Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thriving in Chaos (Bella 14 mo, Mia 3yr 2.5 mo)

Chaos. We Joneses apparently thrive in it. If we are not planning a party, we are selling a house or buying a new house or changing jobs or changing schools or buying cars or tending to sick babies.....always something. It's been that way since Dan and I started our lives together. It's like we are in overdrive. Nothing at a leisurely pace. Do you know that we have only been together for 6 years?? While that's a long time compared to my prior relationships, in the grand scheme of things, it is no time. In that 6 years, we dated, were engaged for a year and married, had 2 babies, lived in 2 apartments and 2 houses, and between us we have had 10 job changes/promotions (I've had 4 within the same company). There has literally not been a year that didn't have some sort of life altering event in it. It's been a wild ride....but an amazing one. And we discovered in November of 2014 that 2015 will be just as life altering.....Baby Jones #3 is on the way!

So. Here we are. We are both in careers we enjoy, have children who are happy and becoming more independent every day. We are starting to get more regular sleep and now we are faced with our new reality....another baby. I mean, I am pretty sure I know what to do with another baby, but for real - WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH ANOTHER BABY??? Who has 3 kids?! In 4 years no less?? *thumbs pointing in* This guy, apparently. So, it is with excitement and lots of unanswered logistical questions that we will welcome our third baby in July of this year....Year 5. (The implications of our new addition will have to be its own blog me when I say, I have all sorts of notes going on in my head :))

I am very aware that not everyone gets pregnant solely by drinking too much wine and taking a romp in the hay. I have had too many friends struggle to get pregnant or lose babies to take this for granted for even a minute. Now, I can't say there wasn't a certain amount of shock and adjustment after the two lines showed up on that test (or those 4 tests....), but once I got past that moment, I became so very thankful for yet another opportunity to be a mommy. This time, I don't have the same fears I did with #2. I am now well aware that I can love another little human just as much as I love the 2 that are already outside my body. I don't fear that I'll have enough patience or time.....and that is mostly because I know for sure that I will NOT have enough of either. But I know I will survive. And I will look at this sweet new baby and I will fall in love, just like I did 2 times before. Because they are precious. Even when they are not a part of our immediate plans.

So, as of today, I am 11w4d pregnant. I am due July 26. I have my first trimester screening on Monday and at that point we could find out if we are destined to be a family of Jones Ladies or if a little prince will be joining my princesses. I can honestly say that either way, I'm good. I mean lets face it, we make some pretty adorable little girls....but of course the pressure is on for a boy given that girls have now over taken both Dan's family and mine. As of this point, I feel pretty normal. I've had some nausea, but nothing severe and I haven't put on any weight (YET), so there is nothing to really remind me on a daily basis that I have a tiny human growing inside me.

In the spirit of thriving in chaos......2015 is certainly gearing up to bring it.

As usual I'll keep you all posted. Happy New Year!

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