Friday, June 29, 2012

Update on the less important Jones'

Well in the last Mia update, I was hesistant to let everyone know that I had just taken my content exam for Math 4-8. I know I seem overly confident on here....and it's easy when I have all the time in the world to edit myself to ensure I sound that way ;-) In all seriousness though, I had been studying for a month and a half for this test. I haven't been stressed out like that in years. BUT the results came in and I wait.....I totally kicked that test's @$$!! I am so relieved to have that part behind me and be able to move forward with a dream I have had for years :)

So coming off the high of my test results, I managed to get sick for the first time in 4 years. And I mean....I GOT SICK! I was in bed for 2 days and then just trying to recover for the next 2. I'm not sure how, but I managed to get strep throat. I guess making out with strangers on the playground is a bad idea? ;-) Luckily the rest of my family escaped the beast and we've all made it to the other side and hardly worse for the wear. Dan really stepped up and took care of Mia. He stayed home from work for 2 days and turned into Mr. Mom. I was reminded how truly blessed I am to have someone like him that I could count on :) I know this should wait for Mia's next update, but if you're like'll forget before then anyway. Mia decided to pick THIS week to start moving around! Yep, we have a crawler :) It's been fun watching her...and by "fun" i mean "exhausting"! gone are the days of sitting around and watching her play. Watching her play is now a game of chase and lots of "Mia! Don't stick those shoes in your mouth!" good times ;-)

So once I got out of bed, I started the job hunt! I have since run into snags that I fully expected to be there. I mean afterall, nothing is ever easy, right? I am just hoping that the reason there are obstacles is to make me work hard and stay focused on a goal. So far I think I am doing just that! I am certainly anxious about what lies ahead, but for the first time in my life the unknown isn't as scary as it is exciting.

This next week is going to prove to be a busy one! We have Mia's 8 month pictures tomorrow, then a birthday party Sunday, Mia and her cousin's pics on Monday, Kaboom Town (sans Mia) on tuesday, my uncle's wedding on Wednesday and then a little get away with the Swindle Fam on Thursday-Sunday!! I'm really looking forward to staying busy and getting out of town for a little while :) I'll make sure to post pics as soon as I get them...our little Mia is getting so big!

One last thing....I haven't really posted about how I'm doing on my goal of being back to my pre-pregnancy self. Well, I made it! I hit my pre-pregnancy weight a couple weeks ago, and since my 3 day fast with being sick, I am actually down from there about 3 lbs. I fully expect those lbs to come screaming back once my appetite is back in high gear, but until then, I am proud to say that I am only 1 lb (and a weird belly button) away from my wedding weight! I feel great and have goals of running a 5K in September and hopefully shooting for the 8mi at the Turkey Trot in November.

If you think about me at all over the course of the next couple weeks, please keep my job hunt in your prayers...and my patience, given our new little mover ;-)

Happy 4th Folks!

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