Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Help a Sister OUT!

Ok peeps....if you're waiting for a Mia update, keep waiting. This is about me.

Let's start with - you people are NOT my friends! Where were you when I felt I needed to eat dessert after EVERY meal for almost a year?! Where were you when I thought it was a good idea to order pizza every night for a week straight and NOT have any leftovers.....on more than a one week occasion?! Where were you when I couldn't fit into my pants after the first trimester of my pregnancy?! And holy crap......have you seen pictures of me at 40 weeks pregnant?! I'm shocked I still fit into the damn just wow. NEXT time (if there is a next time) PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SAY SOMETHING! I will not break....I probably won't even cry. And when I make it through a 40 week period only putting on a "normal" amount of weight, I WILL hug you. So please....just SAY something!

So, here I am. My kid is almost 6  months old and I am still trying to lose baby weight. I am 5 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight (although it looks like more given the loose skin and lumpy hind parts) and I am OVER IT! I never in a million years thought that it would be so hard to lose weight. If I had, I probably would have re-thought some of those less than sound caloric decisions that I made for the better part of a year. All I heard and read told me that I would breast feed and weight would just FALL off.....lies. The only time I lost weight without trying was when I shoved a 7lb 6oz human through my lady parts! (and if it weren't for the drugs, I don't think you could say that was without trying....). Ridiculous.

Given that I have been so misinformed, I have stopped reading. I have started working my toosh off every day, and quit waiting on the weight fairy to come and take back her missing lbs. I guess it's working, and I'm just bitter that it took me 6 months to realize that I'm not some skinny 21 yr old that can bounce back from a 40 lb, 9 month bender and be "bikini ready" in  3 months. Stupid 21 yr olds.

But for real....I love you guys. Even when I'm mean.

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