Sunday, February 12, 2012

BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS - there, got it out of my system....

Hello all! Mia is 16 weeks and 4 days old today. I realized when I logged on that I had started a blog a week ago that never was completed. It was funny to read it too....apparently I was having a BAD week! It's a good thing my memory is shot, so I don't tend to dwell on those for longer than a day or so.

I must say, this week has been pretty good. I guess it's God's way of reminding me that "this too shall pass" (meaning the bad days/weeks). From what I read of my half written blog a week ago, Mia didn't sleep. AT. ALL. during the day. Now, it's hard to get things done in short 1 hour spurts of time, but getting things done with 0 free time is damn near impossible. Unfortunately, my to-do lists don't go away just because my child has a fear that sleep hurts one week. Nope, sadly the list gets longer and the number of showers I take during said week gets lower. BUT, this week definitely confirmed that it DOES get better. And I for sure needed it. So, this past week, Mia not only re-adopted her daytime naps, she also is now attempting to sit up on her own, and has started the inevitable hand to mouth routine with anything in her reach. She has just about grown out of all of her 3 month one piece outfits, get this....because she's TOO LONG! God love her, she didn't get her mom's height afterall ;-)

Another huge milestone this week was that I stopped nursing. I have mixed emotions about this for many reasons. On the plus side, I now know exactly how much she's going to eat, I don't have to worry about pumping my boobs before they explode after a given amount of time, and my nipples will no longer be mutilated by my little baracuda. On the down side, I was really hoping to last 6 months and there is just a sweet sweet connection you have with your baby when they are's something that is totally irreplaceable in  my mind, but I am so grateful to have had the time that I did. Also, not sure if you're aware, but formula is CRAZY expensive! Screw saving for college, we're gonna need that savings to feed this kid the first year. I sometimes wish I had been more dilligent with the pumping, but it was never really my thing. I never could manage to get any milk "stashed" away, so to me it just seemed pointless (however, I feel like I am the minority, so those who are about to be new mommys and are concerned, don't be...I'm just weird!)Lastly, for the first time in over a year I will have no good reason to mention my boobs in a blog post. I mean, I probably still will, but not for a "good" reason ;-) I could make it a point to tell you exactly where on my torso they end up, as they seem to be sinking by the day.....I remember thinking at some point that I would never have to worry about sagging boobs seeing as how they never protruded off my chest any distance. Once those suckers stretched out to D's, it was all over. I'm sad to see my milk and my boobs go, but I am happy to have the freedom that bottle and formula feeding allows. I am also thrilled that Mia didn't really seem to mind much that she's not getting the milk 'from the cow', so I didn't have to deal with the whole weening process.

In other Mia news, we took her 4 month pics today...and I've gotta say, she's a natural! ;-) I've attached some of the unedited pics below. We should get the edits back in about a month and I'll make sure to post those as well. I realize I'm her mom and probably the most partial person on the planet (aside from her dad) but this is the cutest kid I've ever seen, I'm pretty sure she gets that from me ;-) haha...kidding!

Well now that I'm not breastfeeding, I can stop eating, right? ;-) Totally joking! But I have wanted to do a cleanse to kind of kick this weight loss into high gear, and I was waiting until I stopped nursing to do that. So, tomorrow I am going to do a 2 week Jillian Michaels (i heart her) cleanse and like FOR REAL start working out. Even though I can now fit into almost all of my pre pregnancy clothes, I still have about 9 (or 10) lbs and a whole lotta jiggle that I'd like to rid myself of.

I totally forgot too that I was going to make this blog a "what I learned" kind of a forum....I've learned a very important lesson this week:
Always look in the mirror before you leave your house! A couple weeks ago, I went half a day without noticing that I had my shirt on backwards, and just yesterday I caught a glimpse of myself while shopping and realized I had baby puke covering my shoulder.....good times. ;-)

And one more thing before I go.....if you could say a prayer for my mom's best friend, Patti Bedford, who was just diagnosed with lung cancer and sent home from the hospital because the chemo does not seem to be working, I would appreciate it. This woman has been a part of our family, and us hers for as long as I can remember. It's a horrible situation to find someone you love in. Thank you.

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