Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

As we approach Mia's 7 month mark, I have passed (or am currently passing) 2 pretty major milestones in my life. Last Monday was my 30th birthday (or what I like to refer to as the 9th anniversary of my 21st birthday) and today is my first Mother's Day as a mom.

I guess I always thought that on both of these days I would want to do something BIG....that I would need to commemorate them with a huge fancy dinner or an elaborate day of planned outings and photo ops. But when my birthday finally got here, all I really wanted to do was be at home with my family. I think it was hard for Dan to fathom me not wanting to go out, and I'm pretty sure the confused look on his face when he asked me time and again "are you sure you don't want to do anything?" was him trying to decide if my simple "I'm sure." was sarcastic....or if he was miserably failing some test I had put forth. Truth be told, this year, I already had everything I could want. I have an amazing man who I comitted to spend my life with almost a year and a half ago, and since have fallen more deeply in love with than I could have ever imagined. I have a healthy baby girl who is the absolute center of my universe, even on her "less than awesome" days. I have a beautiful home that we got to build from the ground up. And most importantly, God lets me wake up every morning (so far) to enjoy it all.

Today is Mother's Day and I think this year, for many reasons (one big one...,) has taught me how important Moms are. First, I am so happy that I can say that my mother is one of my absolute best friends. She is the person I call when I'm having a bad day, or an exceptionally good one. She is my confidant, my shoulder to cry on, and just an amazing role model as a woman and a mother. Secondly, this is my first Mother's Day as the star of the show (at least in my own house). I have been so blessed to be able to spend every day for the last almost 7 months with the most amazing little girl that God ever put on the planet. Her smile is the highlight of my day....every day. And even her sad faces make me giggle sometimes (and mother of the year goes to..... ;-)) Because of her, this year on Mother's Day I don't need the big production that I once thought I would. Today, all I want to do is spend time with the reason that I'm a mom....well the two reasons (Dan was kind of important in that process too).

And on a final note, this year has brought to light just how much I need to cherish the people in my life. My heart goes out to those who have lost a child or a parent.....I cannot even begin to imagine the pain. I think it's these events that teach us how short life is, and how important it is to be present in every moment. So, today, I will bask in being a mom. I am so thankful that I have everything I could want and need right here under one roof.

To all the mommies reading this, I wish you the most amazing Mother's Day! You have the hardest job in the world, but the best :)

here are a few pics of why I get to celebrate today......

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