Tuesday, July 16, 2013

23 Weeks

I have attempted to start this post at least 3 times. The biggest problem I'm running into is lack of Bella-related updates. Sad. I have a human growing inside of my body and the only thing I  can think to tell you is that my almost-2 yr old learned to sing her ABC's and is now putting words together into sentences. I hope, genuinely, that this is just a dull month in my pregnancy/Bella-related life....and I'm about 98% sure that's the case. Although, you guys may never know because I have a strange feeling that taking care of 2 children, ages 2 and under, while working full time is not going to lend itself to tons of free time for blogging....call me crazy.

I guess what I can tell you is how my last doctor visit went. We got to see our new little angel on the big screen again, and she was every bit as stubborn as her sister. She was facing back most of the time and in breech position (which is no reason for concern at the moment) and she had those legs glued together! Luckily, I wasnt as anxious about that part seeing as how we already knew she was a girl. It was pretty cool to watch her suck on her hands (just like Mia!) and kick her little feet though. It's so crazy that she's already formed enough to do that. She weighed in at 11 oz when I was 20 weeks. I dont really know what that means except that the sono tech informed me she measured in line with my due date. Good enough for me. My health is good, I haven't had a lot to complain about. I'm putting on weight, I know that's shocking ;-) but it's nothing ridiculous, and I feel like so far it's mostly belly. My next appointment is next Thursday when I will be 24w1d. They scheduled another sonogram because at 20 weeks there were unable to see 2 of the valves in the heart. My doc assured me that it was most likely just her position and told me not to worry. Maybe it's because it's not my first, but I'm not worried.

I went back and read my last blog and given that it was during a summer of record heat, I had a lot of complaining to do. I am thrilled that for the last several days the highs have been in the 70's and it has been overcast and rainy. It's been AH-MAZING. Thank you GOD! :) I realize this is going to be short-lived, but I'm trying to enjoy it while I can. Aside from that, I've been really busy at work and at home, I think that has added to this pregnancy going by so much faster than my last! I mean, don't get me wrong, I prefer being NOT pregnant if I had to choose, but considering my body is not my own at the moment, I am not having to rough a go of it ;-) I'm going to take that as a sign that Bella is a low-maintenance chick, kinda like her momma, cause Lord knows we dont need another drama queen!! Mia's got that one covered.

As for how my first born is doing.....she's doing awesome :) Aside from the first few things I mentioned, she can name all of the characters in the Mickey Mouse show, she points out every tractor we pass on the way to/from ANYwhere (some are even there ;-)), OH and she now enjoys kicking us. It's super awesome and has resulted in our first "time-outs". They seem to work for the moment, but it hasn't stopped this new awesome habit. Houston, we've reached terrible 2 status. It's a good thing it comes in spurts, because her little 5 minute tantrums wear me out....AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FA THAT! ;-) Besides that, she is hilarious....obviously a trait she gets from her momma :) and she keeps us on our toes. We always ask her about her sister, Bella, and she will kiss my belly, or go into Bella's room to play with her toys. I am hoping this adoration carries over once the new one is here....

Until next time, here's a few pics from the last couple weeks :)
Mommy's helper :-)
At the arboretum
Splashing around with daddy
Our little firecracker :-)
Profile on top, lady parts on bottom