Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Reflection on 11 months.....

Well folks, it has been almost a year since I quit my job to stay at home with my baby. It seems like forever ago, and like it was just yesterday....weird how that happens. This morning when I woke up, I made myself and Dan a cup of coffee and remembered the first day that I was at home. I was still pregnant (VERY pregnant). I got up, made us both coffee and sat on the couch and reflected on what I was going to do that day....and for the days that followed. I can't remember exactly what I did, but I remember being so happy and thinking to myself "I could get used to this".

As of next Wednesday, I will have a whole other routine to get used to. Next Wednesday Mia will be 11 months old.....and she will be starting daycare for the first time ever. That's right....momma got a J-O-B. Sometimes I feel stupid for airing all of my plans on an open forum for everyone to read. Most of the time, things don't go as I plan....but I think it's also important to remember, that my plan is not the one that matters. I have wanted to pursue teaching for a while now, but with a baby in daycare, I really need something that is both reliable and predictable. Substituting is neither. I need stability. I went on several interviews and was offered a position with a company 6 miles from my house as an Admin to the Director of Rollout at Ericsson! What a blessing! I begin work on September 24.

I am starting Mia in daycare next Wednesday because I feel like I will need a few days to get used to not having her with me. And I'm not sure I want to show up to my first day of work a blubbering idiot who is sobbing all day. During those first three days, I can pick her up WHENEVER I want. That won't be the case once I start working. I went and registered her on Tuesday and we met her teachers. I was anxious, but she seemed JUST fine ;-) I set her down and she crawled right over to the toys to play.....never for a second looking back to see if I was still there. In fact, I had to pry her away from them so we could leave! Talk about the Lord granting me peace in that moment. There is no doubt that there will be tears on Wedensday....and maybe Thursday and Friday too....but I feel they will mostly be mine (and not just because she's weird and doesn't cry tears....). Another assurance about this daycare for me, is that they have video monitoring! So, even though I'm not with her, I won't miss anything ;-)

A lot of changes in the next couple weeks....A LOT. It's hard to imagine not being with her all day, and trusting her to someone that I've only met for a few minutes. I am just trying to stay calm and breathe. I know she's ready.....whether I am or not is a different story. But, we will both survive and I am looking forward to watching her blossom. I have been so blessed to be able to witness every milestone as it happens. These last few weeks have been just incredible...something new every day! It makes it a little bitter sweet to head back to the grind, but I know that it's for the best. And I am looking forward to our new adventures. Mia's a pretty amazing little seems unfair to hoard her awesomeness. It's time for the rest of the world to get a little glimpse ;-)

Big thanks to my husband who has allowed me to spend so much time watching our baby girl grow, and who has been supportive of my decision to go back to work, all the while making sure that I know I don't have to. I am one lucky lady, I love you Dan Jones.

Next up.....Mia's Birthday!

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