Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bella, the forgotten child - 9(ish) months

Dear Bella,

I hope that you never look back and realize that when I was pregnant with your sister I posted a blog weekly leaving a record of her every in-utero movement. And I hope you don't wander across the blog that I created after she was born (Errr....this blog...) documenting all of her monthly milestones and measurements, her pictures I posted of every "first" and PLEASE for the love of all things holy, don't go searching around for "your" baby book. I'm terrible. I love you, but I have been terrible at documenting your life.  Now, I'm going to take part of the blame for that, but you should know that you just recently began sleeping through the, I hate to break it to you, but part of this is on you ;)

You know what, we're going to start fresh....from the fun stuff. You will be 9 months old next week and I can tell you that this is my favorite month yet! You have been sitting up on your own for some time now (notice I am uncertain of when you started doing this, but I believe it was around 6 mo). Sitting, by the way, is AWESOME.....for you and mommy both. Around the same time you started going to town on baby food. We started you once a day at night, but you have very quickly become a 3 square kinda girl. We moved you into your bedroom to sleep around 5 months. Mostly because you were sleeping IN mommy's bed very regularly and mommy was scared to death that you would remain there for the duration. Don't get me wrong, I love having you close.....but I also learned that I need sleep. Any amount will do, but some-ish is totally necessary for me to function in society. For the next couple of months you still woke once a night to eat. It is likely because I made sure to advise people when your sister was a baby of what a terrible idea it was to feed your baby if they cried in the middle of the night. You know, because I was an expert after my first child who slept through the night freakishly at 10 weeks old. Finally about a month and a half ago, you started sleeping all the way through the night. And for that, I thank you. Of. Difference. Now you go to bed around 7 and you wake up around 6. It's amazing. You, like your big sis, are already super routined at night. I have to giggle sometimes....I mean, I know I did it to you, but still, you are like clockwork! We come home after school, you eat some puffs while I get sister's dinner ready, then you guys eat together. you eat a few more puffs while I clean up then we all go upstairs for bathtime. You and I watch as Mia performs her songs and dances before bathtime, then you both hop in for a bath. You love splashing in the water and chewing on all the letters floating around :) You never even seem to notice me washing your hair or body, which is fine by me. Once we're done, I get you out and dressed while Mia plays a little longer. Then you play while I get her in her jammies. We all head downstairs, you start a bottle while Mia watches a show, then you and I head upstairs to finish your bottle and rock before I lay you in your crib for bed. You rarely fuss once I put you down. Again...awesome. You like to sleep head down, booty up. It's adorable, but at this point, just about everything you do is. Except in the mornings when I'm about to walk out the door and you spit up all down my pant leg, then I don't notice it until someone at work points it out to me.....that's not so adorable. But everything else....precious.

You also started crawling about a month ago (just before 8 months). You started as an army crawler and now occasionally you will get those knees under you and make it legit. Whether you are on your knees or your tummy....YOU ARE FAST! I also turned around the other day to see you had pulled yourself up on Mia's ottoman in her room! I couldnt believe it. And you didn't look surprised at all....but you were very proud of yourself. You just lit up, like you always do in the mornings.

You started saying "da-da" and "ma-ma" around 8 months too. It really depends on who you ask as to "what you said first", but I know I heard "MAMA!". It was loud and clear, and OBVIOUSLY you were talking about me and not merely making sounds. Clearly you're already light years ahead of the game.

You moved up a class in daycare 2 weeks ago. We have since made 2 visits to the doctors office. Welcome to suite 150!! You seem to be doing very well in there though aside from the whole Hand, Foot, Mouth thing....and subsequent ear infection.

Well those are all the big things, milestone wise. But I saved my favorite thing for last. It's not a new thing, but it has been and will likely remain my favorite.....your smile. Arabella, you have a smile that lights up the room. And the best part about it, is that you're not stingey with it! You smile at everyone :) It is the first thing I wake up to and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep. I miss it while I'm at work and I'm jealous of your teachers for getting to see it all day long. My next favorite thing is your fake laugh....WHY DO MY KIDS HAVE FAKE LAUGHS??? I swear one day, you'll think I'm funny. When it's Mia doing something silly like tickling your feet, blowing on your tummy or back, or throwing a ball (clearly she got my skills in sports), you bust out the real deal....but you've got the fake one in the pocket for your old mom, if she's not cutting the mustard ;)

So Bella, there you have it. You're 9 months worth of awesome. I hope you don't ever look back and think I didn't love you because I didn't write things down as much. Please know that I cherish it all. Every smile, every tantrum (which you've perfected as well), every fake laugh, every time you clap your hands (even when you miss), and every time you kick your feet because you see someone you recognize and love (especially your Daddy). And the best part about it is.........second child or not, you're my first and only Arabella.

I love you, Boo.

First time in a high chair! Eating out just got real.
Crazy hat day at school!
First puffs
Bathtime is the BEST time!
Straight chillin'
Frozen tethers rock. That is all. Also, walkers rock.
Pool time!
My loves <3
Check you stuff ;)
Our nightly pre-bedtime ritual :)
First real finger foods! We are one step closer to no more baby food!!