Friday, March 30, 2012

Undoing what we've done.....

Well, Mia is now 23 weeks. She can no longer roll from her stomach to her back, is now refusing to eat with a spoon either rice cereal or oatmeal (which are the only two things we've tried...) AND for the last 3 days she has woken up before 6. It's official, I am going to stop blogging. This is getting completely ridiculous.

Although she peaked at 5 months, she is still pretty awesome, and I think we'll keep her ;-)

This weekend is Kristin's bachelorette party (I'm so excited) which means that I will be spending the night (only the second since she was born) away from my little angel. I have all the confidence in the world that Dan will not do anything that can't be undone, so I am very comfortable with leaving her with him ;-) Joking aside, Dan is an excellent daddy, and I know they will both be fine.

Next month, Dan and I will be venturing to Mexico to watch Kristin and Jon get married. We will be gone for 3 days and 2 nights (approximately 60 hours, but who's counting)....what I assume will be the longest weekend ever given that we are going sans Mia. Although I know we are going to have so much fun, I am still having some anxiety about being away. Mia will have a blast with her Grammy though and will probably not even notice that I'm gone ;-) I am very excited about getting away with just Dan and, maybe even moreso about the potential to sleep in past 6AM! This day and's the small victories.

I know that I stopped recording publicy how I was doing as far as the baby I guess now's as good a time as any to bring it up. I had every intention of being back to my prepregnancy weight by march. well, March has come (and almost gone) now and I am still 7lbs shy of my goal. I am able to fit into all (well very close to all) of my pre-pregnancy clothes though so I guess I can't complain too much. I'm finding that the place I am having the hardest time losing weight, is not the place I carried the 7.6 lb's in the trunk. Awesome. I recently tried on my swimsuit and to be honest, I flashed back to that time last summer where I could "fit" into my swimsuit, but it was no secret to anyone, that I probably shouldnt be wearing it....I have confidence though that I will get there, and I'm just hoping that I get there before April 28, when we leave for Mexico.

I think I have learned an important lesson here. Eating like a fat@ss, even WHILE you are growing a human inside of you, has its consequences. I can't say I won't do the same thing again, but at least I will be more realistic about the return of my body. And given that I have NO desire to grow another human in the near future (or ever...) I have plenty of time to regain my prepregnancy self ;-)

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