Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We couldn't let Mia have ALL the fun....

So, it's been 12 weeks since I shoved a human through my loins....12 WHOLE weeks! I will probably say this at some point during every blog, but I can't believe how time is flying. Mia now has a pretty stringent 2 hour - eat play sleep - schedule during the day. Im not sure if the time is shortened because we've been sitting at home and she's bored, or because she's been sick so she hasn't been eating as much or just because I blogged last that she was on a 3 hour schedule....there's really no telling. It seems though that regardless of whether its 2 or 3 hours, she is very exact. We are also now sleeping 8-9 hours at night.....and by 'we' I mean 'Mia'. I'm still probably getting only 5-6 hours. I have started a horrible new habit of letting her sleep in our bed. I tell myself on a nightly basis it's just because she's sick....but I sure hope she got that memo so we can transition seemlessly into sleeping apart again in the near future. It's not that I don't love having her right next to me, but I'm not a huge fan of being punched in the boob 20 times a me crazy.

I thought Mia was on the mend last week....on Friday she seemed to be back to her old self. She was playing and sleeping regularly and she was not congested like she had been all week. The doctor had originally told me it could take up to 3 weeks to fight this RSV off to which i scoffed....NO Swindle stays sick for 3 weeks! Well.....we're nearing the end of week 2. :-/ I had to go back to the doctor on Monday because she sounded really bad when she was breathing, like something was stuck in her chest. Its a sound that makes you want to clear your own throat on the off chance that she'll get the idea and do the same. They told me that it had now moved to her chest and so they started her on breathing treatments. I am not sure how they expect a 12 wk old to sit still for 15 minutes at a time in order for me to administer it's been interesting. She does pretty well, but I am definitely getting creative to keep her attention. Im just glad there's no camera watching me all day, that could be pretty embarassing. And of course I mean for Mia, as I'm pretty sure I have no shame left ;-)

Well just as I was sure there was no way my child would be sick for longer than a week, I was even more sure that I would elude the sickness myself. Not. The. Case. Last Friday, just as Mia was starting to get better (so I thought), I started noticing that my nose was congested and I was sneezing pretty often. Great. At first I wrote it off and just assumed it was allergies....but as I'm still fighting SOMETHING to date, I'm pretty sure that Mia has shared some of the fun with me.....AND Dan. He woke up this morning with a sore throat. Its just a barrel of monkeys at our house right now. Every where I look in the house right now I see tissues, nose spray, snot suckers, or breathing machines. Party! I'm confident I will feel fine soon, but you know how men could take Dan weeks to recover! ;-)

Aside from all that fun, I'd say we're doing pretty well. Even when feeling her worst, Mia managed to keep a smile and stay pretty even tempered. AND, I think more importantly, this child has not missed a night of sleep! PRAISE THE LORD my kid's a sleeper!

In the down time, and by that I mean Mia's 45 minute naps, I have been packing our apartment up. I look to the dining room where I see boxes upon boxes stacked up....and then I look around the apartment and wonder what the hell is in them. I swear our things are multiplying. I think the only thing getting me through this move is the thought that I will not be doing it again for a VERY long time, and my new closet alcoholism ;-) (kidding). We are still scheduled to close on the house on the 24th of this month and we are planning on moving in the next day. Dan is in the middle of year end close stuff, so I will be overseeing the move on my own....I plan on checking myself into rehab in February to recover from the binge drinking I will most likely need to get me through the next couple of weeks.

I guess that's about it. I have lost another 2 lbs (one of which shows back up every once in a while....) so I'm 13 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight. I'm pretty sure that if the move doesn't kill me, I will at least have a couple lbs to show for it (God willing).

So, if you think about us at any point during the next couple weeks, we could really use your prayers for a smooth transition and no surprises at closing.....

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