Sunday, October 28, 2012

Best. Year. Ever.

Dear Mia,

You made it! You are officially a whole year old! I can hardly believe it. The night before your birthday your daddy and I were reminiscing about how we were going in to the hospital that night and we remembered how anxious and excited we were. We were trying to picture what you were going to look like and how life was going to be as a party of 3. There was never a moment that we thought it would be anything short of fantastic, but you far exceeded anything that we could have expected. You are amazing. Every day I am surprised by the new things you are doing and the new little ways you have to show your ever blooming personality. You are just a dream come true....and we love you more than words.

But enough with the mushy stuff....we have A LOT to catch up on from the last month! You'll have to forgive me (yet again) because mommy was to frazzled this month to even think of writing things down. So you're going to have to go on the ole memory, which is fuzzy at best. I guess I should start with the fact that for the last 5 1/2 weeks you have been in daycare. This was a daycare that I carefully selected based on recommendations from parents as well as my own personal visit to the center with you. It was, in my opinion, the best. I was trying to prepare myself for the inevitable germ intrusion, but I had no idea what I was in for. Mommy went back to work on a Monday, so for my own sanity, I started you in daycare the Wednesday just before, so that I could deal with my separation issues in the privacy of my own home as opposed to on my first day at a new job. Although, in retrospect, it wouldn't have mattered much.....but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Well, by Friday, you already had a runny nose. The first weekend, we spent sucking snot out of your face and dosing you with benedryl for what we were sure was allergies and....say it with me....TEETHING! Well, we were wrong. Like BIG TIME wrong. On Monday, the daycare called and you had a fever. Luckily your daddy was able to pick you up and take you to the doctor because, being my very first day of work, I was not so flexible. Well, turns out, you had your first ear infection, but you didn't leave it at that....nope you doubled it up. Perfect. So, Day 3 of daycare = huge success :-/ In most daycares (ours included) if you are sent home with a fever, you cannot go back the next day regardless of the circumstances. Lucky for us, and you, Grammy stayed home with you on Tuesday. Wednesday, we were back at it. I believe you made it through friday, but not withoug a constant stream of something running down the center of your face. I was thrilled (you'll learn later in life to decipher my sarcasm....but until then, this was it). Weekend 2 we spent still trying to get you better. You weren't sleeping great at night, you were super fussy during the was just an all around good time for everyone invovled. Week 2 (full week at least) you made it to 10AM on Monday before they called me to come pick you up because you had a fever. Perfect. So, again, we went back to the doctor for her to tell us that nothing was wrong. Tuesday, Grandmother came to stay with you since, again, I was unable to take off work. At this point, both your dad and I were asking ourselves "why did I go back to work again?!", but I had to keep reminding us that this was only a phase and you WOULD get past it. Wednesday, back to daycare (are you noticing a theme yet?!). I believe you made it through Wednesday and Thursday that week, but Friday, they called around 2 and you had a fever....again, and you had thrown up twice. So, back to the doctor we went (if you'll recall, for the SECOND time this week). It turns out you had a stomach bug, so we took you home and tried to get you back up to par before week 3 started....It was another long weekend of sleepless nights and strange days with long naps and fussy baby. On Monday, it was back to daycare. You made it through Monday, but they felt like you weren't feeling good. I agreed, but you didnt have a fever and no real symptoms, so we decided to wait it out. Well Tuesday, you got sent home again....fever. So, back to the doctor we headed. This time, FLU! Well she assured me that we had encountered almost all the major things except for strep (dear Lord, please don't let that be what next week holds!) so we should be starting to get over the hump. In the meantime she said that it was one of those things that just kind of runs it's course. Well, as soon as we left the doc, your fever broke. I stayed away from giving you tylenol to see how you'd do, and sure enough, you were good. You slept through the night adn we slowly watched our playful, happy baby return to us :) Grammy stayed with you again on Wendesday and you were back to daycare on Thursday. Friday was your bday, so your daddy took off to hang with you. You guys came to meet me for lunch....BEST lunch date ever! :)

So, after all that, last week was awesome. you were a champ! No fever, no runny nose! You napped twice almost every day (which was another thing you were having a hard time doing there) and you are entertaining them regularly like you do with us here :) The only thing last week (because apparently there always has to be a "thing") is that you had a horrible diaper rash. Now, i say this because you have only had any sort of diaper rash ONCE before in your whole life. This was a doozy. Your little toosh was so raw that you wouldnt sit in the bath or on anything and changing your diaper was heartbreaking. When we went to your 1 year check up (to be discussed later) the doc prescribed a diaper cream (the most expensive diaper cream on the planet, I'm pretty sure) that seems to have taken care of it quite nicely. So, done and done. To sum up. Daycare - 4. Mia -1 ;-)

Next up, your birthday party! Mommy decided to try and get creative and do the decor herself....I think it turned out pretty cute. I didn't get many pics as you were glued to the right side of my body, but I am hoping my photographically gifted sister in law (thats you, Kels!) will send me some of the ones she took, and I will post them later :) But basically, we had 30 of your closest friends and relatives (you are one popular little girl) over to help us celebrate. You had a great time playing and opening your gifts....the cake though, not such a hit. Although, once the attention was off you, you had your way with a cupcake and some ice was adorable, chekc it out....
and yes I stripped you down just made sense

I think singing to you was probably scarier than we wanted it to be, next year I think I'm going to have everyone just whisper "happy birthday, Mia"

this was very preliminary, but your banner says "happy birthday Mia" (thanks, Pinterest)

This is your wall of pics. I printed a bunch of b&w pics and hung them on it's hanging in your playroom :)

what girl doesn't love animal print?!
The next day we spent recovering. It was a great weekend!

So, what else is new with you, you ask? Well, you took your first steps! You are still not "walking", but don't feel bad, you get around bear-style much faster than most kids on 2 feet. I think if it took you longer to get where you wanted to be, you might have taken to it faster. You have also managed to bust out with about 8 new teeth! I should add, that they are all BUT your two front teeth....I bet I know what you want for Christmas ;-) You are talking and singing up a storm now! You say "dad", "mama", "dog", "Go! Go!" (this is what we say to Luci alot, so now when you see her, you say's awesome!), "night night", "bye bye", "baby", "Bath", "yea", "Hi".....I'm telling's ridiculous! Maybe you're trying to over compensate for not quite walking yet ;-)

At your one year appt, you weighed in at 20lb3oz, the 30%. The doc thinks because you were sick and you've started moving around so much your weight has slowed way down. Your height, on the other hand, is right on  track still. You are 30" long, 75%. The doc says everything is good and those two front teeth should pop through any day. You also have already had your 1 year molars come through which I guess is a good thing, but probably added to the drama the last couple weeks. Not that I would have noticed given that there was nothing normal about your first few weeks in daycare!

Well, I guess that's about it. Things are finally getting back to "normal". And when I say that, I mean our new normal. Now daddy gets you up in the morning and gives you your bottle (still 6 oz, but now of MILK!!) then mommy takes you to daycare. I work close to there so I am normally back to pick you up by 5:10 and we head home and eat dinner. After dinner you take a bath, which is still one of your favorite times of the day....then we play a little more and you are normally out for the count before 7.

I can't say this has been a smooth transition, but I think that all things considered, you have done pretty well.....and I guess your dad and I have too ;-) I'll tell you one thing really sets our priorities straight. I no longer take for granted (not that I thought I did before) any time I have with you. I try to savor it and remember everything because it's even more apparent that things are moving very quickly, and I dont want to miss anything!

On one last note, halloween is coming up. We're not totally sure what we're going to do, but we got you a costume (pics later) and we'll prob show up to the grandparents' houses at some point to show it off ;-) This weekend, we took you to the pumpkin patch in Celina. It was fun, but I guarantee next year, you'll really love it. By then, you'll know the animals and be able to enjoy the hayride.....but I think it was a good tradition to start :)

Well Mia....Great first year. Way to make it yours ;-) We are so in love with you that I can't even put it into words. Thank you for making us parents. We love you, Mimi!

Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Reflection on 11 months.....

Well folks, it has been almost a year since I quit my job to stay at home with my baby. It seems like forever ago, and like it was just yesterday....weird how that happens. This morning when I woke up, I made myself and Dan a cup of coffee and remembered the first day that I was at home. I was still pregnant (VERY pregnant). I got up, made us both coffee and sat on the couch and reflected on what I was going to do that day....and for the days that followed. I can't remember exactly what I did, but I remember being so happy and thinking to myself "I could get used to this".

As of next Wednesday, I will have a whole other routine to get used to. Next Wednesday Mia will be 11 months old.....and she will be starting daycare for the first time ever. That's right....momma got a J-O-B. Sometimes I feel stupid for airing all of my plans on an open forum for everyone to read. Most of the time, things don't go as I plan....but I think it's also important to remember, that my plan is not the one that matters. I have wanted to pursue teaching for a while now, but with a baby in daycare, I really need something that is both reliable and predictable. Substituting is neither. I need stability. I went on several interviews and was offered a position with a company 6 miles from my house as an Admin to the Director of Rollout at Ericsson! What a blessing! I begin work on September 24.

I am starting Mia in daycare next Wednesday because I feel like I will need a few days to get used to not having her with me. And I'm not sure I want to show up to my first day of work a blubbering idiot who is sobbing all day. During those first three days, I can pick her up WHENEVER I want. That won't be the case once I start working. I went and registered her on Tuesday and we met her teachers. I was anxious, but she seemed JUST fine ;-) I set her down and she crawled right over to the toys to play.....never for a second looking back to see if I was still there. In fact, I had to pry her away from them so we could leave! Talk about the Lord granting me peace in that moment. There is no doubt that there will be tears on Wedensday....and maybe Thursday and Friday too....but I feel they will mostly be mine (and not just because she's weird and doesn't cry tears....). Another assurance about this daycare for me, is that they have video monitoring! So, even though I'm not with her, I won't miss anything ;-)

A lot of changes in the next couple weeks....A LOT. It's hard to imagine not being with her all day, and trusting her to someone that I've only met for a few minutes. I am just trying to stay calm and breathe. I know she's ready.....whether I am or not is a different story. But, we will both survive and I am looking forward to watching her blossom. I have been so blessed to be able to witness every milestone as it happens. These last few weeks have been just incredible...something new every day! It makes it a little bitter sweet to head back to the grind, but I know that it's for the best. And I am looking forward to our new adventures. Mia's a pretty amazing little seems unfair to hoard her awesomeness. It's time for the rest of the world to get a little glimpse ;-)

Big thanks to my husband who has allowed me to spend so much time watching our baby girl grow, and who has been supportive of my decision to go back to work, all the while making sure that I know I don't have to. I am one lucky lady, I love you Dan Jones.

Next up.....Mia's Birthday!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

10 (and a half-ish)

Dear Mia,

You turned 10 months last week, I apologize again for my letter's tardiness, but you are quite the handful these days! I have to say, this month, while it didn't have the number of milestones as some of the other months, has been one of my favorites! <----- I started this part of the letter a week and a half ago.....BOY HAVE THINGS CHANGED!

So, mommy doesn't have a lot of extra time to dedicate to blogging, unfortunately, so looks like I'm going to double up a little on the letters because I can almost promise that I will not write another one until your 1 year.....and that's only 6-ish weeks away! CRAAAAA-ZY!

As you can see, month 10, while totally awesome, did not have as many of the milestones. Here are some notes I made for you:
* you hold your bottle on your own now (what a grown up!)
*you can drink through a straw (mostly MY straws, but lucky for you, I don't mind sharing ;-))
*you have spidy-hearing and ANY time you hear music, you start dancing. It is probably my most favorite thing (or WAS during month there are so many more favorites!)
*you stood up on your own on 8/16 (I should note that you didn't intend to, nor did you remain standing once you realize what was going on. Since then, you CAN stand on your own, but prefer to be 4 on the floor)
*you drink from a sippy cup (although, like most things I write on here, although you had mastered that completely, now it's hit or miss....not because you CAN'T but mainly because you don't prefer it to a bottle....)
*you waved Bye-Bye on 8/18 (that was also a one time thing, but I wrote it down anyway, however, now you....well, I wont ruin the surprise that month 11 has brought us ;-))

Now that I see all of this written out, you really did do quite a bit in month 10. I guess it just seems like immediately after turning 10 months, you busted out with all sorts of new tricks, so it kind of dwarfed your previous accomplishments. No need to feel bad though, until month 11 came along, I was month 10's hugest fan :)

Here are my notes from month 11 so far:
*tooth #3 came in (bottom left) 8/25
*you say "uh-oh!"
*you finally cried tears for the first time (it was only once, but I was almost relieved as I thought that happened way sooner....maybe you're not the drama queen I originally thought ;-))
*you say "duck" (you also will mimick us when we say "dog" and "yuck"....all of these sound like "duck"....)
*you try to repeat everything we say! You watch us so intently and then belt it out....AWESOME!
*now you FOR REAL wave Bye-Bye
*you say "bye-bye" (too cute!)
*you lean into us for kisses or hugs (also something I thought would come sooner, but whatever, glad it's hear now :))
*you give out kisses and make the kissing noise with your mouth....LOVE THIS!

I think you are really just starting to understand what's going on around you. You are constantly saying "Whoa!" and "Wow!" whenever you are reading a book or playing with your toys, it is the funniest thing to listen to. You are so much more interactive now, but you are also very good at playing alone. You have a longer attention span and that really makes keeping you occupied that much more fun and less stressful! You are acting like you could walk any minute, but I think you are still a little hesitant of making that first step. You learned how to crawl up the stairs, and I actually let you (while standing close behind to catch you in case you fall) because being that we have a huge stair case in the center of your house, rather than keep you away, I'd like to show you how to maneuver the steps safely! You can turn yourself around to get down off the couch or climb off the step in your playroom, but luckily you are not at all interested (YET) in getting yourself back down the stairs on your own.

You are still on pretty much the same schedule, except that now you wake up later.....THANK YOU! You normally get up between 7-8, and if you're staying with your Grammy, you sleep until 8:30 or so (this is something we really need to discuss....) You have a bottle when you get up (6 oz) then we eat breakfast. You like blueberry waffles, cheerios, pears or toast with grape jelly. The grape jelly also doubles as hair gel for the rest of the day normally. You are still taking about a 2 hour nap an hour after you wake up....for this, I thank you. then when you get up fromt that nap, you have another bottle (6 oz) then we head out somewhere.....ANYwhere ;-) A lot of the time we go and meet Grammy for lunch, you kind of dig her :) You pretty much eat whatever I'm eating for lunch. And by "eat", I mostly mean "throw on the floor". We are certain to be back home before 1 when you go down for nap #2. If we are home later than 1, I have missed my nap window and you proceed to scream incessantly for the rest of the day. On those days, I call you No-Fun Jones. After your nap you have another bottle (its normally around 2:30-3, 6 oz). You normally eat dinner around 5-5:30 and dinner varies quite a bit. You really like peas and carrots, and turkey hotdogs (or whatever leftovers we have in the fridge, you're not overly particular - Praise the Lord!), I will sometimes give you some shredded cheese and then fruit of some sort. I should probably bring up, that Luci is now far more fond of you than she ever has been, as you so kindly share most of your meals with her. After dinner, its bath time - still your favorite! Then we have one last bottle (8 oz) and play for a bit, and by 6:45-7, you're out like a light.

We just went to the doc yesterday because you and I got a cold, and you developed a cough from it that worried me due to our early encounter with RSV. The dr said that you were holding up well, you had a little fluid in your ear, but it was not an ear infection and you didn't have any inflamation in your sinuses (thank you God!). She didn't seem overly concerned about the cough either, but did recommend that we start you on breathing treatments once or twice a day, just in case. When they weighed you, you were still at 20 lbs. I'm not shocked due to how active you are now, that you hadn't put on any weight. I would imagine you may even lose some before your 1 year. You crawl faster than I can walk! It's crazy.....

Well, baby girl, that's about it for now. You manage to amaze me and make me smile every day. When I rock you at night (you still let me do that) you sit and face me and try to stick your fingers in my mouth (I assume to see if I have any teeth coming through ;-)) and we just giggle at each other. It's my favorite time of day.....your smile and the sound of your laugh are like medicine for bad days and bad moods. I love you more and more every day. Your Daddy thinks you're ok too ;-)

We love you Mia, and can't wait to see what the next month brings!


ps. If you could stop picking up pieces of dirt, carpet and whatever else you find on the ground and putting it into your mouth, I would be forever in your would my gag reflex. Yuck! (now you know why you say that word, huh?)

Here are some picks of you from the last month and a half.....
Girl after my own heart....which Jillian video should I do first? ;-)

seriously? room full of toys and THIS is where I am constantly having to pull her away from!

taught herself how to back down off the stair (after falling face forward wasn't working)

beautiful baby girl

Play date with Payton! (you are a big mamma jamma - Payton is a month older than you!)

drinking from Mommy's cup

I should have gotten a video - you are singing to yourself here too :)

Playing with the new toy at Grammy's house!

I put these on you and you LIGHT up!

your first taste of Greek LOVED it!

Really, Mia? Really?

hanging with your best bud...trying to escape :)

You have crumbs of leftover snacks in your hand here.....always picking up something off the floor!

holding your bottle by yourself like a big girl!

partners in crime


I'm pretty sure youre double jointed.....

playing with cousin Sam!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Never in my life.....

I've caught myself thinking and saying things lately that I, never in my life, would dream I would ever think or say.....

Never in my life would I have dreamed of saying "Gosh, I miss when Mia was 12 weeks old and all she did was eat and sleep!"
Never in my life would I dream I would have had to say on a multiple time a day basis "Mia, do NOT put my shoe in your mouth!"
Never in my life did I think I would have to wrestle my child to the ground to change her diaper or her clothes.
Never in my life did I imagine I would sit on my couch for 45 minutes after my child went to sleep and make a list of things I needed to do when she napped, only to have her wake up 5 minutes later....
Never in my life would I have ever thought "Geez, Mia's been awake for almost 2 hours....she MUST be ready for a nap"
Never in my life did I ever think I would put something in my mouth that had already been partially chewed by another human being
Never in my life did I think I would go for a full day wearing a shirt that had been peed on first thing in the morning.
Never in my life would I have ever imagined drowning out my child's screaming by turning up the stereo in the car
Never in my life did I ever think that I would have to tell my daughter that "we don't stick our fingers in the dogs bum..."
Never in my life did I think I would need to explain to people that "that" sound was just my 9 month old's "fake laugh" ;-)
Never in my life did I think I would have to explain to my child that "we don't EAT the rug" or "drink the bath water"....
and never in my life did I think that I would take my child slapping me repeatedly as a sign of affection and just explain to everyone that she's "just a patter".....good times.

Month 9 has been a lots of good ways and in other "challenging" ones ;-) I have also caught myself thinking on a daily basis (both the good and bad days).....never in my life did I think I could love someone so much. But can you blame me? Look at this face.....

Friday, June 29, 2012

Update on the less important Jones'

Well in the last Mia update, I was hesistant to let everyone know that I had just taken my content exam for Math 4-8. I know I seem overly confident on here....and it's easy when I have all the time in the world to edit myself to ensure I sound that way ;-) In all seriousness though, I had been studying for a month and a half for this test. I haven't been stressed out like that in years. BUT the results came in and I wait.....I totally kicked that test's @$$!! I am so relieved to have that part behind me and be able to move forward with a dream I have had for years :)

So coming off the high of my test results, I managed to get sick for the first time in 4 years. And I mean....I GOT SICK! I was in bed for 2 days and then just trying to recover for the next 2. I'm not sure how, but I managed to get strep throat. I guess making out with strangers on the playground is a bad idea? ;-) Luckily the rest of my family escaped the beast and we've all made it to the other side and hardly worse for the wear. Dan really stepped up and took care of Mia. He stayed home from work for 2 days and turned into Mr. Mom. I was reminded how truly blessed I am to have someone like him that I could count on :) I know this should wait for Mia's next update, but if you're like'll forget before then anyway. Mia decided to pick THIS week to start moving around! Yep, we have a crawler :) It's been fun watching her...and by "fun" i mean "exhausting"! gone are the days of sitting around and watching her play. Watching her play is now a game of chase and lots of "Mia! Don't stick those shoes in your mouth!" good times ;-)

So once I got out of bed, I started the job hunt! I have since run into snags that I fully expected to be there. I mean afterall, nothing is ever easy, right? I am just hoping that the reason there are obstacles is to make me work hard and stay focused on a goal. So far I think I am doing just that! I am certainly anxious about what lies ahead, but for the first time in my life the unknown isn't as scary as it is exciting.

This next week is going to prove to be a busy one! We have Mia's 8 month pictures tomorrow, then a birthday party Sunday, Mia and her cousin's pics on Monday, Kaboom Town (sans Mia) on tuesday, my uncle's wedding on Wednesday and then a little get away with the Swindle Fam on Thursday-Sunday!! I'm really looking forward to staying busy and getting out of town for a little while :) I'll make sure to post pics as soon as I get them...our little Mia is getting so big!

One last thing....I haven't really posted about how I'm doing on my goal of being back to my pre-pregnancy self. Well, I made it! I hit my pre-pregnancy weight a couple weeks ago, and since my 3 day fast with being sick, I am actually down from there about 3 lbs. I fully expect those lbs to come screaming back once my appetite is back in high gear, but until then, I am proud to say that I am only 1 lb (and a weird belly button) away from my wedding weight! I feel great and have goals of running a 5K in September and hopefully shooting for the 8mi at the Turkey Trot in November.

If you think about me at all over the course of the next couple weeks, please keep my job hunt in your prayers...and my patience, given our new little mover ;-)

Happy 4th Folks!

Friday, June 22, 2012

8 Months: Teeth and all sorts of movement!

Dear Mia,

You are 8 months old and let me tell you, it's my favorite age yet!! I can hardly believe that the better part of a year has already come and gone....and you sure have made the most of your time this month! I know there are always little milestones from month to month, but this month was packed full. Luckily I remembered to take here we go!

Early this month, we took our first plane trip to see your Aunt Margaret in Little Rock. I was a nervous wreck through the preparation thought process as well as on the way there. I was worried you would scream the whole time and that the people around me would join forces and that we would be "escorted" off the plane mid-flight. But, I totally underestimated your were perfect. Aside from slapping the surrounding patrons (luckily they both had kids and thought you were adorable) and falling asleep in my lap (not complaining) JUST as I needed to be gathering all of our stuff, I couldn't have asked for a smoother trip. But, in the anticipation of the worst case scenario, I packed an arsenal of goodies including your first finger foods, apple cinnamon puffs! Now, nevermind that I had 2 new toys for you in your diaper bag, along with new foods, a bottle, pacifiers, and a myriad of old "favorites" were more interested in the barf bag and in flight well as the bracelet belonging to the lady sitting next to us. But again, we made it in one piece and you had an awesome time hanging out with your aunt :) here are some pictures from the weekend....
your first time in the johnny weren't exactly sure what to do with it

I think it's fair to say we wore you out ;-)

Aunt Margaret just HAD to buy you a new outfit :)

someone is up WAY past their bedtime! you just didn't want to miss out on any of the fun

Next up, we celebrated Daddy's first Father's Day! You made him a footprint with a special message on it, and helped mommy make him a picture of all of us to hang on his office wall, along with one of just you and him to take to work to show off :) We stayed in on Father's day and just relaxed and hung out. You went with your daddy to see Yia Yia and Grandpa and give him the gift you made for him on Saturday....and of course, to go swimming :) Then Grammy and Grandpa came over on Sunday for lunch and you let Grandpa hold you for 30 minutes! I think you're finally coming around on the old guy ;-) I know it made his day!
(Side note regarding Father's, my dear, are one VERY lucky little girl. Your daddy pretty much thinks the sun rises and sets with you. I don't know how you did it, but you have managed to wrap him around your little finger and all you have to do is make a sound (or look like you're going to make a sound) and he comes running! You rarely let me rock you to sleep and would much prefer to just be left alone, but Lord help....when your daddy is home, you never go to sleep without a big shoulder to snuggle up on. I swear I think you two have something going on behind my back. It's like you just know when he gets home and you either stay awake, or wake up just so that he'll rock you. I have to admit....I'm a little jealous ;-) I couldn't have asked for a better man to be your dad, and I just hope that you and he keep this kind of relationship, even when you're older....even if it makes mommy jealous.)
Here are some pics of the gifts you made:
This is your little footprint. It says "I heart daddy - 6/17/12"

This was for Grandpa Jones :)

Now on to the meat and potatoes of this post....all the other stuff:

You finally gave in and started eating solid foods was touch and go at the beginning of the month and I thought we had, yet again, taken steps in the wrong direction. Come to find were on revolt because your FIRST TOOTH was coming in! Now, I am the mom who thinks that any time you are fussy or in a mood that I am unfamiliar with, that you are teething. I have thought this since you were three months old. I knew I would be right one of these days and this month was it! Your first tooth broke on June 4th. It was the lower right tooth and you have wasted no time in taking full advantage of your new little weapon. You now feed yourself cheerios and puffs. You have totally refused to eat oatmeal or rice cereal since the beginning of the month, so I figured cheerios are close enough. I haven't been to the doc yet to be shot down about that, but given that I can't force those little lips open for oatmeal, I don't really care. I think anyone can tell by looking at your cute little chunky cheeks, that you are not lacking in the nutrition department ;-) We've also expanded our baby food selection to include peaches, squash and you have re-evaluated your stance on peas ;-) You are eating about half a container of food twice a day. I generally do fruit in the mornings and veggies at night. I don't read books about what you should be eating and when, so chances are good that we will have to rearrange our meals next month, but until then, it works for us. You are still taking about 5 bottles a day but you seem to be eating less and I would guess that's because you are eating more solids. We make 7 oz bottles, but as of the last week, you are only drinking 4-5 oz at a time....except at night when you drink 8 oz always.

You still wake up between 6-7....mostly closer to 6 and you still eat around 6,9,12,3 and 6. Although, as of late, we are starting to phase one of the bottles out, so your feedings are spread out a little and the last two fall around 4 and 6:30. You have started fighting bedtime more too. I am hoping it is because of teething (see, I always think it's the reason for weird behavior) but who really knows. Because of this, and my distaste for making 20 trips up and down the stairs at night, I have started putting you down later. Now it's more like 7:15-7:30 with only like 2 trips up the stairs before you call it lights out. Also recently, we have reverted back to waking in the middle of the night....I mean, what's THAT all about?! I literally can't remember the last night i didn't have to get up at some point to go check on you. I have to say...we can do without that! Just as of this morning though, tooth #2 broke through, so I'm hoping that tonight will be a better night.

During the day, you are taking around 2 naps, sometimes 3. The first one is around 7-9 and if you take three, the second is normally around 11-12 and the third around 2:30-4 or 4:30. If you only take 2 naps (if we're out and you can't get in the third) you normally go down around 1 and get up around 3 or shortly after. You are so much more active when we are out now...and interactive. I can't turn my head without you grabbing something and putting it in your mouth. I told a friend the other day that I haven't enjoyed a lunch out since you started sitting in a high chair! ;-) Luckily I always have a myriad of treats in your diaper bag...I love being able to just give you little nibbles now to keep you occupied. Another perk of month 7 ;-)

You remember how I was always talking about how you wouldnt roll from your stomach to your back?? NOT ANY MORE! You are a rolling machine. I knew you could do it....I think you just wanted me to think you couldnt...sneaky little one. Not only do you roll all over now, you can sit up from laying down. Once I saw this when I went in to get you out of your crib in the morning, we decided it was time to lower the crib mattress. That, by the way, is a much easier feat with 2 people and sans crying baby....not that I have experience in that regard given that it was just me, and you managed to scream the whole time. Awesome. You have also started getting up on your hands and knees and trying to move around. You still mostly only move backwards, but you're a lot! I'm not sure I'm ready for this, but I guess 8 months ago, I wasn't sure I was ready to push a kid through my...well, you know...and that worked out ok, so I guess this will too. You are also really interested now in standing. You are constantly trying to pull up on daddy and I (and as of yesterday, the bath tub and your crib) and you love having us walk you around :)

You are still very much in love with the water too. We go to the pool several times a week and you have a blast during bath time at night! I will include some pics and video below, but before I do that, here are a few other things I wrote down about this month:
*you hold your arms out when you want us to pick you up (MY FAVORITE THING EVER!!!!)
*you clap your hands now - cute when you're excited, even CUTER when you're upset ;-)
*you pat anyone who picks you up on the back or chest, it's kind of like you're comforting's adorable. I didn't realize it until you started doing that, but every time I pick you up, I always pat you....I guess you picked up on that ;-)
*you say 'Da da' ALL THE TIME! It's not really to your Dad, but he will take it any way he can get it. You also say 'na na' and 'ma ma' (again, not to me, but it's a start!) and 'ga ga'. If you are awake, you are most likely talking! what a chatty Cathy!
*we had to switch you to the next nipple size, so you're now on a 4. I assume you'll be here until you start drinking real milk.
*you started drinking out of a sippy cup, you don't like to hold it, but you can definitely get the water out now, where as you used to just gnaw on the sippy part
*you have started wearing some 12 mo clothes....good lord you are long!
*I weighed you the other day, and you weigh right around 20 lbs! wow...just wow.

Well, i guess that's about it for this month. I can't even imagine what is to come with your 9 month update! We are taking your 8 mo pictures this weekend and I'm so excited to see how they turn out :)

Here are some more pics from this month......
Won't be long until you're doing this on your own, and daddy is behind chasing you!

of course you have your own spatula! what else would you chew on while mommy cooks?

I'm not sure why, but you always have that arm up like you're conducting an orchestra or something....

this is the way the sophisticated ladies do it ;-)

getting that knee up to get movin'

one morning on a play date at the nature preserve :)

cheerios are the best snack....if only they were bigger!

getting ready to sit up on your own

on your 8 mo birthday :)

naked babies are the cutest babies

we like to play a little game called "what is with in arms reach that you can chew on that is NOT a toy"

sitting up in your crib after a nap

bathtime is the BEST time :)

it's just a lot of cute for one picture ;-)

As usual, Mia, I am going to end by telling you just how amazing you are. You have no idea how much you have changed my life. You have truly made me a better person. I am learning to appreciate all the small things and let the petty things go. I don't dwell on the bad, but try to focus on what's good. I try to make each day with you count and I make an effort to not be distracted when I'm with you for fear that I'll miss something important. I want you to know that soon you'll be going to hang out with other people during the day, but it's not because I don't love hanging out with you. You are such a loving and social baby, I don't want everyone else to miss out on your awesome ;-) I love you baby girl!
