Sunday, October 28, 2012

Best. Year. Ever.

Dear Mia,

You made it! You are officially a whole year old! I can hardly believe it. The night before your birthday your daddy and I were reminiscing about how we were going in to the hospital that night and we remembered how anxious and excited we were. We were trying to picture what you were going to look like and how life was going to be as a party of 3. There was never a moment that we thought it would be anything short of fantastic, but you far exceeded anything that we could have expected. You are amazing. Every day I am surprised by the new things you are doing and the new little ways you have to show your ever blooming personality. You are just a dream come true....and we love you more than words.

But enough with the mushy stuff....we have A LOT to catch up on from the last month! You'll have to forgive me (yet again) because mommy was to frazzled this month to even think of writing things down. So you're going to have to go on the ole memory, which is fuzzy at best. I guess I should start with the fact that for the last 5 1/2 weeks you have been in daycare. This was a daycare that I carefully selected based on recommendations from parents as well as my own personal visit to the center with you. It was, in my opinion, the best. I was trying to prepare myself for the inevitable germ intrusion, but I had no idea what I was in for. Mommy went back to work on a Monday, so for my own sanity, I started you in daycare the Wednesday just before, so that I could deal with my separation issues in the privacy of my own home as opposed to on my first day at a new job. Although, in retrospect, it wouldn't have mattered much.....but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Well, by Friday, you already had a runny nose. The first weekend, we spent sucking snot out of your face and dosing you with benedryl for what we were sure was allergies and....say it with me....TEETHING! Well, we were wrong. Like BIG TIME wrong. On Monday, the daycare called and you had a fever. Luckily your daddy was able to pick you up and take you to the doctor because, being my very first day of work, I was not so flexible. Well, turns out, you had your first ear infection, but you didn't leave it at that....nope you doubled it up. Perfect. So, Day 3 of daycare = huge success :-/ In most daycares (ours included) if you are sent home with a fever, you cannot go back the next day regardless of the circumstances. Lucky for us, and you, Grammy stayed home with you on Tuesday. Wednesday, we were back at it. I believe you made it through friday, but not withoug a constant stream of something running down the center of your face. I was thrilled (you'll learn later in life to decipher my sarcasm....but until then, this was it). Weekend 2 we spent still trying to get you better. You weren't sleeping great at night, you were super fussy during the was just an all around good time for everyone invovled. Week 2 (full week at least) you made it to 10AM on Monday before they called me to come pick you up because you had a fever. Perfect. So, again, we went back to the doctor for her to tell us that nothing was wrong. Tuesday, Grandmother came to stay with you since, again, I was unable to take off work. At this point, both your dad and I were asking ourselves "why did I go back to work again?!", but I had to keep reminding us that this was only a phase and you WOULD get past it. Wednesday, back to daycare (are you noticing a theme yet?!). I believe you made it through Wednesday and Thursday that week, but Friday, they called around 2 and you had a fever....again, and you had thrown up twice. So, back to the doctor we went (if you'll recall, for the SECOND time this week). It turns out you had a stomach bug, so we took you home and tried to get you back up to par before week 3 started....It was another long weekend of sleepless nights and strange days with long naps and fussy baby. On Monday, it was back to daycare. You made it through Monday, but they felt like you weren't feeling good. I agreed, but you didnt have a fever and no real symptoms, so we decided to wait it out. Well Tuesday, you got sent home again....fever. So, back to the doctor we headed. This time, FLU! Well she assured me that we had encountered almost all the major things except for strep (dear Lord, please don't let that be what next week holds!) so we should be starting to get over the hump. In the meantime she said that it was one of those things that just kind of runs it's course. Well, as soon as we left the doc, your fever broke. I stayed away from giving you tylenol to see how you'd do, and sure enough, you were good. You slept through the night adn we slowly watched our playful, happy baby return to us :) Grammy stayed with you again on Wendesday and you were back to daycare on Thursday. Friday was your bday, so your daddy took off to hang with you. You guys came to meet me for lunch....BEST lunch date ever! :)

So, after all that, last week was awesome. you were a champ! No fever, no runny nose! You napped twice almost every day (which was another thing you were having a hard time doing there) and you are entertaining them regularly like you do with us here :) The only thing last week (because apparently there always has to be a "thing") is that you had a horrible diaper rash. Now, i say this because you have only had any sort of diaper rash ONCE before in your whole life. This was a doozy. Your little toosh was so raw that you wouldnt sit in the bath or on anything and changing your diaper was heartbreaking. When we went to your 1 year check up (to be discussed later) the doc prescribed a diaper cream (the most expensive diaper cream on the planet, I'm pretty sure) that seems to have taken care of it quite nicely. So, done and done. To sum up. Daycare - 4. Mia -1 ;-)

Next up, your birthday party! Mommy decided to try and get creative and do the decor herself....I think it turned out pretty cute. I didn't get many pics as you were glued to the right side of my body, but I am hoping my photographically gifted sister in law (thats you, Kels!) will send me some of the ones she took, and I will post them later :) But basically, we had 30 of your closest friends and relatives (you are one popular little girl) over to help us celebrate. You had a great time playing and opening your gifts....the cake though, not such a hit. Although, once the attention was off you, you had your way with a cupcake and some ice was adorable, chekc it out....
and yes I stripped you down just made sense

I think singing to you was probably scarier than we wanted it to be, next year I think I'm going to have everyone just whisper "happy birthday, Mia"

this was very preliminary, but your banner says "happy birthday Mia" (thanks, Pinterest)

This is your wall of pics. I printed a bunch of b&w pics and hung them on it's hanging in your playroom :)

what girl doesn't love animal print?!
The next day we spent recovering. It was a great weekend!

So, what else is new with you, you ask? Well, you took your first steps! You are still not "walking", but don't feel bad, you get around bear-style much faster than most kids on 2 feet. I think if it took you longer to get where you wanted to be, you might have taken to it faster. You have also managed to bust out with about 8 new teeth! I should add, that they are all BUT your two front teeth....I bet I know what you want for Christmas ;-) You are talking and singing up a storm now! You say "dad", "mama", "dog", "Go! Go!" (this is what we say to Luci alot, so now when you see her, you say's awesome!), "night night", "bye bye", "baby", "Bath", "yea", "Hi".....I'm telling's ridiculous! Maybe you're trying to over compensate for not quite walking yet ;-)

At your one year appt, you weighed in at 20lb3oz, the 30%. The doc thinks because you were sick and you've started moving around so much your weight has slowed way down. Your height, on the other hand, is right on  track still. You are 30" long, 75%. The doc says everything is good and those two front teeth should pop through any day. You also have already had your 1 year molars come through which I guess is a good thing, but probably added to the drama the last couple weeks. Not that I would have noticed given that there was nothing normal about your first few weeks in daycare!

Well, I guess that's about it. Things are finally getting back to "normal". And when I say that, I mean our new normal. Now daddy gets you up in the morning and gives you your bottle (still 6 oz, but now of MILK!!) then mommy takes you to daycare. I work close to there so I am normally back to pick you up by 5:10 and we head home and eat dinner. After dinner you take a bath, which is still one of your favorite times of the day....then we play a little more and you are normally out for the count before 7.

I can't say this has been a smooth transition, but I think that all things considered, you have done pretty well.....and I guess your dad and I have too ;-) I'll tell you one thing really sets our priorities straight. I no longer take for granted (not that I thought I did before) any time I have with you. I try to savor it and remember everything because it's even more apparent that things are moving very quickly, and I dont want to miss anything!

On one last note, halloween is coming up. We're not totally sure what we're going to do, but we got you a costume (pics later) and we'll prob show up to the grandparents' houses at some point to show it off ;-) This weekend, we took you to the pumpkin patch in Celina. It was fun, but I guarantee next year, you'll really love it. By then, you'll know the animals and be able to enjoy the hayride.....but I think it was a good tradition to start :)

Well Mia....Great first year. Way to make it yours ;-) We are so in love with you that I can't even put it into words. Thank you for making us parents. We love you, Mimi!

Mommy and Daddy