Friday, April 20, 2012

6 Months

Dear Amelia,

Yesterday marked your half birthday! You've been with us for 6 WHOLE months now! I can't believe it....It seems like just yesterday we brought you home and all you did was sleep. At the same time, it feels like you've always been here and I have a hard time remembering what we did P.M. (Pre-Mia). It's a weird feeling.
I hear people tell me that the first year just flies by, and I have to agree. I'm hoping after this year, things slow down. Every month you change so much! I feel like in 6 more months you'll be asking to borrow the car and bringing home boys with skinny jeans and Beiber haircuts! (Lord, I hope by the time you read this, that is no longer the trend, and at this point in the letter you are laughing hysterically at what kids today think is "fashionable")
We had your 6 Month well visit today and I had been dying to know how much you had grown. It seems like this month we boxed up clothes that you had outgrown MUCH more quickly than in previous months. You went from wearing 3-6 mo at the beginning of this month and now you are in 6-9 or just 9 mo sizes! You weighed in at 17.1lb (74%) and measured at a whopping 27 1/4 in (94%)!! And I guess now we know WHY you don't fit into 6 mo anymore. We had to move you up a jammie size a couple of weeks ago because you were too long for the 6 mo ones. I'm not sure how it happened, but I think there is a good chance you will pass up your mom (not that that's any feat, but I always imagined you would be a shorty like me). Your Daddy was so proud when he found out :) Also, I had been bracing myself for the shots portion of the visit. I knew it was going to be bad and assumed it would be worse than previous visits as you seem to now have a "Diva" complex that causes you to react more dramatically than likely necessary to most things ;-) To my surprise though, you were an absolute CHAMP! You took the shots, and didnt even start crying until the second one, and even then, only cried for less than 10 seconds, then started smiling at me again. I have said it before, and i'll say it again....YOU ARE AWESOME!
This month you mastered sitting on your own. You started the month out a little wobbly, but now, it's like you were a born sitter, if there is such a thing. Since you discovered your new talent, you much prefer sitting to laying. That could be the reason your head has completely rounded out. The doctor even commented that it was "perfect"! If there was an competition for sitting and having a very round would win first place ;-) The doctor was also impressed with your motor skills. She said that you were very advanced in that department and that you were much stronger than a 6 mo old is expected to be. Also, I should tell you....this SOUNDS like bragging, but I am only repeating what the doctor said. I can't help it if you are an over achiever at such a young age. Your Dad is probably responsible for that, or at least he would claim to be. You are still not rolling from your stomach to your back, which is supposedly the easier of the two ways, but the doctor doesnt seem concerned. Since you seem to really enjoy tummy time, she says it would not be uncommon for you to skip over that and go straight to crawling. Sounds weird to me, but I am going to take her word for it. She hasn't steered us wrong yet!
Until this last week, you were still keeping about the same schedule. You woke up around 6, took a 2 hour nap from 7-9, a short one from around 11-12ish and then another longer one later in the afternoon, then to bed at 7 (if you make it that long). Last week and this week you managed to prove me wrong yet again. I should start by saying that for a majority of this month you have been teething. When you are teething, you are still awesome, but on a slightly milder scale. You are a lot more irritable, a little less predictable when it comes to eating, and much less predictable when it comes to sleep. This last week you still go to bed at 7, but you have woken up anywhere from 2-4 times a night for no apparent reason and it takes you much longer than usual to re-settle and fall back asleep. Your father and I have tried all sorts of remedies. We are stocked with every teether, teething gels, tablets and of course, baby tylenol. Nothing seems to help a whole heck of a lot. Dr. Le said that even though you have been teething, there are no teeth that she could see that are about to break through....I guess this means 6 more weeks of winter? Wait....I think that's something else. Basically what it means is that whatever you are doign now is going to continue until your teeth finally make their big debut. Yay! (in case you haven't learned my tones yet....that one is 'sarcasm')
You are still on Soy formula, around 4-5 6oz bottles a day and you have started eating again, this time, oatmeal! After a 2 week revolt, you picked it back up again and seem to really enjoy it now! We just got the clear on starting veggies, I for one can't wait! Although, since we are going on a trip the end of this month, I think we're gonna give it a go the first of May. Also, we are trying to switch you back over to a milk based formula. It's really something that I wanted to try just to see if you could be a little less high maintenance. If it doesnt work, no biggie...just thought we'd give it a shot and the doc seems to think it was a good idea as well.
i know there is so much more that went on and I also knew that I would forget most of it, so this month, i made notes! Here are a few things I wrote down:
*You like to sleep with your feet through the crib bars...every time I come in, I change your position, and every time I come back, your feet are hanging out again. I'm assuming you like it, so I stopped messing you up ;-)
*I think your best friend is your monkey that sleeps in your crib with you. I hear you talking in the mornings and when I go in there, you are always holding her and smiling :)
*You crack up when Luci is around! It's kind of like you guys have a secret....
*When you get tired now, you rub the hair on the back of your head
*For the last week, you like for us to rock you to sleep, this is something we havent been able to do since you were about 3 months old! I know it's a phase, but i am really enjoying it.
*you rarely wake up crying, mostly we just hear you "talking" in the mornings, such a nice change from when you were a newborn!
*YOU LOVE BATHTIME! evenings are not your favorite time of day, but if you start to get fussy, I know that bathtime will turn you around. You are sitting up on your own now and you love playing with and eating your bath toys and kicking your feet and splashing....another one of my favorite times of the day
*You celebrated your first Easter
*You met the long awaited Baby Joseph!! All you wanted to do was touch and "pat" him....but that will have to wait until he's a little more ready to defend himself ;)
I'm sure there is more that I've forgotten, but I guess that's it for now.
I just want you to know that you are my favorite person. You make me laugh so hard every day! Your smile is the light of my life and I'm not sure how I managed before you got here. Mommy and Daddy are going on their first get away next weekend and you are going to stay with your Grammy. I know she is thrilled to death and I know you will have the best time. Your dad and I....I'm sure we will survive, but I can say with a certain amount of confidence that I will miss you terribly. It's a good thing we get cell service in Mexico, there's no way we could go 2 whole days without seeing your precious face. I love you, Mimi!


I've included some pics of you this month.....
Bathtub FULL of toys, but your toes are your favorite thing

24 Weeks!

You love your exersaucer :)

Meeting Baby Joseph for the first time!

You like to have a blanket, but don't like to have your feet covered. Need to make sure you have access 100% of the time ;-)

I just like your cute tooshie....

We have every teether ever made, but your SPOON is what you prefer to chew on. Hey, whatever works!

Baby's First Easter!

"yea, i sit. what's it to ya?"

Daddy's such a goofball :)

Aunt Nana (Deanna) going through your flash cards with you

You decided to do a little rearranging. That sunshade will NOT be in your line of sight.

Dont know where you got this from, but you get a mouth full of air and blow it out as hard as you can....its hilarious!

you and Cousin Teagan (exactly 6 mo older than you) on Greek Easter

this is Mia's remote

I'm so glad you dont care when things are on your makes for good pictures ;-)

you and cousin Teagan on her 1st bday and your half bday :) To look, you wouldnt think they were 6 mo apart!

Playing at the doctor's office

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Help a Sister OUT!

Ok peeps....if you're waiting for a Mia update, keep waiting. This is about me.

Let's start with - you people are NOT my friends! Where were you when I felt I needed to eat dessert after EVERY meal for almost a year?! Where were you when I thought it was a good idea to order pizza every night for a week straight and NOT have any leftovers.....on more than a one week occasion?! Where were you when I couldn't fit into my pants after the first trimester of my pregnancy?! And holy crap......have you seen pictures of me at 40 weeks pregnant?! I'm shocked I still fit into the damn just wow. NEXT time (if there is a next time) PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SAY SOMETHING! I will not break....I probably won't even cry. And when I make it through a 40 week period only putting on a "normal" amount of weight, I WILL hug you. So please....just SAY something!

So, here I am. My kid is almost 6  months old and I am still trying to lose baby weight. I am 5 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight (although it looks like more given the loose skin and lumpy hind parts) and I am OVER IT! I never in a million years thought that it would be so hard to lose weight. If I had, I probably would have re-thought some of those less than sound caloric decisions that I made for the better part of a year. All I heard and read told me that I would breast feed and weight would just FALL off.....lies. The only time I lost weight without trying was when I shoved a 7lb 6oz human through my lady parts! (and if it weren't for the drugs, I don't think you could say that was without trying....). Ridiculous.

Given that I have been so misinformed, I have stopped reading. I have started working my toosh off every day, and quit waiting on the weight fairy to come and take back her missing lbs. I guess it's working, and I'm just bitter that it took me 6 months to realize that I'm not some skinny 21 yr old that can bounce back from a 40 lb, 9 month bender and be "bikini ready" in  3 months. Stupid 21 yr olds.

But for real....I love you guys. Even when I'm mean.