Monday, February 24, 2014

Results of Phase 1......and beginning Phase 2

Ok, so I warned you that follow through was not my strong suit. I did not lie. So, instead of posting after my 7 day hunger strike cleanse, I am posting 7 days and 1 week after the fact.

My starting weight was 132. My goal (my weight at my first dr visit....when I still fit comfortably into my size 2s) is 121. In my mind, with this cleanse, I was going to drop 10 lbs (even though I was only really shooting for 7) in a week....done AND done. Yea, rather than losing 7 lbs, I further proved that you can't believe everything you read online. Mind you, I am aware that I am not a huge person, I don't have a TON of weight to lose and the weight that I do have is mainly because I just spent a year not caring what I shoved in my face. Soooo, I get that 10 lbs, even 7, would have been a lot for me to drop in 1 week. Below is a picture of me the first night:

I knew that I would likely not post (as much as I really really wanted to) on day 7, so I was smart and kept notes on my phone. I feel like these notes were necessary to capture how I was feeling during this ridiculousness....

Day 1 - All Fruit (132.4 lb)
HARD day! Need coffee. Want to punch the TV when fast food commercials come on. Cried a little when I had to toss the leftover mac n cheese from Mia's dinner. Feel bloated....and tired.
Day 2 - All Vegetables (131.4 lb)
Better day, got to eat a baked potato....highlight of my week so far!
Day 3 - Fruit AND Vegetables (no baked potato) (130.7lb)
Totally doable. Pretty hungery today....was able to eat out though AND stay on cleanse! Go Ghengis Grill. Pretty sure I cheated and had a drink today *STOP JUDGING ME!* ;) but in all fairness, I chose to do a cleanse during the most stressful week of my month
Day 4 - Banana and Yogurt (129.7)
Despite the fact that I don't love bananas or yogurt, not a horrible day
Day 5 - Chicken/Turkey and tomatoes (128.6)
I took turkey deli meat to work with me and tore into it like a savage at breakfast. it was a good day....totally manageable. I did sprinkle a little salt on my tomatoes and managed to get 4 of the 6 down during the day. Bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner and ate most of it by myself. Have I mentioned I love meat?
Day 6 - Turkey/Chicken and veggies (130.4)
I did fish instead of chicken. Did have some cocktails with dinner (it was V-Day). Super bummed that I gained weight on this stupid cleanse! Hoping its b/c my plumbing is a little clogged (*I am literaly copying verbatim what I logged on my phone....I should filter more*)
Day 7 - Cabbage Soup (129.4)
They forget to mention that the soup yields approx. 900 servings, smells good though. Hope I like it because I have a years worth sitting on my stove. First few bites - this is the best soup ever! Next few bites - wow, that is A LOT of cabbage. Trying to finish FIRST bowl - that texture is really off putting. Kind of feel like I'm going to yak in my mouth if I have to take another bite. Long day. So hungry but the thought of another bowl of soup makes me cringe. Made Mia pizza bites for lunch. wanted to ravage her plate even after she licked all the toppings off.
Morning of Day 8 - 128.4 lbs

So....there you have it. I lost 4 lbs. I starved myself and ate a lb of cabbage in 1 day....and I lost 4 lbs. Take it or leave it. I personally would not do it again. But, you never know until you try it, right?

Here's a pic of me after:

Not a huge difference, BUT I can fit into a pair of pants I could not fit into before this AND I have lost the muffin top I had in 2 of my other pairs of pants. Was it worth it? Maybe. Could I have accomplished the same thing by eating right and exercising? Definitely. But who wants to read about that business....;)

So, on to phase 2. I gave myself a week to be a fat ass, but luckily have remained at 128. I started my Focus T-25 tonight, so I will be walking around like I have arthritis for the next 3 days. I'm determined to see this through too though....and I'm getting the t-shirt dang it!

On a side note, since this is a blog that is SUPPOSED to be centered around my kiddos, I will be posting soon about how awesome they both are and what is going on in their little lives. sneak peak though: Bella's almost rolling over and we are POTTY TRAINING Mia!!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


This is gonna be a quick one, so hold on tight! I need to be held you've been nominated to do just that. I am almost 14 weeks post baby and I am still up 10lbs and mountains of cellulite from my pre-baby body. I don't need you to tell me that I just had a baby. I don't need to know that it takes TIME for the weight to come off. And for real, I don't want to hear that "all things considered" I look pretty good (not that I'm saying that's the case, but this is not a fish for compliments post). What I DO need is for you to tell me to SHUT UP and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Ok, need to be so harsh. I'm doing something. I have a plan. It's three fold (I feel like the best plans are.....and that is based on absolutely nothing scientific):
1. 7 Day cleanse (goal - drop 7-10lbs)
2. Focus t25 (a 10 week workout DVD set that I intend to order AND COMPLETE to firm up)
3. Maintain. (goal, to never again have should-be-firm parts of my body jiggle every morning when I brush my teeth)

My better half and I have decided we need to do something drastic to get the ball rolling so we decided on  a 7 day cleanse that I found on Pinterest (because where else do you look for stuff like this?) They say that you can lose 10+ lbs in a week on this cleanse. I don't know who "they" are, so in all fairness, "they" could be liars. What I do know is that we are about to see firsthand.

Most of you (I am assuming I don't have a huge following) know that follow through is not my strong suit. I tend to get distracted easily by things like toddlers and sleep.....and wine. But I figure 7 days is one week. If I can't do something for one week, then cellulite is not my biggest problem.

I don't normally post specifics about my weight and measurements because I like to stay in denial about what I weigh and how big my ass is, but for the purposes of accountability, I will be posting my starting weight and the results after the 7 day cleanse and then weekly(ish) during phase 2.

In case you were wondering, the cleanse I'm doing is not some crazy juice cleanse (I HAVE to chew my food) and it doesn't involve any pills. It's just mostly eating fruits, veggies, lean proteins and some weird soup:
So, there you have it. I'm laying it out and hoping that by posting it publicly and I will actually make it through all phases and come out on the other side a healthier, happier Mommy/wife/friend/daughter/blogger....wish me luck! :)

*And in case you were worried, I'm no longer breast feeding, but that is another post entirely.