Monday, February 2, 2015

My First Whole30: Week 3

I'm back! Can you believe it?? 3 weeks IN A ROW? I know. Crazy.

Let me tell you a little something about most of the people in my family. We are all or nothing people. We either go balls to the wall, or we are sitting on the couch. There is no middle ground. No leisurely pace. All the way in, or all the way out. It's the only way I know how to be. When I made my resolution this year to live a healthier life, I meant it. I'm all in. I started running shortly before I found out I was pregnant with baby boy. I really enjoy running. Not at first, but I do now. My immediate fear after finding out was that I wouldn't be able to run anymore. With both of my prior pregnancies I have become VERY short of breath VERY early on in pregnancy or just had that heavy feeling in my stomach like my organs were going to fall out my lady parts. Both situations made it very uncomfortable for me to run. So I didn't. Well, when I found out #3 was on his way, I started researching. Is it safe to run while pregnant? Do people do it? How long can you do it? What are tips and tricks for making it comfortable longer? You wouldn't believe how much info I found (well you might believe it if you knew how much time I spent researching)! Turns out there are women who have run marathons (MARATHONS, YA'LL) in their 3rd trimester, some even past 30 weeks! I honestly can't decide what's crazier....that someone ran a marathon that pregnant or that I dedicated as much time as I did to researching it! See? All or nothing. Well after my research I have decided that I'm going to do what I feel comfortable doing. Everything I read said - listen to your body, do what you were doing before and modify when necessary. Well, to be honest folks, while I feel comfortable drinking wine, the amount of wine I was drinking before would not be healthy for baby boy Jones, so we will stick to running. I feel comfortable running. And I think in this time where I could be lost in the chaos of my life - full time job, 2 small children, keeping up with family, being a good wife - it gives me an out.

So basically my life is a series of obsessions. I just go through it replacing one with another. At the moment, I'm obsessed with my health. And I think that's ok for now. I would be willing to place a wager that my prior obsession with wine will come back into play somewhere around August of this year - call it a hunch ;)

So here is my week 3 recap for those who have not jumped ship:

Breakfast: Grapefruit, sunflower seeds
Snack: Pecans
Lunch: Tuna salad on field greens (seeing a pattern here??)
Snack: Apple with almond butter
Dinner: Ribs, coleslaw and potatoes (leftover from Sunday's dinner)

Today I just feel tired. My kids didn't sleep well last night. It gives me that "I'm going to be at the doctor this week" feeling in my stomach. But for now we are medicating with Benadryl and pretending it is a combination of allergies and teeth. Mornings like this make me miss coffee. A lot.

Breakfast: Grapefruit, sunflower seeds
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Chicken salad and sliced tomatoes
Snack: Apple with almond butter
Dinner: Tilapia taco lettuce wraps with guac, pico and salsa

I'm just as tired today. I have one of those fitbits (which I LOVE and can't live without now) and it logs your sleep. I was awake something like 15 times last night and restless 28 times or something equally ridiculous. T-I-R-E-D. I had a weird dream about donuts last night too. I ate one then gained like 15 lbs over night. I'm not craving donuts today....

Breakfast: Grapefruit, pecans
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Freebirds salad with field greens, chicken, roasted veggies, pico, guac and salsa
Snack: sunflower seeds
Snack: Avacado and sliced tomato
Dinner: Paleo Sloppy Joes over sweet potatoes

There is something in the air because my allergies are going nuts! I can't breathe through my nose making sleeping almost impossible. Also, Dan was feeling under the weather last night so he nyquilled out and I was on baby duty all night. Mia is still waking up at least once to tell me she's scared in her room, and depending on how loudly she lets me know determines how many times Bella wakes up...but she normally wakes up once on her own too to let me know she's "lost" her paci. It could still be in her crib, but if it's not DIRECTLY in her mouth, I know about it. I'm tired. And I don't feel good. And normally when that happens, I just want to eat what I want to eat.....I think I will make my sloppy joes again for dinner to make myself feel better ;) That sort of feels like cheating, and cheating sort of feels like what I want to do. The count down to donuts - 12 days. I can do this.

Breakfast: Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, Cashews
Lunch: Hamburger Salad (basically a hamburger on top of lettuce....way better than it sounds. Either that or I'm pregnant ;))
Snack: Banana
Snack: Apple with almond butter (and some pecans)
Dinner: Sautéed Shrimp, mushrooms, onions, zucchini, squash

I feel terrible today still. Allergies don't generally hit me this hard until the fall, but with the unseasonably warm weather lately, all the allergens are bloomin'! Lucky me. I really just want to be able to breathe through my nose and do something other than blow my nose and sneeze during the day. I really don't feel like I'm asking too much. Meanwhile, I can't taste anything so I could really care less about donuts today. OH, and I am only 14w4d preggo and today was the first day I have a noticeable pooch from first thing in the morning. Seems early, but my pants still fit, so I'm gonna roll with it...

Breakfast: Egg Casserole (eggs, sausage, red/green peppers, onions, and spinach), banana
Snack: Cashews
Snack: Tomato and avocado (I had a conference call when I normally would eat, so had 2 snacks to tie me over until I got back from working out during my lunch break)
Lunch:Tuna salad
Snack: carrots
Snack: Fruit
Dinner: Leftover sloppy Joes

.....and the allergy saga continues. Miserable. Poor Mia is feeling it too. She's been coughing A LOT and has a runny nose. I, of course, sent her to school anyway.....because I'm good like that. I should disclose I took a bite of Mia's ice cream last night. One bite. And it hit my stomach like a brick. That got me to thinking, this donut idea may be good in theory, but how am I going to feel AFTER?? No fear, I've begun pinning Paleo donut recipes. Problem solved ;) Also....SUPER HUNGRY today! For Sweets! I'm stopping at the store to get a food processor and bananas, I'm making "ice cream" tonight (I'll share my trick later....not that there really is one ;))

Breakfast: Egg Casserole
Snack: Grapes
Lunch: Chop salad from McAlisters
Snack: cashews
Dinner: Fajitas! (I may or may not have had 1 tortilla)

Today was hard. I went to a trunk show for a good friend of mine and they were serving all sorts of delicious looking muffins and pastries. I didn't have any. But I wanted them all. In fact, Mia touched one and then tried to put it back, I almost popped it in my mouth without thinking about it, but I didn't. I gave it to Boo instead. For dinner though I went and bought special veggie root chips so I could have chips and salsa (these are likely not compliant, but they were close enough for me at the time). Then I said F it and had a fajita WiTH a tortilla. I'm a real rebel. I've gotta be honest, between the pregnancy and not feeling well, it has been a real struggle to not give in entirely. Maybe that's why I'm going so easy on myself for the little "slips". I'm trying really hard to see this through, but I also have been stocking up on little things at the store for my day 31. I'm pretty sure that is not the goal of this, although I'm not sure considering I still haven't bought the book ;) maybe my second Whole30 will be more productive after I read it....and AFTER this baby is born!

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 bacon
Lunch: I can't for the life of me remember. Mom brain is real, ya'll.
Snack: strawberries, tuna salad
Dinner: Chili

It feels like the close of week 6, not week 3. I made it to the store and tried to come up with some new dinner stuff because 3 weeks of the same is wearing on me. I also didn't realize that I was going to the store with everyone in the city of McKinney. It was insane. Also, brining your 3 yr old to "help" is super fun. She had to pee half way through the trip. I love when that happens. I still feel crappy. I think it's a sinus infection now.....Good. Times. Come on week 4!

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