Friday, January 20, 2012

New Tricks and other stuff

Hello all! Today Mia is 13 weeks and 2 days old. We finally managed to recover from her first sickness....that was a rough 2 weeks for all of us! We have now had a weeks worth of resuming business as usual. She has all sorts of new tricks now though.....She smiles, laughs, grabs on to toys, blows spit bubbles and the trick that will bring her much attention at her first college party...she can fit her fist entirely in her own mouth. We're so proud ;-) She's starting to roll from side to side and I swear one day soon she'll make it full circle. I am constantly amazed at how much this child "talks" now too! We have a regular little chatty Cathy on our hands....Lord help us. It's really cute though, I swear she is actually trying to communicate....finally starting to take on some of my traits I guess. Her hair is really starting to lighten up too....aside from the baby mullet that is still very dark in the back. She has huge blue eyes that perfectly compliment her ginormous "cheekies" as we lovingly refer to them in our household. She's really just becoming a little person. She lets me know in no uncertain terms that when she is awake (which is often during the day) my attention is to be on her. Noted. However, our trade off for NO mommy time during the day, is that she sleeps through the ALL the way through it. She goes down around 9-10 and I'm rarely up before 7. I'm not going to lie, it's awesome. We kind of won the lottery, as far as I'm concerned, in the sleep department! Aside from all that, we're now on a pretty regular schedule. She eats about every 2 hours during the day still and then plays for a bit then naps for a short time and we do it all over again. I can extend the time between feedings if we're out and she happens to sleep longer, but other than that, we have another Rain Man on our hands ;-) Luci must have filled her in on how to be totally predictable.

In other Jones news, we are closing on our house next Tuesday. All of the paperwork is finalized, the house is completed and we have done our first walk through. There are still a few things that need to be fixed before we can sign off on it, but they are due for completion this weekend, so we are super amped! Next week is going to test the limits of my sanity though. Things are crazy at Dan's work, so I will be over seeing our move on my own. Luckily Dan's mom is able to watch Mia when the movers come. Although that will be the first time I have been away from her for more than a couple hours (aside from when she's sleeping) so that is another source of anxiety for me. I know that she will be in very capable hands, but her and I have kind of a groove and I'm finding it's hard for me to relinquish control....shocking Im sure for anyone who knows me well ;-) So, until next Wednesday, I am continuing to pack our stuff and play in our box fort...and by "play" I mean "go crazy".

I finally took some pictures of the house when we were there yesterday so I've attached a few.

when you walk in the front door


dining room

living room. the room that's lit up upstairs is Mia's bathroom

breakfast room

kitchen - they are changing out the backsplash to what we actually chose

view of living room from the kitchen

view of front door from upstairs

view of living room from upstairs

wet bar upstairs

For the rest of the tour, you'll just have to come visit us :)

And lastly, how I'm doing....I'm finally making some head way in Project "stop being fat". I have lost 3 more lbs so I now only have 11 more hanging around. It's still a lot, but I am actually able to fit into some of my pre-pregnancy pants, so I think it's helping to motivate me to get on the ball :) I am also noticing now how LOW cut some of my jeans were...good Lord, it's a wonder you couldn't see my goods before. Now I understand where the term "mom jeans" came from. I feel sometimes Like I might be more comfortable in some higher-waisted pants ;-) I am, however, standing strong on my stance against fanny I think that's a mark in the 'my old self' column.

I am quite sure I won't be updating again until after the move, so until then, I've posted some pics of how my little one has grown :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!
we took all the girls to get their pictures made after about traumatic, and I don't mean for the kids!

this is when she was sick....still smiling :) i sure love her

12 weeks old!!

daddy has the magic touch ;-) haha

13 weeks

fell asleep after all the excitement of meeting her Aunt Enny

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