Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's all about the little victories...and the BIG purchases

Hello all! I'm not sure if you knew it, but its December....as in the LAST month of the year. Holy cow. Where did the year go?! My little Amelia will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. 7 WEEKS! It seems like so much has happened since my last post so please forgive me in advance for being completely scattered. It's 7:15AM, I've been up for 2 hours and chances are good that the tiny one will be joining me at any moment, so if this post drops off out of no where, you will know why ;-)

Well I'm pretty sure that when I last blogged, my little one was starting to smile and be awake for longer stretches, she probably was sleeping for a good 4 hours during one stint at night and I'm not sure if I shared or not, but her insides were not functioning properly....if you know what I mean. Things are still similar to the aforementioned, but so different at the same time. Mia smiles all the time now! It's the cutest thing I have ever seen. I still can't find that 1 thing that consistently makes her do it, so Im always pleasantly surprised when my sessions of cooing and making funny faces pays off. Its kind of like she's just humoring me....and I'm ok with that. I have a feeling this is only the start of a long line of her humoring me in one way or another ;-) I figure it's the least she can do, afterall, she does have a personal assistant to cater to her every whim 24/7. She is really starting to become more and more aware of her surroundings too. She recognizes me now and will follow where I am (assuming I'm not right next to her). When Dan gets home and night, she lights up! Its adorable :) She is really starting to gain control of her head too. She still is kind of wobbly and I get the occasional head butt (hopefully unintentional), but I got to give her credit, I mean, that is a HUGE brain she is carrying around....so it's going to take time to get full control of the sheer volume!

Now, I think I've established over the last almost year that this blog is a no holds bar kind of forum, so here goes. My new rant topic: poop. (*immediately everyone logs off*) I'm pretty sure there was a time in my life where being pooped on first thing in the morning would have been a good indicator of a bad day to come. That is no longer the case. From about week 2, Mia has had problems going to the bathroom, and was super gasy (which I can only assume she got from her father). When we saw the pediatrician, I let her know that she was only going once every 3-4 days. And by day 4, like any human would be, she was not a happy camper. The doctor said that was still in the "normal" range, and not to worry. Well let me just tell you what the normal range is: babies can poop after every feeding (8-10 times a day) or they can go up to 5 days without a movement. Seriously?? wow. Well, being the expert that I am on these things, I decided to diagnose my child on my own because while the doctor can tell me what's "normal", she does not have to endure the sad faces and colichy behavior that comes along with an infant that hasn't pooped in 4 days. So, I determined that maybe she had a lactose allergy. I changed her formula to soy, and have noticed a dramatic difference. Now, she's an every 2 day pooper.....still not a lot for a baby, but hey, I'm not going to complain about not having to change 8 poopy diapers a day! This is what I meant when I referred to small victories....

And I officially just wrote more about poop in one day that I suspected I would in a lifetime....not that I ever predicted I would write about it in general....but you get my point.

Another small victory is the fact that Mia is now doing a 5 hour stretch at night! MOST nights, she will go to sleep around 10 and wake up at 3. This is huge! I never dreamed that I would be this excited about 5 hours of sleep, especially given that pre-Mia, I was an 8-10 hr/night sleeper, but good Lord...give me 5 hours any day now over the 2-2 1/2 I was getting at a time before! Its amazing how refreshed I feel during the day now ;-) I even attempted a workout last week (from which I am still recovering). She is also napping regularly during the day, and I find that once she goes to sleep, I go into speed racer mode. Never knowing when she is going to wake up makes me prioritize things very differently....and move much more quickly. Yesterday, she went down around 3:15 and got up at 5:30. during that time, I was able to clean my entire apartment (including dusting and vaccuuming), do 3 loads of laundry (fold and put away), prep dinner and sit down for a little 'me' time :) I was actually waiting for her to wake up when I got done. Needless to say, I am starting to get my groove I think. I think the one thing I'm lacking now some sort of schedule. I like things to be predictable, and while there is a general theme to my days....there is still not a solid schedule. I know that she's only 7 weeks old though, so I'm trying to give it time. Patience is not my stong suit...even now.

Last BIG pice of news is our purchase :) Dan and I will be closing on our first house next month! This was something we had intended to be a little further down the line, but we came across a deal we just couldn't pass up. We had been looking at builders in Frisco hoping we could move into a new home sometime in the summer. Well one of the builders had an inventory home on a large lot with the floorplan we had fallen in love with for sale to be finished next month! Since the home was already being built, there were already a lot of upgrades in it and since it's the end of the year, we got a great deal. We are still going through the process of selecting our finishes, but everything should be finalized in the next week and we will get our closing date! I could not be more excited to be moving into a bigger and permanent place. The house is gorgeous, it really is our dream home :) Once we get everything finalized, I will post some pics. Until then, please pray that everything goes smoothly for us on that front!

I am still thrilled to be able to be at home with Mia, if I were working I would most likely be going back next week. It's probably a good thing I'm not.....last week I walked out of the house twice with my top on inside out. The other times, there is no doubt I had spit up somewhere on my person or was wearing sweat pants that hadn't been washed in a week. Dan's one lucky S O B ;-) I just keep getting sexier.

Well, I am guessing I have about 3 minutes to spare before I get to hang with the little one again, so I'm thinking I might go brush my teeth or something equally exciting ;-)

We just got our edits back from Mia's newborn pics, so here are some of my favs... :)

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