Tuesday, January 31, 2012

aaaannnnddddd.....we're in!

Today Mia is 14 weeks and 1 day old. She still eats about every 3 hours and is starting to nap a little better during the day. We have started giving her formula about half of the time and breastmilk the other half. This is not me trying to ween her, it just kind of happened. My body wasn't keeping up like it should I guess. I couldnt figure out why she wanted to eat so often so I started pumping and realizing she was only getting about half of what we would normally give her if we made a bottle, so now we alternate, and it seems to be keeping her on a more predictable 3 hour schedule. She has started to go to bed A LOT earlier now too....it seems like this stuff just happens overnight, literally! Last week, there was a night she was OUT by 7:30 and slept until 5:45...Ummm, thats a little over 10 hrs! Typically when she wakes up before 6, she takes another 2.5-3 hour nap after she eats. I heart her BIG time for that :) While her bed time seems to be creeping up to the evening hours, mine seems to be pushing back to the wee hours of the morning! I just get so much done once she's in bed that once I get going, it's hard to stop! When she is awake, she enjoys laying on the floor and playing with her toys. She can grab  at them now and even reach for them when you shake them in front of her! I think it's even fair to say she has favorites now (one is a frog rattle thing and the other are these flash cards on a key chain - I just thought I might want to remember that)....I can't believe how grown up she is already. She can totally hold her head up like a pro and I feel like she is dying to sit on her own! One thing I'm a little worried about (not really) is that we may have a "loud talker" on our hands.....you know, one of those people who is standing right next to you talking, but insists on yelling like you are across the room? Luckily, she's got plenty of time to learn that no one likes "that guy" ;-) So, I'm not overly concerned about it. I'm finding myself weeding through her clothes and we are just about out of all of her 0-3 mo sizes and on the tail end of the 3 month ones! I see her every day, so at first, I thought I was shrinking her stuff (you know, like I shrink mine....that's the main reason I can't fit into my jeans still, right? ;)) but when people who don't see her every day see her, all I hear is how big she's getting. Big and awesome, that's my girl :)

So, I'm rushing to finish this up, but wanted to get to the main point of the blog (aside from the REAL main point from the first paragraph)...the move. Before this move, I only THOUGHT  I hated moving. I'm pretty sure I had it easy when I only had to pack up my things and could do that at any point during the day for however long I wanted. I could literally have my WHOLE apartment packed and live on one pot, one bowl, one spoon and Ramen for a week before I moved into the new place. This...THIS was a whole new ball game. Now, I am not one to be unprepared for things, especially things as big as moving. I started packing the day after Christmas....yes, 1 month ago. I was thinking that would be AMPLE time. What I didn't realize is that, with a kid, you can't pack everything up and live on Ramen. They actually need things during the day, EVERY day that they can't go even a day without. That means that yesterday morning after I dropped the baby off with Dan's mom, I was frantically running around trying to pack the last of her things. That was the least amount of fun I've had in a long time.

Well, I didn't manage to finish the blog during that nap, so today, Mia is 14 weeks and 6 days old :) We are finally getting settled into our new place. When I woke up yesterday I finally felt relaxed (yes, even on a Monday). I was able to get up and make coffee and go through the day in a sort-of-routine just like before we moved. It was the most at peace I've been in over a month. Since we moved, Mia has started a fun new habit where she wakes up around 3:30-4 crying. Most of the time I just have to go put her paci in, which sounds simple, except that now there is a stair case between me and her :-/ If I have to go up more than once, my second trip down is with her in my arms. I've tried to not let her sleep in our bed as much, BUT....I'm not all about midnight stair sessions! I was beginning to think that we were reverting back to not sleeping through the night, but last night she actually slept pretty much through. She woke up at 5, but then went back to sleep until about 8. I hope that 5 am wake up gradually moves back to where we were at the apt, and she was sleeping until 7 ;-)

All in all, we are really enjoying our new place. I think we are all in a better mood now that we are finally settled and we know we're going to be here a while....a LONG while. I told Dan that I was NEVER moving again. I meant it. May make it a little awkward for the new family if we ever sell....but, its a big house, I'm sure they won't mind an extra body ;-)

As soon as I buy some batteries for my camera I will post some pics of the house.

And my last order of business: me. I'm feeling really good now. I think I was in a funk pre-move, but I am in a much better place now :) I have lost another couple lbs and now have 9 pregnancy lbs left hanging around. Even so, I can now fit into (even if just barely) most of my pre-pregnancy jeans, so I am thrilled to not have to wear sweat pants every where....as I'm sure is my husband who I think was convinced I was never going to wear pant's without an elastic waste again ;-) I feel like now I can finally focus on me a little more, so trying to work in some exercise to our daily routine.....even when I can't work it in, the 90 trips up and down the stairs with a 13 lb weight give me a leg up from where I was before. My friend, Erin, is coming in to town and will be here for a while so I am going to start training for a half marathon with her soon :) I would love to think I will be able to run the whole thing, but honestly, I'd just be ok with finishing. So....I guess that's all for now. I've included below, a couple of pics of my little angel sleeping. Me and Dan aren't the only ones who were worn out by the move!

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