Saturday, February 25, 2012

4 mo - Something New

So, I have seen a couple people do this lately, and thought it was a great idea. I am going to start writing a letter to Mia on her 'month' birthdays to let her know what she's like and how she's growing. I'll still update every week or so with the other Jones news, but would like to have something for Mia to look at later :)

Dear Mia,
You just turned 4 months old! I'm still amazed from month to month, week to week, day to day, and even hour to hour just how much you are changing! These days, to my delight, you wake up around 7-7:30 and eat about 4-6 oz every three hours until you turn in at night around 7:30. You take a long 2 hour nap in the morning then nap off and on for incredibly inconvenient amounts of time throughout the rest of the day. Someone asked me the other day how long you normally slept, I didn't have an exact answer, all I could tell them is that you generally wake up 5 minutes before I finish ANYthing! Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled you are napping again, and I am working on being ok not completing tasks ;-)
We had your 4 month check up last week and you are growing like a weed! You weighed 14.13lb (75%) and were 25.75" long (90%!!). You had gotten so long that they actually measured you twice because the nurse was in shock! I'd like to think that means you have a chance at surpassing your short momma, but I don't think it really means anything at this stage in the game....don't worry though, in a couple years I'll start teaching you how to walk in heels ;-) At your appointment the doctor also told us that you could start eating rice cereal! I was, however, not so much. I'm still attempting it at least once a day, but at this point you have NO interest in what smells like a mashed up rice cake...I can't say I blame your distaste for the stuff.
When you are on your tummy now, you can hold your head all the way up and even pull your legs off the ground so it looks like you're a mini-super man. That is no easy feat either since you carry your weight in your cheekies :) You have started to really enjoy your little exersaucer. I think it's a little overwhelming for you right now, but you sit and stare (and try to eat everything) for about 15 minutes at a time. I have to say, this is huge for me! Just before this, you were pretty content being held ALL THE TIME! While I love being that close to you, ther are just some things, that try as I may, I need 2 hands for. You really enjoy "standing" on our laps when we hold you, and whenever you are in anyone's arms, you INSIST on being held facing out....already a control freak like your father ;-) You are still rolling from side to side, but you seem to be showing some interest in making it the rest of the way over....I feel like you're gonna make it any day now. That is going to put a damper on your nap situation though, as right now, you tend to take most of them on the couch. That isn't so much because you just LOVE our couch as much as it is that I don't LOVE stairs 90 times a day. When you do nap, no matter where it is, you like to sleep with your hands over your face. That's also how we know you're's one of the cutest things ever! for've found your toes! Yep, life just got awesome! Who would have known that those things dangling off the bottom of your body would be such a hit! The big thing now is that I finally found socks that stay on your feet and now you've figured out a way to remove them....awesome. Speaking of removing also are very good at taking your paci out of your mouth. You can, occasionally put it back in, but never in the middle of the night. You don't seem to have any problems putting anything else in your mouth though. It's kind of what you do's kind of a big deal ;-) I'm understanding more and more the importance of having disinfectant wipes on hand at all times.
Just the other day I boxed up all of your 0-3 month clothes and most of your 3 month ones as well. There are still a few onesies that you can squeeze into, and even if you can't, I'm pretty dead set that we're gonna get one more wear out of them. I am having to buy you 6 mo sizes now, because apparently babies jump in 3 month growth incraments....I still can't figure that out.
In true 'Margaret' fashion, I have given you a nickname....or several. The most used is 'Mimi'. I didn't think you could shorten a 3 letter name, but I have done it. Daddy was dead set against it at first, but I catch him calling you by that name on a pretty regular basis now. We also call you 'Little Big Cheeks' and daddy calls you his 'Little tooshie Monster'. Luci doesn't call you anything....but she sure stares at you a lot.

There is so much more I could write about how awesome you are...but I have to end this post at some point and actually hang out with you, so we'll just leave it at that. You still are the highlight of my day...even when you scream for absolutely no reason and even when you scratch my face off with your ridiculous eagle-like talons. You are the prettiest baby and you just keep getting prettier, and not sure if it's possible, but your little cheeks keep getting bigger :) We love you baby girl!

here are some pics of you from this month :)

First Valentine's Day!

Putting your paci in on your own

you got to meet your aunt Margaret for the first time this month! (we call her auntie M)

our first attempt at solid foods, this time you did pretty good, it was downhill after that though

yep, i dressed you like a strawberry, then laughed....WITH you, not at you ;-) you can hate me later...


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