Monday, February 9, 2015

My First Whole30: Week 4

This little experiment was my 2015 reset. I think it's worked. It's changed the way I eat, the way I plan meals and the way I even think about food. I think now, before I go to put something in my mouth, I consider what it's going to do to my insides. That's weird, huh? It's ok if you say yes. This is my last week. For that, I'm thankful. I can't say it has been easy or flown by. It hasn't.'s been good for me. I guess that was the goal.

In food-unrelated news, I get to hear the little heart beat of Baby Boy in 1 week from today. I can't say I have felt very pregnant to this point, but at night when I lay down, I feel like I can kind of feel where he is inside me. It hasn't been that long since I was pregnant, but I always totally forget how incredibly cool that is.

Moving on....Week 4:

Breakfast: half a grapefruit, 2 eggs, 1 piece of bacon (I worked from home this morning)
Snack: pecans
Lunch: Taco salad (shredded chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, guac, salsa)
Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Stew (SO FREAKING GOOD! ps. I love crock pots)

I still  am not feeling well. But that is in no way interfering with my appetite which seems to have grown exponentially overnight.

Breakfast: Odwalla smoothie apple pie larabar (not all larabars are compliant, but this one is)
Snack: half grapefruit and handful of cashews
Lunch: Sliced tomato and tuna salad (I know this is so redundant, but for real, I make a killer tuna salad)
Snack: strawberries, cashews
Dinner: Meatballs, tomato sauce

Well I ended up going to the doctor yesterday. I have a sinus infection. I knew it. I am on day 2 of antibiotics and don't really feel much better. I think tomorrow I should see some improvement. In other news, Bella woke up with red, swollen, gunky eyes. Yay....2 doctors appointments in 2 days! Bella has pink eye. We are both home today. She is in good spirits thankfully and reminding me what it's like to be home with a 1 year old. I'm not going to's pretty cool. I never got the one on one time with Bella that I got with Mia, so I try to really soak in these times....even if they are under less than ideal circumstances.

Breakfast: Grapefruit, handful of roasted almonds
Snack: apple with almond butter
Lunch: baked potato with chopped brisket
Snack:  apple with almond butter
Dinner: CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT! Gyro meat, pita bread, tzatziki sauce, dolmades, and delicious red pepper and feta dip. my sides were compliant- greek green beans and potatoes, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't cancel out what I just did to my body

Today is the first day in about 2 weeks I have woken up not feeling like hammered dog poo. Bella still has red eyes though, so she's at home with daddy. Last night, I've gotta say, the meatballs turned out pretty good! I almost didn't miss the pasta ;) I am starting to try and get a little more creative with dinners. I bought some chicken sausage at the store and we're considering stuffed peppers for dinner at some point next week. I think we are actually starting to plan meals without carbs just instinctively....weird, but nice! I do have a dinner date with a bestie planned for this evening though, so we'll see what happens. It's my favorite....Greek! And it's hard to eat Greek without pita and tzatziki!

Breakfast: Grapefruit, almonds
Snack: celery
Lunch: Tuna salad on field greens with some almonds
Snack: apple
Snack: Avacado and sliced tomato
Dinner: leftover stew

Let's talk. I woke up this morning weighting 3 POUNDS more than I did yesterday. 3. Whole. LBS. Cheat meal - fail. dream was accurate. Was it delicious? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.....but definitely not soon. Today is my return to fruits, veggies and meats....and the gym.

Breakfast: Grapefruit and handful of cashews
Snack: Almonds
Lunch: leftover stew
Snack: Cashews (I forgot to bring anything else to eat :( )
Dinner: chicken mango jalapeno sausage and roasted potatoes
Dessert: Banana ice cream (blended frozen bananas....that's it! Surprisingly good!)

So I went to the gym yesterday at lunch and it was the first time I felt my body telling me to take it easy. It's prob because I posted not long ago how great I was feeling and how I hoped to continue throughout my pregnancy. Never fails. Regardless, I'll tone down the cardio some and start focusing a little more on weights to keep the un-pregnant parts of me looking un-pregnant. I did wake up this morning 2 lbs's that darn Greek food, always makes me retain water. 1lb gain...that's probably legit. Only 4 more days! Oh, Mia asked me to stop by the donut shop on the way to school this morning. Guess what she wanted....I glazed donut with white icing and sprinkles! Ugh. Why does she want me to fail at this?! I was strong though....I powered through it, but I will be back. Next Wednesday, that donut is going down.

Saturday & Sunday:

Ya'll.....I must have blacked out because I totally forgot what I ate on these days! And I am in no way saying that because I was a big Cheaty-Mc-Cheaterton.

Ok....maybe I was.

Here's the deal. Saturday night was supposed to be a cheat meal for Dan and I. We were doing V-Day early so we had plans to go to Rick's Chophouse in Downtown McKinney. I mean we had studied the menu and knew what we were going to get (for each of the 5 courses we had planned ;)). We had been looking forward to this for WEEKS! Well, Bella woke up Saturday morning with goopy eyes....again :( We couldn't send her to my mom's so we made the "most" of the day despite having to cancel our big plans. I may have had pancakes for breakfast....and there's a chance I had Mexican for lunch (complete with chips and queso) and then Sunday morning I may have had a kolache or two....possibly a couple of donut holes. Yes. It was bad. And I was so close to the end. Can we please pretend this was Baby Boy's call? I will say that despite a few bad decisions, I got out in the gorgeous weather and ran 2.5 miles yesterday. It felt amazing. I have 2 more days technically of my Whole30 left. And I'm completing it, then Dan and I will be on a Paleo diet (with special occasion exceptions).

I promise there won't be anymore food log blogs (until my next whole30 post baby), but in our new Paleo journey, I'll definitely post some winning recipes!

I'll have my final summary of my (not so)Whole30 later this week.

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