Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This year, I am Thankful for.....

Well, I've now started this blog entry 4 times. Maybe this one will make it to the world wide web ;-) I have been so scatter brained lately that I often forget why I've walked into the bathroom...even when I'm about to pee my pants. Its ridiculous.

Tomorrow marks 4 weeks with our sweet baby :) Hard to believe its been almost a month already! She changes so much from day to day, its amazing. I am so glad I can be with her all the time so I don't miss anything.

Since, as hard as I try, I am not updating this blog on a weekly basis, I thought I would go ahead and jump the gun a little and, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, tell everyone what I'm thankful for this year....and SPOILER ALERT it's not ONLY the precious baby that's sleeping in my lap as we speak ;-)

This year, I have so much to be thankful for. The whole year has been one big blessing after another. I'm so thankful that when Dan and I decided we were ready to make our family of 2, a family of 3, we were able to get 'er done in just one shot ;-) I'm so thankful that I was never sick during my pregnancy, that there were never any complications, and more importantly, even though I packed on a whopping 40 lbs....I got NO STRETCH MARKS (thank you Lord!) I'm thankful that Mia carried to term, and that when I delivered her, things went as smoothly as they could have gone, and when she got here, she was perfectly healthy. I'm thankful that my recovery was only miserable for a couple days, and that during those days, I was able to have the two people that love me more than anyone else (Dan and my mom) taking care of me. I'm so so so thankful for my husband who works so hard, allowing me to be at home with our baby during this special time....and that he's not rushing me to go back before I'm ready. Even more than that, I'm thankful that I have such an amazing partner in this. A man who transitioned so seemlessly from husband to daddy. A man who comes home after a 12 hour work day and immediatly jumps into daddy mode. He looks forward to feeding her and having her fall asleep on his chest. For that, I am so thankful. I'm aslo thankful for my family. Mia is the 4th baby girl to enter the Swindle family, yet she has been embraced and loved like she is the first and only (as were each of the others :)) I'm eternally thankful that I have had such an amazing role model during my 29 years...my mom. She is the reason I wanted to be a mom in the first place. I look forward to having the kind of relationship with Mia that I share with my own mom. I'm thankful for the support of my friends. Mia is so lucky to have so many aunts who love her so much, and each of you bring something different and special to the table. As she gets older, she will undoubtedly see exactly what I see in each of you and know why I couldn't have done this without you :) Finally, and most importantly, I am thankful for my baby girl, Amelia Anne. I'm so happy to wake up to her every morning (and midnight and 3 AM ;-)). I am thankful that I get to be with her all day and listen to her funny noises she makes when she sleeps and see the faces she makes when she wakes up, or when she's starting to get upset. I love how she loves to get a big stretch in right when she wakes up, and even though her toots are deadly, I love those too. This year has been the best I have had in my life.....I could not ask for more.

I've attached a couple of pictures, sorry most of them are when she's sleeping....that is the time I have my hands free ;)

I caught a sleep smile :)

See, she DOES have eyes ;-) They are beautiful and blue, but its hard to tell from this pic

our first shopping trip!

Mia got all dolled up for Grammy's 60th birthday party. This was after I took off the enormous headband ;-) Dan swears she is going to hate me....i disagree

Big Stretches!

In case I don't make it back on here before next week, hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

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