Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stopping to smell the roses....

Are you tired of hearing from me yet this week? ;-) Well i thought I would just take a minute to post my recent observation of my life. I know I almost always find times to blog about my bad days or rough periods (in regards to unpredictability and lack of routine) but today is different.....

This has been a big week for us, not just because I've posted 3 times, but I am just realizing how quickly my little one is growing up. This week alone, she mastered eating with a spoon, she rolled from back to stomach AND stomach to back, and she has worked herself down to 2 long naps a day. I wish I could take credit for any one of these things....but I don't feel like I can.

From the beginning of this little adventure I have had a plan. Now, my plan has NEVER been the one that we followed, but I had one, none the less! I think that maybe, just maybe, I have learned to chill out (just a little) and let things be. I've stopped obsessing over milestones and schedules and just let my kid do what comes natural. I have to say, it's been freeing.

It reminds me of when I was pregnant - I remember the exact moment in my pregnancy where it became real. I was FOR SURE showing, I was feeling her move constantly and my body slowed down was the moment I said - 'Holy Sh*t! I'm gonna have a baby!' Well, I think after almost 5 months, it's finally hit me....I'm a with a KID! And I love it :)

My friend Deanna is about to have her baby (and I CAN'T WAIT!) and last night we (her, Kristin and I) were talking about her upcoming delivery and reminiscing about ours. I remember vividly the first time I laid eyes on Amelia. She was the most beautiful thing in the least as beautiful as something covered in white goo could be ;-) I remember the first time she cried and I VERY vividly remember being awake....for a really long WEEKS! Whenever I think back to that, I realize that as happy as I was that day, I am even happier now. I would have sworn on October 19, 2011 that that was NOT possible. But here I am, 5 months later and every time I go get Mia from her crib and she smiles and laughs like I am the funniest person on the planet.....I fall a little more in love.

I guess we've established that this post doesnt really have a point....but it's my blog and I can post what I want ;-) I just wanted to put it in writing, that I have it pretty good. I can't think of one single thing I would change about the last 5 months....and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

I'll make sure to update everyone next week when Mia masters the English language....that's the next milestone, right? ;-)

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