Thursday, June 4, 2015

Baby #3: 32 weeks - Nursery Reveal!

Well, we did it. We finished Baby Boy's nursery. Let me just tell you, once Dan and I get started on something......we GET. STARTED. I think this took us a total of 2 weekends to complete.

We still need a rug in the room and a few things to hang on the walls, but other than that, the bed is made, clothes are put away, and we even have our first pack of newborn diapers. I know it hasn't been that long, but I totally forgot how tiny they are!

So, without further ado......the nursery:

We kept everything pretty neutral in his room. I wanted it to be "boy" without being over the top. I think we accomplished just that :)
Once we got the daybed in his room, we had to do some rearranging.....we decided to move the "changing table" (actually the dresser that was already in the guest room which happened to go with the furniture perfectly!) in front of the window. It is not nearly as blinding as this picture would lead you to believe ;)

And as a special surprise, Baby Boy now has a NAME!!! Dan actually chose it, but we are both in love with it now. His full name will be Dominick Michael, but we intend to call him "Nicky". So, Baby Nicky it is!

And here is a pano of the entire room.....

We decorated his bathroom too, and while it is still "jungle" themed, it is way more colorful than his room. Normally I would drag the colors of his room into the bathroom, but I really wanted it to be bright and fun :)

So, there it is.....and here I am - 32 weeks:

I had my 32 week appointment on Monday where I got to see this guy:
Top is his face and bottom are his case that wasn't blaringly obvious ;) (I literally had to cross my eyes and blur my vision at first to see the face.....). They say he is weighing in at 4lbs at this appointment and he is in the 45% for weight. Measuring right at 32 weeks.

Doc says everything is looking good....except he is breech. Now, it's still early and he could still turn. So I'll stop there. He could still turn. He WILL still turn :) We won't discuss the "what next" of that scenario until 36 weeks. But I'm praying by then, there won't be a "scenario" to discuss. Other than that, I'm feeling huge. Just call me Large Marge! I'm still getting in about 5-6 workouts a week and managed to run a mile and a half yesterday!! Now, I use the term "run" very loosely, but it was faster than a walk.....and it was a constant jogging-like motion for 20 minutes. So - that was my Win for the week ;)

My next appointment is in a week and a half and hopefully I will have good news to report!

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