Wednesday, May 28, 2014

If only mommies could write prescriptions....

If I could write prescriptions, I would miss 99% less work and my kids 99% less school and I would have have saved enough money in co-pays to put a downpayment on a decent sized boat we've been dreaming about for years now! Can I get an 'AMEN!'??

So, I feel like I have spent the last month (my FAVORITE MONTH) nursing one or both of my children and/or husband/self to health. The. Whole. Month. Let's start it out with a double ear infection followed by a single ear infection followed by another ear infection (which they considered the same ear infection) for my youngest. Oh and for those without children I should tell you (because I didnt know) that an "ear infection" can be disguised as a cough and runny nose coupled with midnight scream sessions over the course of a week. And despite what doctors say there does not HAVE TO BE a fever........We then had a night of projectile vomit/other goodness from Mia, which turned in to a week of "when is this 24 hr bug going to leave us?!" for both Mia and myself. We closed it out with a weekend of Dan experiencing all the "fun" that Mia and I partook in the week prior. And now.....we have made it full circle. Bella has another ear infection. Oh wait....the doc said its not really an ear infection. Hey, I get it, I didnt go to med school. Me, I'm just the woman who has lived through a month long ear infection and knows from the sight of the first runny nose and the sound of the FIRST CRY what an ear infection is. I dont care what they say. My child has an ear infection. And when I have to go BACK to the doctor on Friday.....we will further confirm what I think. goes life.

I hate it when my kids are sick. I hate it even more when I take them to the doc when they are sick and am told they are not, in fact, sick. I hate it. Why would I possibly hate my kids NOT being sick? Because that means that they hurt in some way that medicine can't help.....and that I can't seem to help either. Oh, my next favorite thing aside from the not sleeping that comes a long with a new baby is the not being able to give them anything until they are two for any sort of relief in these situations. So what have we been doing? Well for a couple of nights, Dan and I switched off sleeping in the recliner with Bella. Last night I played with her until she literally bent over her cute chubby legs and passed out mid grab at the remote.

Being a mom is hard. Being a parent is hard. Not having a prescription pad at my arms reach is probably safer than the alternative....but it's still hard too.

Moms, you're doing a good job. Even when you're tired. Even when you don't know what's wrong (or when you know, but the doctors don't agree...). Even when you think you're not. You are. Keep it up.

Maybe I just needed to hear this myself. But I assure you, it's true in every one of our cases. My husband told me the other day "what you do is amazing. I could never do it like you do." It was the biggest compliment of my life. And you know what I said?? "I know." ;)

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