Wednesday, June 5, 2013

17 weeks

Hello again, and welcome to week 18 of baby 2! I have been meaning to update for at least a week now, but you got in the way. And to be perfectly honest, I can't say there is much update on the in-utero human. I guess I will fill you in on the few changes I have noticed....

So this very week is the week I started feeling pregnant. Up to this point, I feel like I have had to constantly remind myself that I am in the process of growing a human. Aside from the extreme exhaustion of the first trimester, and transitioning back into a C-cup bra from my little ole 'A' (man, that seemed to happen over night!) I haven't really felt pregnant. I honestly believe it is because I have had less time to focus on the every day aches and pains and really I haven't had time to slow down and realize that my belly IS in fact, growing. Last week I started noticing I could feel baby girl in the mornings when I would roll over to my back. I remember it was my first favorite part of when I was pregnant the first time. It is amazing how much you forget in such a short time. I remember thinking, as I rubbed my tummy in the morning, that this was the first time that I was actually  feeling my baby. I am just as in awe this time. I love the mornings....except for the whole having to wake up part....because I feel like I get to spend time with my new baby. How weird is that? She is LITERALLY inside of my skin and I feel like the mornings are our time's funny to say out loud. It could be because in the mornings I am not talking to Dan yet and I dont have a toddler hanging off my hip or leg, or sitting on my lap as I pee (I mean seriously, who needs to do that by themselves anyway?), so first thing in the morning, it's just me and Baby. And I love it.

A big fear I had going into this whole thing (I say that as though there were any thought put into "going into this") was that there was NO WAY I was going to be able to love another human the way I do Mia. I think now that I am almost half way in, I can say with 110% confidence that I can. I can also say that the love I have for this baby is completely different, totally seperate and in no way takes away from how I love my other baby girl. It's crazy. Just wow.

So, I guess it's fair to say......I'm emotional ;-) Geez, I bet you didn't think you'd be getting a page full of mush when your email alert went off! Ok, well I think I have control of myself now. Moving on.....

As far as how I feel physically, I am good for the most part. I am noticing that I get winded more easily and I have begun having this shooting pain in my tail bone area (I am pretty confident it's my sciatica) on a pretty on-going basis. At my last doctor appointment I hadn't put on any weight since 12 weeks, which by the way, I was pretty sure would NEVER happen to me. Ever. And I am more than confident that it won't again. You can ask my friends who's ears I have been gnawing off over concern for my weight gain this go-round.....I am concerned for my weight gain this go round! The good news is, I'm starting this pregnancy quite a bit lighter than I started my last, and I have not had the pizza/burger/candy cravings like I was plagued with during the last go round. Surprisingly, I have craved mostly fruits and vegetables (reading that, I want to punch myself....who says that?!), but it's true. Also, I have been able to stay pretty active. I am trying to work out several times a week and I feel like its a combination of those factors that have kept me in my pre-pregnancy jeans to date! Now, those jeans are no longer buttoning....but your belly gets big when you're pregnant, so lets not focus there.....PEOPLE, MY BUM STILL FITS IN MY JEANS! Hallelujah! :) Below is proof ;-)
On a final note.....and if you are worried about me spilling too much information, you are reading the wrong blog - FYI. Have you heard of that book "Everybody Poops"? Well they are liars. This girl does not. For the last 13 weeks my body has gone on strike. It either got tired of doing its job of moving food through my body, or started getting worried that I wasnt going to end up a big fatty McFatfat....either way.....not EVERYONE poops.
And the very FINAL FINAL note, Mia is talking up a storm! She actually puts words together now like "Daddy work" when he's not here in the morning when she comes down stairs, and she says stuff like "there it is" or "what's that?!" (this is her favorite, she asks it about things that she knows good and well what they are and she uses it as a ploy to stay awake longer at only works on daddy though ;-)) She is still very much a Daddy's girl, and I am positive that he is a Mia's boy too :) She LOVES to read books and if we are not reading, she wants to be outside looking for "buggies"....she's the cutest! Here is a pic of her outside.....

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