Tuesday, June 25, 2013

20 Weeks

Well, I'm not sure how it happened, but this little roller coaster is half way through already! I will be 20 weeks tomorrow and have my 20 week appt on Thursday where we will finally find out what we're having.....wait....that happened 2 months ago. Ok, so we will get to see our little princess dancing around on my organs again :) Either way, I'm excited. I keep having dreams that they tell me she's a 'he'.....but I feel like that wouldnt shake me as much this time as it probably would have last time. We have already named her, bought her bedroom furniture and bedding and are fully stocked on everything little girl....but hey, sometimes you gotta roll with the punches. But let's be real....this better be a girl.

So, we'll start this round table (just kidding, these are generally one way convos) off with me. I feel pregnant. It happened overnight. I was doing so well with not putting on too much weight. I was still wearing my pants, no one at work was any the wiser that I was growing a human....then it happened. Week 18, I got PREG-NANT. There is no sucking it in. This is for real. I had a little girl at the pool ask me the other day if I was carrying a baby in my tummy. It was cute and innocent. It's funny though, because if an adult had asked me the same thing, I probably would not be smiling about it. Im not sure Mia quite grasps that her baby sister is residing in my tummy, I think she just thinks 'mommy got fluffy and now I have more cushion to pounce on unexpectedly!' And pounce she does. Between trying to keep her off my tummy and keep her knobby elbows out of my boob sockets....I have my hands full.Aside from feeling exactly what I am, I havent really noticed much of a difference. I have put almost as much weight this time as I did last time, but this time, it is all belly....like for real, this kid is going to be a big mamma-jamma. I just have a feeling. My bum still fits in my pants which still amazes me, and no doubt will not last much longer, but I am migrating towards maternity pants that I can keep on (I'm still at a weird in between size for some reason) because seriously, who doesnt want to wear stretchy pants every day?

Now on to the child residing outside my body. Mia has changed so much so quickly! She is a little sponge soaking up everything we say (EVERY.THING.) She said her first full sentence the other day "More rice please, Mommy" and I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that it included such manners! She says "bless you momma/daddy/Mia" if anyone sneezes (or coughs or burps) and she says "sorry momma" after she intentionally socks me in the face. I can't decide how to take that one yet. She is in a strange repeat phase though and she will literally say the same thing (for example "A BUG!") like 20 times in a row until you've acknowledged in a way she approves of that she has, in fact seen a bug, which is mostly just specs of dirt, or nothing at all. She is surprisingly obedient, and I'm constantly amazed at what she understands (for example, pick the food up off the floor and put it in the trash can). She LOVEs reading books.....like love loves reading books. She could sit all day/night (so long as you are sitting directly next to/underneath her) and read. It's precious. She still has a pretty mean little temper, but I have no doubts she came by that honestly, so it's kinda hard to get mad at. I just giggle to myself and say "well played, God. Well played", as I'm sure my mother wished for me to have a daughter just like myself ;-)

Well I did this post intentionally early so that on the next one I could update on Bella (Arabella) stats. from Thursday's appointment. I will also do a Mia photo update with that one. But until then, here is me at 19 weeks.

and just a glance back to week 18.....


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