Saturday, November 2, 2013

38 Weeks - END UPDATE

Well hello friends! Today I am 38w4d pregnant. And.....we have an end date :) I had said from the get go that I would wait up to a week after my due date to consider induction.....well things change. That's the drawback of writing all my thoughts out on a public forum like this. You all know how quickly my mind jumps from one idea to another ;-) This is just going to be a quick update because I have WAY too much getting ready to cram into what little time we have left, so to make a very long story short.....We will meet little Arabella sometime on Wednesday (this coming week). I have remained at 1cm since 36 weeks (which is further than I ever got on my own with Mia) and not really progressed much since, but my doctor and I have talked and agreed that it is time to meet the newest Jones. I will be inducing on my 39 week marker. I could not be more thrilled!

As you can imagine, even with 9 full months of notice that we will be welcoming another little gift from God, there is still plenty left to be done. Mostly erroneous things like organizing MY closet and of course the pantry and the know, all those places that our new little one will be hanging out most often ;-) Dan and I have our bags packed and are finalizing plans for our first little one while we are at the hospital. Why is it that SHE is my biggest concern?? We have both our parents IN TOWN and willing to help as much as we want, not to mention she LOVES them.....probably more than she loves us. But I just keep thinking to myself that we are deserting her. I have issues. I realize this. She will be fine, and so will we......So, moving on. We are also in the midst of trying to sell our car. Dan purchased a new (to us) vehicle last week so we are trying to rid ourselves of the extra one we have lying around before I lose the rest of my spare time to an infant who requires my boobs every 3 hours and a toddler who requires the rest of my body for the remaining hours of the day. I think there is a chance I have over committed :) I will wrap up work on Tuesday and we will head to the hospital at a TBD time on Wednesday morning. I could not be more thrilled. We, of course, are still praying that she decides to surprise us and make an appearance on her own, but in case she's comfy in there (as Mia was), we decided to create a plan B.

As for how I'm feeling physically.....I feel 38w4d pregnant. I am huge, I am not sleeping well and I am having painful contractions that come out of nowhere and make me feel like I have some sort of spasm disorder. I realize this is all part of the process and I feel very blessed to have had such a complication free pregnancy thus far, but I will also say that, aside from feeling every little movement of my tiny dancer, I will not miss being this pregnant. It's not a ton of fun. BUT I know the payoff is worth every ache and pain and every extra lb.

If you think about the Joneses in the next week, we'd appreciate any prayers and positive thoughts you want to send our way. And stay tuned in to instagram and facebook for photo updates of our new precious addition! In the meantime, here's the last few of me:
 37 Weeks
38 weeks