Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Baby #3: 17 weeks this week's cliche....

What's the first thing people tell you when you start to have kids? I guess I can't speak for all people, but for me, I just remember people telling me how quickly "Time Flies". At the time, I nodded and smiled, but to be honest, I had no idea what they were talking about.

Now I know exactly what they mean.

Sometimes you don't see it happening while it's happening. But then you see something you realized you didn't know had changed and it makes you reflect on everything.

Bella just had her 15 mo appointment last week. In case you haven't gathered by previous posts, I have not been nearly attentive to this child as I was to my first. It's not because I don't love her. It's strictly logistics. I don't have time. I generally don't have time to even worry how I'm not worried about her hitting her milestones and developmental markers, but recently, things have calmed down in our house and I've been granted a glimpse into just how adapt-ably awesome my poor, neglected, second-child is. She's amazing. And this is by no fault of  my own.

I think with Bella I have had a hard time seeing her as anything but my baby. I suppose it's the way too grown up 3 year old living in my house that is constantly pointing out to me that Bella is, IN FACT, still a baby (and to her I'm sure she always will be as well). But BECAUSE of my bossy and psuedo-independent 3 year old, I find myself doling out instruction to my 15 mo old without so much as a second thought or consideration that I have not yet "taught" her what I was asking her to do. And to my surprise.....she does it anyway! We were in my closet (we do a lot of bathroom hanging out in the mornings) one weekday morning, and the kids like to get into my clothes/shoes and generally make a mess and drive me crazy. Before we leave the room though, I make it a point to try and get them to make some sort of order out of the mess. Well I was speaking to Mia and said "please put that sock in the dirty clothes hamper before you come out of the closet." She, of courese, ignored my request. BUT, to my surprise, my (not quite) 15 mo old picked up the sock I was speaking of and took it to the hamper to put it away. *drops the mic*

So once I realized her new super power, I began to use it more often. It generally is used to get her to clean up messes of her own making, but none the's one less mess for mama to pick up! (or lets be real, one less mess that will sit around on the floor until I trip over it and hurt myself, cursing in pain and THEN pick it up....). This is huge. Do you want to know how much time I spent trying to get Mia to pick up her toys?? Ya' was a lot of time.

After I realized this small, amazing, not-so-baby-like talent this child of mine had, I started exploring other things I had yet to teach her (like EVERYthing because I'm terrible). I asked where her head was. Ya'll...SHE KNEW! She also knew where her nose, ears, and most importantly....her booty......were. Please tell me that Dan and I are not the only parents totally obsessed with our childrens' booties....

Well aside from all that business Dan and I started trying to remember when Mia started talking. And to be fair....Mia talked REALLY early. It's weird how something that was such a HUGE milestone only 2 years ago is so hard to recall now. I guess part of that is that now, Mia is never not talking, so it's really hard to believe there was ever a time that she wasn't capable. To our surprise last week, Bella broadened her vocab to almost 10 words! She now says "Daa-yee" (Daddy), "mama" (she says this for me, but also for ANYthing else she wants), "mo" (more, she also does the sign), "ba-bye" (she also waves....why is that SO FREAKING CUTE?!), "boop" (book), "Cab" (crab, there is a crab book in the bathtub), and she's been able to say "Yia-Yia and Papa" for a while now too. She also knows the sign for "please" and is trying to say "fish", but mostly it is just her making the "Fff" sound. I'm not joking, with the exception of Mama and more, she picked all these up within the last 10 days! (please note she's said "Dada" for a long while, but recently started calling him daddy, which is also the most precious thing in the whole entire world.) So, we met our quota for vocab words by her 15 mo appt.....phew....that was close ;) Now we are working on animal sounds. Have I ever told ya'll that THAT is my MOST FAVORITE baby phase?! My oldest niece used to crack me up with the cat sound. You'd ask her "Lora, what does the cat say?" and she'd respond with a resounding "M-OW!". The. Best.

And don't even get me started on Mia....She's like a little grown up now. I feel like it's just happening so fast. She's at an age where she tells these elaborate stories that will (literally) go on forever if you don't stop her. But it's amazing, because at the end, despite her story being all over the board with flying horses and sharks who eat big monsters and then in the end they all come together and have a tea party....because you know, that's what flying horses and sharks and monsters normally do. She also came downstairs last night looking for Baby Doggy (serious, we're terrible at naming stuffed animals, but in our defense, she has 8 million...) and she says "Mom....this is bad. I can't find Baby Doggy anywhere. I think he's in the car. Oh, man....this is really bad." straight faced she says this. I just had to contain my laughter and help her with the search for Baby Doggy....but it was tough, I'm not going to lie. She also is very attentive to me and her sister. When I am in the restroom sitting on "the thrown" with my entourage (because who needs to use the rr alone?!), she always inquires what "number" I'm going to be doing, then makes sure to follow it up with "just tell me if you need to go poop!" haha. What a little mother. She's awesome. Wasn't she just born??

Speaking of overnight changes.....remember how I was talking about how neither of my kids were sleeping through the night? Mia was even refusing to sleep in her bed! Well, now, amazingly, they both are sleeping soundly through the night in their own beds. We are aiming to have the girls share a room once baby boy gets here, so step one was them sleeping through the night. Step 2 is getting Mia to sleep with the lights off (she currently sleeps with a small lamp about about 40 night could land a plane in her room.) Thankfully we have time. And I am learning that I make these adjustments way more in my head than they actually usually turn out to be. We are going to try and attempt the transition in May so we have a couple of months to work on the baby's room before his big arrival and before I'm too big to care ;)

Time is flying.

And here I am almost halfway through my third pregnancy, wondering how on earth almost 18 weeks has gotten by me already! We have yet to make any firm decisions on names (despite thinking we had decided a few weeks ago) or my future at work. Instead we are spending our time with our babies, trying to soak up all the little moments that we'll talk about at family dinners when they are grown and have brought home their first boyfriends :) These really are/have been the best years of my life so far. There are certainly days when I reminisce about impromptu happy hours with my girlfriends (and studly boyfriend turned husband) and beachy vacations that we could take on a whim, but to be honest I wouldn't trade a day with my kids for any happy hour or vacation in the world.

Today I'm 17w3d pregnant. I am definitely starting to show more, but thankfully I am not feeling the impact (YET) of the extra girth. I'm still in all my jeans and tops, although I have been able to wear a couple of maternity sweaters that don't require a huge belly. I'm still able to run and exercise 4-5 times a week and I honestly believe that is helping with my energy level as well as my sanity. I have managed to pack on 3 lbs since my last doc, I've got that weight thing covered too. See what I mean, all or nothing!

Here is me at 15 and 16wks, I haven't take a shot this week yet, so that will have to wait until my next post....

Pretty sure this is 15 wks. I took it to show how bloated I get after I eat! and I mostly eat just lean meats and veggies....I mean seriously! Yikes.

16 weeks

On Valentine's Day, we took a family walk, it was beautiful out and I can' tthink of a better way to spend a pretty day :)

This is Mia "helping" Bella to get in the picture. Thankfully Bella generally doesn't mind being pulled around, and she CERTAINLY dishes it back! Mia is much less receptive to it ;)

Bruiser has yet another head injury.....And mommy has some serious eye baggage.

Let's be real. When you have a tea party, a wand AND sunglasses are a must.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

My First Whole30 - What the....?

After just wrapping my my first (not so) Whole30, I thought I would take a minute to reflect on my experience.

Ya'll.....that business was intense. At first.....

Trying to adapt to no coffee and no sugar and basically no "things that make you go mmmmmm", was like trying to learn to write with your left hand. Once I got past the withdrawals and the mental was still crazy hard. I have plans for another one of these crazy experiments post baby 3....but thankfully I have the memory of a gold fish. I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday so I would bet by August, I'll remember this as a great idea ;)

I can't say my experience was a bad one though. Over the course of the 30 days I went to the grocery store 4 times, found at least 5 new recipes and managed to cook dinner every week night (with 2 exceptions). I was not overly hungry and when I was, I was (mostly) able to appease myself with things like fruits, veggies and nuts. I admittedly had some cheats, but overall, the past 30 days were a huge win for me.

It wasn't just about the food. It was about follow through and self control. Those who know me well can attest that when I am pregnant, I have never met a cookie I could say no to, or a party where I wasn't the first in line for cake. During my 30 days, I didn't have a single cookie or piece of cake, and not because I was not presented with the opportunity. I actively chose to make healthier choices and for that, I am proud of myself.

What's next? Well I've managed, despite being 2 days past my allotted 30 days, to stay relatively paleo. On the Paleo diet, you still omit things like flour, sugar, dairy and grains and of course anything overly processed, but in doing that, you fill those gaps with things like leafy greens, lean meats and fresh fruits and nuts. I should stress again that I'm not doing this to lose weight. That's literally not even possible for me at this point. I'm doing it because the foods allowed in this diet are really what I should be eating anyway. (I have discussed this with my doctor and she has approved) What I will consider an added bonus, should it occur, is a healthy weight gain during the next 5 months and an ability to get back into my pants without 7 months worth of posts documenting that whole Journey 'O Frustration.

Now, all that aside, I finally gave in this morning.....because you know what, despite knowing it's terrible for me, it's all I have dreamed about for 30 days.....
This. Happened.

......and I enjoyed every bite ;)

I think another point of this for me, aside from health and self control, was balance. I have managed to find a better balance between all crap food and none. I can't say I won't ever indulge, because A) no one would believe that (hell, I couldn't even make it 30 days!) and B) I am not a good liar. But what I can say, is that I won't stop at the donut shop every morning, and I will continue to work out (in moderation) for as long as my body will allow.

For the first time in a pregnancy, I can say I'm proud of what I've done so far and excited to see what's to come in the next few months.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Baby #3: 16 Weeks

When I found out I was pregnant with #3, I did a lot of unnecessary research. Not the kind of research that you do when you're pregnant with #1 though. When you are pregnant with #1 you want to know how big your little nugget is, when their finger prints are formed, when you will start showing (is it 8 weeks? because I would love for it to be 8 weeks *says a first timer*), what the "necessities" are going to be, what breastfeeding will look/feel like, how on EARTH you are going to shove a human through your hoo-ha, and (the worst) what the recovery from that is going to be like. No, I know all that stuff. He's tiny. He will have finger prints when he's born, I'm sure of it. I don't know when I'll start showing, but I hope it takes longer this time. It's fine if my baby boy uses all pink things, right? Breastfeeding - eh, it hurts, but I must not be too bad. Recovery is worse than breastfeeding....but by this time, surely he can just walk out of my lady parts. Want to know what I was researching? I searched blogs written by moms of 3. I want to know how it's done. I have joked for years (YEARS) about how moms of 3+ children are super heroes.....BATSH*T crazy super heroes. I mean, I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but there are days (very few days) where I manage to get the kids out the door without so much as a tantrum (I said few), go to work and feel like I've accomplished something, workout during my lunch hour, pick my kids up and come home and manage to make it through the rest of the night with a smile on my face and happy babies in their beds. I make a homemade meal for my husband for dinner and prep lunch for the next day before I hop in bed at a reasonable hour. Those days, I feel like I've got this mom thing figured out. But then.....there are only two of them. And there are SO FEW of those days! Now, here I sit on the brink of baby #3 and I am, quite frankly, freaking out. I am ping-ponging back and forth between my desire to stay home and my equally strong desire to go back to work. And aside from those "few" days, at the end of the day, I pat myself on the back for just making it. So, I researched. A lot.

You know what I was a little surprised to find? These women are just like me (well "me" in the sense that I'm a mom that feels overwhelmed and inadequate). The key is planning and staying positive. When it comes down to it, they love their kids and they are just making the most of their time. I think I'm trying to get too detailed too soon. At this point, I don't really need to know what I'll be doing on a Tuesday at 10:45AM if I were to be at home with 3 kids.....I'll cross that bridge when I get there.  What I need to do is find some balance. Balance between planning it all and rolling with the punches. Now....all I need is a plan for how exactly to do that ;) haha!

So for the real juice, how is pregnancy #3 going? I have to tell's going as good as pregnancies can go I think. I don't really feel pregnant, and my extreme first trimester exhaustion is starting to subside....I think. It's really hard to tell if my tiredness is from the two kids outside my body or the one inside it. Between my kids and the fact that either myself or one of them has been sick a huge majority of this so far, I would say that I don't feel any more or less tired than I have any other month since November 2013 (when we became a family of 4).

I'm 16 weeks 2 days pregnant today. Seriously....only 4 weeks from the half way mark. I can do this. I think. To date, I have not put on any weight, which is weird for me, but I think fairly common among other women. I can attribute this mostly to eating right and exercising and also my lack of "down time" to sit around with my hands on my stomach day dreaming of what baby boy will be like. Weird how I don't have that this go round. Despite the no weight gain, my stomach is noticeably pregnant. Well, noticeable to me and those that know me at least. I probably look fluffy to strangers. I think I started really showing around 17-19 weeks with Bella, so this next month should be a game changer. I'll get another sono next time too! I'm actually really excited about this because even though we know it's a boy, we didn't really get to see that much detail last time since it was so early. Yes "detail" is code for - we didn't see his bits and pieces. This is my first boy.....I want to experience it all. This is a WHOLE new ball game for me!

I did a little shopping for our boy this week too. I felt terrible that even though we've known he was a HE for just shy of a month, I had yet to buy anything to celebrate the news! We can consider that remedied. And you better believe if there is a shirt with a bow tie (or any kind of tie, really), or an outfit with a sweater vest, he shall have it. I am not opposed to adorable and highly unnecessary hats as well. I am loving me some baby boy shopping! What a fun new experience.

I had my 16 week doctors appointment yesterday. It was your pretty standard pee in a cup, listen for heart beat ( and ask any questions. Everything went well! I have actually lost 1 lbs since the start of this. I know that it's due to eating right and working out, but my doc had some concerns. I believe that not gaining weight is probably pretty common for some women, but I generally have put on 8-10 lbs by now. See what I mean? All or nothing. She told me to up my calories (by that I'm sure she meant "eat more donuts") and that I need to gain 4 lbs by 20 weeks. That should not be a problem. While I will continue to work out and eat well, baby boy is growing fast! I may or may not have busted out the crotch in my favorite pair of jeans doing my just-out-of-the-dryer-squat thrusts trying to get them on. So sad. They were all broken in and perfect fitting :( I'm going to try and order some more online....although unless someone wears them for me for 3 years prior to sending them, the size I have will likely not fit. Oh well....we are now in the 'hurry up and wear your clothes while they still fit' portion of the pregnancy, but to be honest, I'm just thankful there is still plenty I can fit into. We'll see how long that lasts ;)

Here's a pic of our boy from the inside....and the outside:
Baby Boy - 12w1d

10 w
Baby Jones's first tie!!! (how fancy ;))
Bella is practicing sharing :) 
Mia says this is Baby Kamryn (Kristin's little girl), but I take it as her practicing for her own baby this summer :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

My First Whole30: Week 4

This little experiment was my 2015 reset. I think it's worked. It's changed the way I eat, the way I plan meals and the way I even think about food. I think now, before I go to put something in my mouth, I consider what it's going to do to my insides. That's weird, huh? It's ok if you say yes. This is my last week. For that, I'm thankful. I can't say it has been easy or flown by. It hasn't.'s been good for me. I guess that was the goal.

In food-unrelated news, I get to hear the little heart beat of Baby Boy in 1 week from today. I can't say I have felt very pregnant to this point, but at night when I lay down, I feel like I can kind of feel where he is inside me. It hasn't been that long since I was pregnant, but I always totally forget how incredibly cool that is.

Moving on....Week 4:

Breakfast: half a grapefruit, 2 eggs, 1 piece of bacon (I worked from home this morning)
Snack: pecans
Lunch: Taco salad (shredded chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, guac, salsa)
Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Stew (SO FREAKING GOOD! ps. I love crock pots)

I still  am not feeling well. But that is in no way interfering with my appetite which seems to have grown exponentially overnight.

Breakfast: Odwalla smoothie apple pie larabar (not all larabars are compliant, but this one is)
Snack: half grapefruit and handful of cashews
Lunch: Sliced tomato and tuna salad (I know this is so redundant, but for real, I make a killer tuna salad)
Snack: strawberries, cashews
Dinner: Meatballs, tomato sauce

Well I ended up going to the doctor yesterday. I have a sinus infection. I knew it. I am on day 2 of antibiotics and don't really feel much better. I think tomorrow I should see some improvement. In other news, Bella woke up with red, swollen, gunky eyes. Yay....2 doctors appointments in 2 days! Bella has pink eye. We are both home today. She is in good spirits thankfully and reminding me what it's like to be home with a 1 year old. I'm not going to's pretty cool. I never got the one on one time with Bella that I got with Mia, so I try to really soak in these times....even if they are under less than ideal circumstances.

Breakfast: Grapefruit, handful of roasted almonds
Snack: apple with almond butter
Lunch: baked potato with chopped brisket
Snack:  apple with almond butter
Dinner: CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT! Gyro meat, pita bread, tzatziki sauce, dolmades, and delicious red pepper and feta dip. my sides were compliant- greek green beans and potatoes, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't cancel out what I just did to my body

Today is the first day in about 2 weeks I have woken up not feeling like hammered dog poo. Bella still has red eyes though, so she's at home with daddy. Last night, I've gotta say, the meatballs turned out pretty good! I almost didn't miss the pasta ;) I am starting to try and get a little more creative with dinners. I bought some chicken sausage at the store and we're considering stuffed peppers for dinner at some point next week. I think we are actually starting to plan meals without carbs just instinctively....weird, but nice! I do have a dinner date with a bestie planned for this evening though, so we'll see what happens. It's my favorite....Greek! And it's hard to eat Greek without pita and tzatziki!

Breakfast: Grapefruit, almonds
Snack: celery
Lunch: Tuna salad on field greens with some almonds
Snack: apple
Snack: Avacado and sliced tomato
Dinner: leftover stew

Let's talk. I woke up this morning weighting 3 POUNDS more than I did yesterday. 3. Whole. LBS. Cheat meal - fail. dream was accurate. Was it delicious? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.....but definitely not soon. Today is my return to fruits, veggies and meats....and the gym.

Breakfast: Grapefruit and handful of cashews
Snack: Almonds
Lunch: leftover stew
Snack: Cashews (I forgot to bring anything else to eat :( )
Dinner: chicken mango jalapeno sausage and roasted potatoes
Dessert: Banana ice cream (blended frozen bananas....that's it! Surprisingly good!)

So I went to the gym yesterday at lunch and it was the first time I felt my body telling me to take it easy. It's prob because I posted not long ago how great I was feeling and how I hoped to continue throughout my pregnancy. Never fails. Regardless, I'll tone down the cardio some and start focusing a little more on weights to keep the un-pregnant parts of me looking un-pregnant. I did wake up this morning 2 lbs's that darn Greek food, always makes me retain water. 1lb gain...that's probably legit. Only 4 more days! Oh, Mia asked me to stop by the donut shop on the way to school this morning. Guess what she wanted....I glazed donut with white icing and sprinkles! Ugh. Why does she want me to fail at this?! I was strong though....I powered through it, but I will be back. Next Wednesday, that donut is going down.

Saturday & Sunday:

Ya'll.....I must have blacked out because I totally forgot what I ate on these days! And I am in no way saying that because I was a big Cheaty-Mc-Cheaterton.

Ok....maybe I was.

Here's the deal. Saturday night was supposed to be a cheat meal for Dan and I. We were doing V-Day early so we had plans to go to Rick's Chophouse in Downtown McKinney. I mean we had studied the menu and knew what we were going to get (for each of the 5 courses we had planned ;)). We had been looking forward to this for WEEKS! Well, Bella woke up Saturday morning with goopy eyes....again :( We couldn't send her to my mom's so we made the "most" of the day despite having to cancel our big plans. I may have had pancakes for breakfast....and there's a chance I had Mexican for lunch (complete with chips and queso) and then Sunday morning I may have had a kolache or two....possibly a couple of donut holes. Yes. It was bad. And I was so close to the end. Can we please pretend this was Baby Boy's call? I will say that despite a few bad decisions, I got out in the gorgeous weather and ran 2.5 miles yesterday. It felt amazing. I have 2 more days technically of my Whole30 left. And I'm completing it, then Dan and I will be on a Paleo diet (with special occasion exceptions).

I promise there won't be anymore food log blogs (until my next whole30 post baby), but in our new Paleo journey, I'll definitely post some winning recipes!

I'll have my final summary of my (not so)Whole30 later this week.

Monday, February 2, 2015

My First Whole30: Week 3

I'm back! Can you believe it?? 3 weeks IN A ROW? I know. Crazy.

Let me tell you a little something about most of the people in my family. We are all or nothing people. We either go balls to the wall, or we are sitting on the couch. There is no middle ground. No leisurely pace. All the way in, or all the way out. It's the only way I know how to be. When I made my resolution this year to live a healthier life, I meant it. I'm all in. I started running shortly before I found out I was pregnant with baby boy. I really enjoy running. Not at first, but I do now. My immediate fear after finding out was that I wouldn't be able to run anymore. With both of my prior pregnancies I have become VERY short of breath VERY early on in pregnancy or just had that heavy feeling in my stomach like my organs were going to fall out my lady parts. Both situations made it very uncomfortable for me to run. So I didn't. Well, when I found out #3 was on his way, I started researching. Is it safe to run while pregnant? Do people do it? How long can you do it? What are tips and tricks for making it comfortable longer? You wouldn't believe how much info I found (well you might believe it if you knew how much time I spent researching)! Turns out there are women who have run marathons (MARATHONS, YA'LL) in their 3rd trimester, some even past 30 weeks! I honestly can't decide what's crazier....that someone ran a marathon that pregnant or that I dedicated as much time as I did to researching it! See? All or nothing. Well after my research I have decided that I'm going to do what I feel comfortable doing. Everything I read said - listen to your body, do what you were doing before and modify when necessary. Well, to be honest folks, while I feel comfortable drinking wine, the amount of wine I was drinking before would not be healthy for baby boy Jones, so we will stick to running. I feel comfortable running. And I think in this time where I could be lost in the chaos of my life - full time job, 2 small children, keeping up with family, being a good wife - it gives me an out.

So basically my life is a series of obsessions. I just go through it replacing one with another. At the moment, I'm obsessed with my health. And I think that's ok for now. I would be willing to place a wager that my prior obsession with wine will come back into play somewhere around August of this year - call it a hunch ;)

So here is my week 3 recap for those who have not jumped ship:

Breakfast: Grapefruit, sunflower seeds
Snack: Pecans
Lunch: Tuna salad on field greens (seeing a pattern here??)
Snack: Apple with almond butter
Dinner: Ribs, coleslaw and potatoes (leftover from Sunday's dinner)

Today I just feel tired. My kids didn't sleep well last night. It gives me that "I'm going to be at the doctor this week" feeling in my stomach. But for now we are medicating with Benadryl and pretending it is a combination of allergies and teeth. Mornings like this make me miss coffee. A lot.

Breakfast: Grapefruit, sunflower seeds
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Chicken salad and sliced tomatoes
Snack: Apple with almond butter
Dinner: Tilapia taco lettuce wraps with guac, pico and salsa

I'm just as tired today. I have one of those fitbits (which I LOVE and can't live without now) and it logs your sleep. I was awake something like 15 times last night and restless 28 times or something equally ridiculous. T-I-R-E-D. I had a weird dream about donuts last night too. I ate one then gained like 15 lbs over night. I'm not craving donuts today....

Breakfast: Grapefruit, pecans
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Freebirds salad with field greens, chicken, roasted veggies, pico, guac and salsa
Snack: sunflower seeds
Snack: Avacado and sliced tomato
Dinner: Paleo Sloppy Joes over sweet potatoes

There is something in the air because my allergies are going nuts! I can't breathe through my nose making sleeping almost impossible. Also, Dan was feeling under the weather last night so he nyquilled out and I was on baby duty all night. Mia is still waking up at least once to tell me she's scared in her room, and depending on how loudly she lets me know determines how many times Bella wakes up...but she normally wakes up once on her own too to let me know she's "lost" her paci. It could still be in her crib, but if it's not DIRECTLY in her mouth, I know about it. I'm tired. And I don't feel good. And normally when that happens, I just want to eat what I want to eat.....I think I will make my sloppy joes again for dinner to make myself feel better ;) That sort of feels like cheating, and cheating sort of feels like what I want to do. The count down to donuts - 12 days. I can do this.

Breakfast: Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, Cashews
Lunch: Hamburger Salad (basically a hamburger on top of lettuce....way better than it sounds. Either that or I'm pregnant ;))
Snack: Banana
Snack: Apple with almond butter (and some pecans)
Dinner: Sautéed Shrimp, mushrooms, onions, zucchini, squash

I feel terrible today still. Allergies don't generally hit me this hard until the fall, but with the unseasonably warm weather lately, all the allergens are bloomin'! Lucky me. I really just want to be able to breathe through my nose and do something other than blow my nose and sneeze during the day. I really don't feel like I'm asking too much. Meanwhile, I can't taste anything so I could really care less about donuts today. OH, and I am only 14w4d preggo and today was the first day I have a noticeable pooch from first thing in the morning. Seems early, but my pants still fit, so I'm gonna roll with it...

Breakfast: Egg Casserole (eggs, sausage, red/green peppers, onions, and spinach), banana
Snack: Cashews
Snack: Tomato and avocado (I had a conference call when I normally would eat, so had 2 snacks to tie me over until I got back from working out during my lunch break)
Lunch:Tuna salad
Snack: carrots
Snack: Fruit
Dinner: Leftover sloppy Joes

.....and the allergy saga continues. Miserable. Poor Mia is feeling it too. She's been coughing A LOT and has a runny nose. I, of course, sent her to school anyway.....because I'm good like that. I should disclose I took a bite of Mia's ice cream last night. One bite. And it hit my stomach like a brick. That got me to thinking, this donut idea may be good in theory, but how am I going to feel AFTER?? No fear, I've begun pinning Paleo donut recipes. Problem solved ;) Also....SUPER HUNGRY today! For Sweets! I'm stopping at the store to get a food processor and bananas, I'm making "ice cream" tonight (I'll share my trick later....not that there really is one ;))

Breakfast: Egg Casserole
Snack: Grapes
Lunch: Chop salad from McAlisters
Snack: cashews
Dinner: Fajitas! (I may or may not have had 1 tortilla)

Today was hard. I went to a trunk show for a good friend of mine and they were serving all sorts of delicious looking muffins and pastries. I didn't have any. But I wanted them all. In fact, Mia touched one and then tried to put it back, I almost popped it in my mouth without thinking about it, but I didn't. I gave it to Boo instead. For dinner though I went and bought special veggie root chips so I could have chips and salsa (these are likely not compliant, but they were close enough for me at the time). Then I said F it and had a fajita WiTH a tortilla. I'm a real rebel. I've gotta be honest, between the pregnancy and not feeling well, it has been a real struggle to not give in entirely. Maybe that's why I'm going so easy on myself for the little "slips". I'm trying really hard to see this through, but I also have been stocking up on little things at the store for my day 31. I'm pretty sure that is not the goal of this, although I'm not sure considering I still haven't bought the book ;) maybe my second Whole30 will be more productive after I read it....and AFTER this baby is born!

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 bacon
Lunch: I can't for the life of me remember. Mom brain is real, ya'll.
Snack: strawberries, tuna salad
Dinner: Chili

It feels like the close of week 6, not week 3. I made it to the store and tried to come up with some new dinner stuff because 3 weeks of the same is wearing on me. I also didn't realize that I was going to the store with everyone in the city of McKinney. It was insane. Also, brining your 3 yr old to "help" is super fun. She had to pee half way through the trip. I love when that happens. I still feel crappy. I think it's a sinus infection now.....Good. Times. Come on week 4!