Thursday, May 16, 2013

To steal the words of Jessie Spano: Im so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so....SCARED!

Well hello again my faithful followers. It's been a while. I guess that's mostly my fault....or ALL my fault. Get off my back, I've been busy!

I bet you're wondering what brings me back to the blogosphere, well I hear what you do for one child, you must do for all. In case you didn't grasp my subtlety, that's me telling you I'm pregnant.....again. It probably wasn't necessary for me to write "again" given that it is impossible for me to STILL be pregnant for the first time. And might I add, thank GOD for that! So, here I am. Again. Baby number 2 is due November 13.

I can tell you that this was not "planned" and although we are now absolutely ecstatic to be welcoming another baby GIRL to our first reaction was fear. Complete and utter fear. Am I going to have enough patience? Will I love this baby as much as I love Mia? How will I possibly function on fewer than 8 hrs of sleep a night...again?! And more importantly.....I have to get fat??? AGAIN??? ;-) Well since we have had some time for everything to sink in, and I have been able to see this beautiful baby on the big screen twice already (once as a blob and once as a baby), I can tell you with the upmost confidence that I will love this baby as much as I love my first. I may not have enough patience, and I WILL be tired....very tired, but that is where prayer comes in....and Daddy :)

So, while I can assure you that I will not be posting weekly to update you as to the status of my boobs, I can tell you with some confidence, that in an effort to be fair, I will attempt to document this pregnancy as I did Mia' brace yourself and get your barf bags ready! You should fully expect the exact same amount of whining seeing as how I managed to get myself into this situation again on almost the exact same know, because I LOVED being pregnant in the heat of the summer so much the first time ;-)

As of today, I am 14 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I am just starting to feel pregnant and have gotten a little pooch already. Luckily this time, my belly growth is exceeding my booty growth and can still fit into all of my clothes, although in the spirit of full disclosure, I did have to Jerry-rig my pants this morning to get them buttoned. I have put on 3 lbs and have full-on awkward teenaged acne....everywhere. Its just as awesome as I remember.

And since I'm not the only character in the movie this time, my other little ray of sunshine is doing just awesome. Mia has been in daycare for just about 7 months. She LOVES her teachers and is talking up a storm. Her favorite word is 'no' and she has a slight obsession with her blankeys and at the moment, Mickey Mouse (which she refers to as 'Oh tootles!'). She is the light of my life and I can't wait to see her as a big sis.

And for the first of many.....
14 wks