Tuesday, January 3, 2012

All good things must come to an end....

Well, I managed to make it back to blogcity only about a week after my last post! I wish the circumstances were better, but it's mainly because I'm on the couch watching my poor sick little girl sleep :( Mia will be 11 weeks old tomorrow and we are in the midst of fighting her first illness. With Dan off this past week, we were able to be out and about quite a bit more than usual. It was so fun to have him around so much and to be able to get out with some help. We did a lot of checking up on the house (as progress is so fast these days) and a little shopping and some eating out....apparently we also did some virus contracting. Friday we noticed that Mia had a little cough. It was nothing serious and it wasn't interfering with her sleep or mood, so we kind of just brushed it off as a tickle in her throat. Well, Saturday rolled around and it persisted. We had planned on going to my brother Toby's house to hang with him and Amie and the kids. With Mia's cough, I was a little concerned about bringing her around other children, but honestly I thought it was just a seasonal thing and that she was fine. I ran to the store that afternoon to grab some stuff for the evening and while I was gone, Mia went from being 'fine' to being 'not fine'. Dan called and requested I come back home IMMEDIATELY. I walked in to a screaming baby....she was unconsolable :( It was heartbreaking. She ended up throwing up some junk (sorry for the details) but the congestion seemed to stick around. We decided it was best that we stay in that night (New Years Eve) and just make sure she was ok. I assumed she would be fine the next morning...but that was not the case. Sunday she was super congested when she woke up and couldnt seem to kick it. The only thing that kept me from calling the doctor then was that she wasn't running a fever and this child's mood was still just as cheery as she always was, minus the intermittened fussiness that is common for most kids who can't breathe through their noses. Last night though, things went from bad to worse. She was up all night coughing and trying to get the gunk out of her throat. She finally went to sleep around 5 and woke up around 6:45 to eat. I called the doc when they opened and got in at 8:20 (awesome pediatric office!). It turns out Mia has RSV. Its a pretty common virus from what I understand, but I was informed by the doctor that it tends to stick around for 2-3 weeks :( Being a virus, there wasn't anything he could give us, except for a nose spray to help with the congestion. He said it didn't sound like it had moved to her lungs so there was no need for breathing treatments just yet. We basically just need to do what we've been doing and wait it out....awesome. So, here we are....waiting. She is eating about every 2 hours and then gets a little fussy because of the congestion, but when she calms down, she sleeps for about 45 min-1hr. She's such a trooper. We have officially reconfirmed how awesome our kid is. Even when she's super sick and can't breathe out of her nose, she smiles and laughs....that is way more than I can say for the two adults living with her ;-) I am far from laugh-y when I don't feel so hot. Lucky for us, neither Dan nor myself have started feeling bad....let's hope that stays the case!

Well before I had all that news, I was going to get on here to share what I learned this week.....you ready? Here it is:
When your husband offers to help you with a household chore....ANY household chore...let him. Don't tell him how you do it, or how absolutely back-asswards he is doing it. Just keep your mouth shut and re-do it when he leaves ;-)
Wanna know how I came across this very valuable lesson? If not, stop reading....on Sunday I realized I still hadn't folded Mia's laundry that had now been sitting in the dryer for 2 days, so since Mia was asleep and we were both just sitting around watching hour number 7 of the DIY network (Lord help me....) I plopped the laundry down on the couch. Dan politely offered to help me fold "the big things", you know, like towels and blankets and other things that didn't have tiny sleeves and feet. I immediately accepted (which is highly unlike me given how particular I am about how I like things done). I threw him the blankets, burp cloths and one of her hooded towels. As I was folding all of her little things, I politely informed Dan that I like to fold those sorts of towels in three, and then in three again...you know, so you can see the adorable hood part when you put it in the drawer. Dan did not stop his incorrect folding of the towel and then proceeded to immediately inform me that HE prefers to fold the burp cloths into iscosolese triangles...it's just better that way......what a kidder. He, knowing me all too well, waited for my response of distaste....which I kept to myself for possibly the first time since we've been married. Now, I may not ask for his help again, but if he offers, I will still take him up on it and just deal with the triangles I have sitting in Mia's burp cloth drawer....where EVERYONE knows, there should only be squares ;-)

As far as how I'm feeling....I'm tired, and just worried about my baby. I know she will be fine, but it kills me to see her not feeling well :( Besides that, I realized in my last post, I neglected to update my weightloss status. I have made no progress. I still have 14 lbs to lose. BUT considering we made it through the holidays AND I am coming off a 40 week junk food bender and didn't GAIN any weight....I consider that to be progress in itself. I would imagine working out will not be much of an option until the munchkin feels a little better....but we'll see.

Here are a few pics I took yesterday and today....She's still precious even when she's feeling like poop....I have no idea WHERE she gets that from. It's certainly not from me!

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