Friday, August 30, 2013

29 weeks - 11 weeks has never sounded longer......

I know I posted for 30 weeks today, but I just looked back and saw this one that had slipped through the cracks. So, looks like you get a double dose today ;-)

Hello folks. I should warn you that we have officially passed the pleasantries that are the first trimester where I was still wearing my own clothes and you could still see some ab definition when I took my weekly pictures. And the "cute bump" phase of the second trimester where I could still squeeze into some of my old tops and my bum still fit into my old pants, even though the odds of me getting them buttoned were a big fat NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Here we are.....smack in the middle of "when the hell did I get this pregnant" land. It's not nearly as cheery here, and it smells kind of funny all the time. I have put on approximately one million pounds and although my friends and family(God bless them) still tell me I look cute, I saw a picture of myself from behind the other day, so I can only assume they are liars, and will regard them as such.

I had my 28 week visit last week. I did the glucose testing and had another sonogram. This time I got to see Arabella's face full on for a half a second. It was the best half a second ever! She's already adorable. Not that I expected anything less. I put on another 7 lbs this month (go me!) but the doctor ASSURED me that the weight gain will slow down from this point forward. I think she's a liar too. The baby is measuring right on track with my due date. She weighed almost 3 lbs last week! They also rechecked the heart and limbs and organs and according to them, everything is good to go.  We also have confirmation number 3 that I am, in fact, carrying another female....PHEW! To my knowledge I will not get to see my baby again until she makes her grand appearance, unless, of course, she is late, in which case I will see her again in about 11 weeks. Let's pray last week was the last time. I mean that....PRAY HARD PEOPLE. My next appointment is next Thursday. That's right.....I am going every two weeks now. See, I told you I was really pregnant.

I don't think I need to go into too much detail about how I'm feeling. I have a feeling the tone of this blog pretty much sums it up. I feel enormous and the summer is no longer being nice. It has been well over 1000 degrees for at least a week. Not. Cool. It kind of feels like the skin on your face is melting off when you get into your car at the end of the work day....but not in the good kind of way (?), more like in the "I literally feel like I'm dying" kind of way. My 2 year old daughter has a new desire to be carried everywhere too, so that adds to the super awesomeness that the heat was somehow lacking. But when we leave her daycare, I have to decide if I want to A) chase my daughter across the parking lot B)hold her hand and possibly risk having to be in the heat for 15 minutes to walk 6 feet to my car, you know, so she can point out every tractor, flag, bug, car, and child that she sees between the door and "mommy caw" or the inevitable C) carry her, and her blankey and goggy and just deal with the semi-skin to skin situation that just creates more smelly awesomeness than I already have going on by that point in the day. Oprion C ALWAYS wins. I'm a sucker. I am finding myself with less and less energy at the end of the day (similar to trimester 1, except then I was skinny and should have just shut up about it), so getting in a workout (or what I consider a "workout") is getting fewer and further between. Also, we just got over a bedtime hump with Mia that totally eliminated any "mommy time" I might have had at the end of the night. I was scared to death for the last two weeks that my days of Mia going to bed at 7:30 were gone with the wind. Thankfully, I was wrong and we are back to our nightly routine of eat, bathe, mickey, books, bed. Also, I assume because of my ginormous stomach, I am starting to have a pretty constant, nagging back ache. I guess it's to be expected, but it doesnt make it less annoying.

One thing that seems to amaze me is how quickly the year has flown by. I mean, its September TOMORROW. I am due to have this baby in less than 3 months. We're hoping closer to 2, although, given the way things went with Mia, I wont hold my breath. September is shaping up to be a pretty busy month, which at least helps with time passing. And then in October, we will officially have a 2 year old. In that sense, looking back, it seems like yesterday that we were childless and I was sitting writing this blog, miserably pregnant, and BORED....waiting for my first child to get here. My how things change ;-)

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