are necessary. We knew this busy weekend we would be pushing some boundaries, but we figured the risk was worth the reward. By about 1:30, the kids were over it. Mia was on meltdown - 900+ and Bella was over being in the stroller - and being held - and walking - yea....figure that one out. We made it back to the car and the kids were out before we backed out of our parking spot. We got to the hotel for them to tell us that our room wouldnt be ready for at least an hour. No problem. We wanted to walk the River Walk some anyway. Problem here is that I was 24w5d pregnant and had been on my feet for a good while either pushing a stroller, carrying a toddler or lifting Mia to see whatever exhibit we were at. I was hurting.

We walked around the area for a bit, found a cute cafe to get some ice cream - Bella had fallen asleep at this point, so we were trying to stretch out what we were pretty sure would be her only "nap" that day to spare the rest of our evening. We got a call about an hour or so later that the room was ready, so we headed back. Once we got settled, it was about 4. We had sort of determined at that point that we wouldn't be dining out for dinner. 2 food outings with the 2 of them in one day was quite enough.. we ordered pizza and had it delivered to the room. Bella was passed out by 6:15. Dan followed shortly after. Mia and I followed suit around 7:30.

Bella was up and at 'em bright and early at 5:30 the next morning. Mia woke up around 6:30. We all got ready and headed down for breakfast not long after that. Once we got back up to the room, Dan and I made a judgement call. We had both joked about just leaving after Sea World - the kids were going to be in no position to do anything that night - and neither were we. And ultimately we decided it was the way to go. So we packed up and loaded the car before we headed to Sea World.

The weather, again, was super questionable. In fact, it was raining on the way there. Again, the weather was way cooler than I had planned (for my own wardrobe at least - I had thankfully packed appropriately for the kids!) so this time I was sure I would need some sort of sweat shirt. We got to Sea World a little before 10, and headed in. Our first stop - gift shop. And what did I get? A $30 sweatshirt with "Sea World San Antonio" plastered on the front with big animated whales accompanying it. For whatever reason it seemed more appropriate to overpay for clothing there than at the zoo.

Lucky for us, it didn't rain the whole time we were there. Mia got her face painted, we saw the Pet Stars show, Shamu and other whales show, the baluga whales and dolphins, got dip 'n dots, and then we headed to our "Lunch with Shamu". This was an extra thing that Dan and I thought would be cool for the kids. They set up a buffet right outside of the training tanks for the whales! We were literally so close we could touch them. It was awesome! Unfortunately, again, the kids were over being awake and pleasant, so we had to cut lunch a little short to head out. We ended up leaving Sea World around 2:30 after our fun filled day and the kids were out as soon as their little booties hit their car seats.

The drive home was relatively uneventful. The kids slept for the first 3 hours, then we stopped for food and they did pretty good the rest of the way home. Once home, Dan and I had the car unloaded and bags unpacked, kids bathed and in bed in less than an hour. I believe there is a chance that my husband's OCD has transferred to my person. We all crashed out early - who am I kidding - it was late for the kids and Dan's and my "usual" bedtime ;) Everyone slept until after 7AM on Sunday, which is a rare occurence.

It was a short, but very eventful and SUPER FUN weekend. I am so glad we got to share the experience with our kids. I know that Mia will remember it forever. I love that she goes to bed talking about the Baluga whales and keeps saying "I.Am.A.ROBOT. Sea World. Is. My. Life" *in her robot voice*. She had such a great time. And Bella, well Bella may have been a little young for the experience, but I know there were parts that she really enjoyed ;)

Sunday we spent catching up on cleaning and yard work and the kids got to visit their grandparents and Mia told them all about the whales and dolphins and butterflies.

This will be our first and last trip as a family of 4. There were lots of chaotic parts. Lots of parts that could have been different, but not a single part I would undo. I realize now, more than ever, how fleeting these moments are. I tried to soak it all in, and I know for sure it was a weekend I'll never forget :)

Dan left town last night and won't be back until Friday evening. I am on my own. For some reason, that doesn't seem as daunting as it once did. I guess that feeling of peace just comes with time. I remember blogging before Bella got here, how at some point, I would find my "calm". Ladies and gentlemen.....I think it's arrived. I love hanging out with my kids. They challenge me, and frustrate me, and make me laugh, and make me feel alive.

As far as how I'm feeling?? I feel thankful. I'm thankful for the amazing husband I was blessed with. I think sometimes it takes doing something super chaotic and stressful with your spouse to make you realize what a good team you make. He also challenges me, frustrates me, makes me laugh....and makes me feel alive. I'm thankful for his willingness to be silly with our kids, but also to be firm. I'm thankful that our kids miss him when he's gone because he brings something to the table that I just can't. And finally, I'm thankful for my kids - the 2 outside and the 1 I have yet to meet.
Looking at the "Cheetah Cats" - Mia's words

Mia has this new thing....anytime we say "Smile, Mia!", she sticks her tongue out....

Bella's having a good time, despite her face in this pic ;)

Leaving the zoo.....worn out Boo.

Mia's being a monkey....and a flamingo. So well rounded :)

THIS was the forecast.....

Pulling up to Sea World.....can you just FEEL the excitement? ;)

see what I mean??

You can see a little glimpse of the awesome sweatshirt I am now the proud owner of....

Getting her face painted!

she's so proud

there were these bubble machines lining the sidewalks of Sea World - totally worth the price of admission - at least in the kids' minds :)

super failed attempt at a family selfie....waiting for the Pet Star show to start!

Mia wanted to sit with daddy, but Bella insisted on her own chair. Go figure.

Watching the whales

Mia opted out of this fam-ie (see what I did there??)

This is what my kids look like when they are on the verge of being "over it".....

This was at "Dining with Shamu" - so cool to be so close!

waving bye to us on our way out.

Leaving Sea World - do you see a theme with her leaving places?? 

This is a birthday gift for her cousin - we're not sure she really "gets" that though ;)

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