Thursday, August 6, 2015

Baby #3: 2 weeks post partum - HE'S HERE!

Well ladies and gentlemen.....He's here! Dominick "Nicky" Michael Jones joined our family on Monday, July 20, 2015 at 2:34PM. My tiny bundle weighed 6lb 11.5oz and was 19.5 inches long. He is perfect. Absolutely perfect. 

When we got back to the recovery room, I was holding my sweet angel and Dan and I were just watching and listening.....and we heard something all too familiar. Baby boy was having some breathing issues. He was making the same sounds Bella made just after she was born and just before she was admitted to the NICU. I was a nervous wreck. The last thing I wanted was for my baby to be admitted to the NICU. I wanted him to be with me! So, there I was, 2 hours post partum, alone in my room. Thankfully, Dan was able to be with him in the NICU while I was stuck in my bed in more pain than I ever dreamed possible. Our families and our babies came up to visit us, but no one got to see Baby Nicky that day. The girls weren't sure what to think. Bella was scared to see me hooked up to so many machines, but Mia was adorably loving, constantly holding my hand and giving me hugs. (She's such a nurturer, with such a sweet heart)

Once everyone left Dan and I were alone again. Dan made frequent trips down to see our son, and I had my first breakdown. I finally decided around midnight that I couldnt wait until the next morning to go see him. I had the nurses get me up (OUCH!) and I was strolled down to the NICU. There, the nurse advised me on his condition. She said his oxygen was good, but his respiratory rate was way faster than it should be. She said that often times they wouldn't let anyone hold them for fear that it would get faster, but I think she saw the pathetic look on my face and decided it would be ok.....So, she handed me my son and we sat. For over and hour. I held him and kissed him and watched the monitors.....over the course of the hour I was holding him, his respiratory rate slowed to normal and remained there. The nurse came over around 1:30am to put him back in his bed and before she took him she read the monitors. I'll never forget what she told me....."You fixed him!" Turns out, my Nicky needed a mommy snuggle just as much as I needed one from him. I'm not really sure who fixed who that night....
We were busy "fixing" each other in this pic <3

When I got back to my room, I felt 1 million times better. I was still in pain, but at least I knew he'd be back in our room soon.
First family photo

I've said it before and I'll say it again. This little boy is my super hero. He kept me active through my pregnancy and gave me strength I didn't know I had. Then he got here.....and just confirmed everything I had thought. He's amazing, and we are so happy he's here!
just lounging in his lounge wear ;) Anyone who knows Dan personally knows how appropriate this outfit is for our son

I left the hospital that Thursday. I was still in pain and just barely getting around. The kids came home that night and we spent our first night together as a family. Bella wanted nothing to do with me or the baby, but Mia ran to him and wanted to hold him all night. Since then, Bella has started to come around, and she even held him for the first time the other day. She always wants to help put his paci in or grab a diaper for me to change him, cover him up or rock him in his swing. We are so lucky that our girls are handling this so well.....

So, I am now 2 weeks post partum. Baby Nicky is doing well. He's eating about every 3 hours and mostly sleeps in between. He's not gaining weight as quickly as the doc would like despite my feeding him seemingly CONSTANTLY so I saw a lactation consultant yesterday and we now have an 8 million part plan that should put some weight on his bones in no time. I, in no way, feel overwhelmed by the 5 other steps I now have in addition to just nursing him. *insert sarcastic emoticon here*

Things at home are definitely "real" now. The kids seem to be settling back into their routines and sleeping pretty good at night. I can't say this has been an easy transition. Aside from going from 0 kids to 1, this is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I had a lot of people tell me that after 2 kids, it doesnt really get harder. I can tell you this.....they lied. Either that, or their kids were older than my 2 when #3 joined the picture. It's no joke. And it's certainly not for the faint of heart. We are surviving, but that's really it. I call the night a huge success when in a 3 hour period, no one has slammed a door and there hasn't been a complete breakdown by 2 (or more) of my children at the same time. I have yet to experience a breakdown-less I'm not even sure what that would feel like. 

As far as how I'm feeling....I am starting to feel less "night of the living dead"-y and more "Margaret"-y. I'm 13 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I feel pretty good about that at this stage in the game. I have a follow up appointment with my doc on Monday, and by that point, I'd like to be at least walking some during the week. My goal is to be pre-pregnancy weight by the time I go back to work.....ambitious I know....but so was working out 6 days a week until I was 36 weeks pregnant ;) I better see some pay off from that dammit! 

Here are some pics of our life lately. Hope you've enjoyed my last trek through pregnancy. I have to say, it was quite the journey and as glad as I am that I won't be doing it again, I'm sad it's over. Wait.....scratch that! I'm just glad he's on the outside of me now so I can kiss his cute face!
Nicky had just gotten back to our room, and we must have sat like this for HOURS. It's still his favorite spot to curl up.....and I can't complain. 

The girls got some new Princess gear from our Aunt Wendy :) You know, because you can NEVER have too much princess gear ;)
At night before bed, I'm nursing Nicky and both girls are snuggled up next to me. I'm so glad they like to be so close. Even in the moments where I need some space, I realize it's a blessing that they want to be near me. I hope it lasts!
Even my baby girl is coming around on the idea of keeping the new baby around ;)

My biggest asset holding her new baby brother. She already loves him so much!
He's still so tiny and wrinkly, but if he follows in his sisters footsteps when they were babies, he'll be a chunker in no time! :)
It took Bella almost 2 weeks, but she finally wanted to hold him, I think this was a pivotal moment for her acceptance of him. He is now allowed to stay ;)
I mean, much cuter could she get?!?
This wonderful lady, that I call mom stayed with me during week 2 and helped with Nicky and the girls. We miss having her around during the day now :( We love our Grammy!
Mia wants to hold the baby....and Bella just wants to be where Mia is.
This is one of the first pics I have of his eyes! They're blue! :)

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